Michel Nadot - Discipline of Nursing

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Table of Contents

1 Cover

2 Title page Series Editor Bruno Salgues

3 Copyright First published 2020 in Great Britain and the United States by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licenses issued by the CLA. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned address: ISTE Ltd 27–37 St George’s Road London SW19 4EU UK www.iste.co.uk John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 USA www.wiley.com © ISTE Ltd 2020 The rights of Michel Nadot to be identified as the author of this work have been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Library of Congress Control Number: 2020942263 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-78630-429-2

4 Foreword

5 Preface

6 Introduction

7 PART 1: Lay Knowledge 1 Role of History1.1. Lay knowledge 1.2. A difficult history for an ordinary experience 2 The Hospital as a Place to Talk 2.1. The origin of the hospital 2.2. The care environment 3 Care Before 1850 3.1. Maison staff 3.2. Sacred values in the period of lay knowledge 3.3. Nurses ( enfermières ) 3.4. Nurses and gardes-malades 3.5. City physicians 4 Practices and Knowledge 4.1. Domus or looking after property life 4.2. Hominem or looking after human life 4.3. Familia or looking after group life 4.4. Never enough time to do everything 5 A Return to Image: Minion Syndrome 5.1. Even more knowledge 5.2. The economically unnecessary provision of services

8 PART 2: Protodisciplinary Knowledge 6 From Hospital-School to School-Hospital 6.1. A non-religious form of training 6.2. Valérie de Gasparin and Florence Nightingale 7 The Advent of Medical Writing 7.1. The ERR process for practical knowledge 7.2. Nursing students and writing 8 Towards Higher Education 8.1. Women’s groups 8.2. Non-university higher education structures 8.3. Towards university schools and scientific research 8.4. Europe and the Hautes écoles spécialisées (HES) 9 A Return to Image: The Shaping of Knowledge 9.1. Duplication of reduced knowledge 9.2. The problematic identity of knowledge

9 PART 3: Scientific Knowledge 10 Nursing Sciences? 10.1. Profession first, discipline and science second! 10.2. Historical constants of the discipline 11 The Construction of the Discipline 11.1. The green knowledge theory 11.2. Compulsory basic knowledge 12 Identity and Discipline 12.1. Why health mediology? 12.2. The identity of our knowledge and health mediology 13 A Return to Image: “Where Do We Go Now”? 13.1. An intergenerational continuity of knowledge 13.2. Ordinary practices before advanced practices

10 Conclusion

11 References

12 Index

13 End User License Agreement

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 2 Figure 2.1. A lay hospital on Catholic soil in 1606.

2 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. In this picture of the Freiburg hospital in 1582, we can see clues t...

3 Chapter 10Figure 10.1. Chronology of the emergence of the four practical fields of occupat...Figure 10.2. Foundations of the care discipline. First foundation of knowledge o...Figure 10.3. Appearance of cultural systems (CS) in terms of knowledge in the mo...Figure 10.4. Three cultural groups have guided healthcare action since the end o...Figure 10.5. The three MEDs: in terms of knowledge, nurses draw from the environ...Figure 10.6. Conceptual references are developing. North American female metathe...Figure 10.7. Behind the concepts developed by the discipline, we can identify 14...Figure 10.8. Dynamic surface of knowledge arranged according to language traditi...

4 Chapter 11Figure 11.1. The different “floating” multicolored knowledge within the nursing ...Figure 11.2. Diagram of the construction of fundamental knowledge for a discipli...Figure 11.3. Green knowledge. Perspectives of a discipline gradually coming toge...Figure 11.4. Foundations of disciplinary knowledge carried by conceptualized lan...Figure 11.5. Different long-term knowledge, more or less specialized, is gradual...Figure 11.6. Recipients of clinical nurse specialist (CNS) and nurse practitione...Figure 11.7. Diagram of authoritative knowledge or the development of scientific...

5 Chapter 12Figure 12.1. The “3 MEDs” that determine the identity of the language of care in...

6 Chapter 13Figure 13.1. Continuity of caregiver language over the long term [NAD 12a]

List of Tables

1 Chapter 7Table 7.1. The ERR process, synthesis [GHA 99]


1 Cover

2 Table of Contents

3 Title page Series Editor Bruno Salgues

4 Copyright First published 2020 in Great Britain and the United States by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licenses issued by the CLA. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned address: ISTE Ltd 27–37 St George’s Road London SW19 4EU UK www.iste.co.uk John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 USA www.wiley.com © ISTE Ltd 2020 The rights of Michel Nadot to be identified as the author of this work have been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Library of Congress Control Number: 2020942263 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-78630-429-2

5 Foreword

6 Preface

7 Introduction

8 Begin Reading

9 Conclusion

10 References

11 Index

12 End User License Agreement


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