Digital Transformations in the Challenge of Activity and Work

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Digital Transformations in the Challenge of Activity and Work: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Table of Contents

1 Cover

2 Title Page Technological Changes and Human Resources Set coordinated by Patrick Gilbert Volume 3

3 Copyright First published 2021 in Great Britain and the United States by ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction in accordance with the terms and licenses issued by the CLA. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside these terms should be sent to the publishers at the undermentioned address: ISTE Ltd 27-37 St George’s Road London SW19 4EU UK John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 111 River Street Hoboken, NJ 07030 USA © ISTE Ltd 2021 The rights of Marc-Eric Bobillier Chaumon to be identified as the author of this work have been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Library of Congress Control Number: 2020946633 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978-1-78630-529-9

4 Introduction

5 PART 1: Towards an Overview of Digital Transformations… 1 Emerging Technologies and Issues for Activity and Occupational Health 1.1. Introduction 1.2. From properties to the uses of emerging technologies 1.3. Five paradoxes of the diffusion of technologies in/on the activity 1.4. Conclusion 1.5. References 2 Collaborative Work Platforms: Challenges for Business Development 2.1. Introduction 2.2. Two organizational challenges: empowering digital transformations and changing work practices 2.3. Stakes for the development of activity: knowing how to give meaning to a poly-contextual and multi-mediated activity 2.4. Conclusion 2.5. References 3 Virtual Reality: Definitions, Characteristics and Applications in the Workplace 3.1. Introduction 3.2. Some elements of definition 3.3. The main interaction devices 3.4. The main areas of application of virtual reality 3.5. Applications of virtual reality in industry 3.6. Conclusion 3.7. References 4 Robotization in Industries: A Focus on SMEs 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Focus on a robotization experiment in an industrial SME 4.3. Receiving support in order to better implement a robot: illustration by the Robot Start PME program 4.4. Conclusion 4.5. References 5 Serious Games for Vocational Training: From Emotional Labor to Knowledge Transfer 5.1. Introduction 5.2. Emotions, debriefing and learning 5.3. The context and framework of the Serious Escape Game (SEG) 5.4. Results 5.5. Discussion and conclusion 5.6. References 6 The “Old” Issues of the “New” Artificial Intelligence Systems in Professional Activities 6.1. Introduction 6.2. AI: elements of definition and recent developments 6.3. Functionalities and (potential)6 uses of new generation AI systems 6.4. The “new” generation of AI and the old challenges of transforming work situations 6.5. What are the approaches to designing and integrating AI systems in work situations? 6.6. Conclusion 6.7. References

6 PART 2: New Modalities and Forms of Work… 7 Challenges in Deploying Telework: Benefits and Risks for Employees 7.1. Telework: definitions and characteristics 7.2. The benefits of teleworking 7.3. The constraints and risks of teleworking 7.4. The challenges of deploying telework in organizations 7.5. Conclusion 7.6. References 8 The Reconfiguration of Managerial Practices through Digital Innovation: The Example of a Work Team in Site Renovation 8.1. Introduction: when digital technology is used on renovation sites 8.2. At the heart of the renovation sites 8.3. Understanding occupational risk prevention activity and prevention management 8.4. Ethnography of the activity on a renovation site 8.5. Confirming a culture of safety: prevention management 8.6. Digital innovation in occupational risk prevention: restructuring of management practices 8.7. Conclusion: towards a better consideration of digital innovations in prevention management 8.8. References 9 Integrating Collaborative Robotics into Work Situations: The Intentions of SME Managers in the Digital Transformation of their Companies 9.1. Transformations in work situations seen through the prism of technocentric solutions 9.2. Models of leadership activity to understand change management processes 9.3. Methodology for data collection and analysis 9.4. Managers' desires in the face of reality: an encounter that helped to shape their intentions 9.5. The reality, a messenger from the past, in a modernization project 9.6. References 10 The Role and Function of Technological Artifacts in Entrepreneurial Activity 10.1. Introduction 10.2. Theoretical foundations 10.3. Methodology 10.4. Results 10.5. Discussion and conclusion 10.6. References

7 PART 3: Psychosocial and Socio-organizational Impacts of the Diffusion of Technology 11 The New Physical Territories of Digital Activity 11.1. Introduction 11.2. Transformation of spaces and transformation of work and employment: “spatialized work” 11.3. From “spatialized work” to the division between space and work 11.4. Flexible work environments: from work to “activity” 11.5. What theoretical models for considering space and its transformations? 11.6. Conclusion 11.7. References 12 Digital Work, Disposable Work? When Opportunities to Explore Threaten the Meaning of the Activity 12.1. Introduction 12.2. The division of complex digital work 12.3. Chronic indeterminacy of the product 12.4. When the contingencies regime threatens work commitment 12.5. Conclusion 12.6. References 13 Is the Obsolescence of the Skills of Older Employees an Inevitable Consequence of Digitalization? 13.1. Introduction 13.2. Aging, work, technologies and skills obsolescence: theoretical elements 13.3. Question and methodology 13.4. Main results 13.5. Discussion and conclusion 13.6. References 14 Are Work Collectives and Digital Exposure Compatible? 14.1. Collective activity: major developments 14.2. Engineering: a highly digitized environment 14.3. Problem of the study 14.4. The methodology used 14.5. Main results: virtually hyper-instrumented collective work for invisible work collectives 14.6. Discussion 14.7. Conclusion 14.8. References

8 PART 4: Approaches and Methods for Conducting Digital Transformations 15 Prospective Ergonomics in Service of Technological Innovation 15.1. Introduction 15.2. A new form of intervention focused on creation and innovation 15.3. The context and challenges of prospective ergonomics 15.4. Foundations in several disciplines and fields of study 15.5. Prospective ergonomics intervention approach 15.6. Two cases of intervention 15.7. Conclusion 15.8. References 16 Simulating Digital Activity in the Making: Elements of Methodology 16.1. Introduction 16.2. Digital activity 16.3. Simulating digital activity 16.4. Two illustrations of digital activity simulation 16.5. Conclusion 16.6. References 17 Managing Technological Change 17.1. Introduction 17.2. Digital transformations, sources of threats and opportunities 17.3. Social and responsible management of new technologies 17.4. A model for responsible leadership of technological change within organizations 17.5. Conclusion 17.6. References 18 Exploring the Situated Acceptance of Emerging Technologies in and Concerning Activity: Approaches and Processes 18.1. Introduction 18.2. Models of technological acceptability: outlines and approaches 18.3. Frameworks for action and intervention to address situated acceptance 18.4. Conclusion 18.5. References

9 List of Authors

10 Index

11 End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 10Table 10.1. Methodological protocolTable 10.2. The starting point of the project (Step 1)Table 10.3. Redefining the project (Step 2)Table 10.4. Design of the model (Step 3)Table 10.5. Design of the model (Step 4). For a color version of this table, see...Figure 10.1. Evolution of the format and roles of the innovation object in the E...

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