Facundo G. Paredes - 7 ways to conquer yourself

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7 ways to conquer yourself: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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This book is thought to be a tool for the ones who would like to stop with the daily inertia to progress as well as to take the control of their life.
This is a trip to revise internal aspects and create new and constructive habits. Nowadays, we are called to be responsible of ourselves to reach the desire targets. Dare to live this challenge.
During 21 days, we will be working on the 7 aspects of our structure to stop with inertia and create significant changes on our experience.

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Paredes Facundo G Seven ways to conquer yourself Facundo G Paredes 1a - фото 1

Paredes, Facundo G.

Seven ways to conquer yourself / Facundo G. Paredes. - 1a ed . - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Autores de Argentina, 2020.

Libro digital, EPUB

Archivo Digital: online

ISBN 978-987-87-0826-3

1. Desarrollo Personal. 2. Ensayo Sociológico. I. Título.

CDD 158.1

Editorial Autores de Argentina


Translation: Agustina Bayarres

Contact: info@facundoparedes.com

For my family who I love them deeply, Vanesa, Selenia, Khan

For the people who taught me how to live, my parents

Thank you. This journey has just begun.


Prologue Prologue I share this book to you, not as an absolute truth, if not as a tool. I hope you can use it in your daily life to generate significant changes to reach fullness. The best times of the crisis generates such a pressure in your life causing an explosion of our talents and abilities. The key is to challenge ourselves to a maximum limit. We have to be able to achieve recognize genuinely who we really are, and how would not be done. For that reason, I thank you for meeting us in this pages. I hope you will enjoy it as I did it while I was writing this book. I hope you can implement it many times in your life to achieve the success you wish. Thank you for being here.

... ALL WISHES YOU WANT To be manifested, should be cared like a precious seed that you will plant in the land. You have to protected and water it every day with your love, attention and dedication in order to feed on your own garden. Imagine the seed will become a Big Tree and you will be fed by their fruits. As well as life feeds you back, through LOVE. ...

Introduction Introduction In this book I will not tell you any magic spell, nor I will not talk you about unreal issues. I will set out a way, a method to organized and predisposed your energy. By changing of your attitude, you will definitely transform your reality. Energy is real, and is also a concept that turn our thinking upside down in this century. People who is able to manage their energy and release their emotions, will be able to rule their world and reach all their aims. To reach this ordering, I have to go through an extreme situation in my life. I got all the knowledge but the most important thing was missing: GATHER MY THOUGHTS AND PUT IT INTO PRACTICE. To make this formula work, it must BE LIVED. It has nothing to do with intellectual information, it has to do by applying it in your daily life. Nothing will happen if you regret in the middle of the process and you decided to give up. You will just leave an opportunity to make your dreams come true. I think it is important to clear up this from the beginning, because after we start, we will need to focus our energy in this issue. We will implement these principals to get to know that the reality is not what we have learnt, or what we have gotten as understanding. This experience will mark a milestone and you will not be the same one. Let’s start!

Comfort zone Comfort zone Our live has stages, periods, moments of ecstasy, of apathy, sadness and happiness. As a personal experience, I have lived different circumstances that require internal challenges. For that reason, I wrote this book and you got it in your hands. By performing this process, I become aware of the uncomfortable situation I was living. The total convenience or conformity, will make you put off your dreams whereof it is harmful for yourself. If you put off your dreams, life becomes a cyclical inertia. Therefore, you stop being the protagonist of your life and you just become the visible face of your life. You will realise about it because every single thing will seem to be grey and every day will seem to be the same one time after time. Therefore, I suggest you the following: Take the control of your life! Go out from inertia, you are the only responsible for generating changes of welfare in your life, and you are not alone. Life comes from a SOURCE that makes our heart beat: You can call him LORD; you can call it Universe or you can call it Energy. All the meanings are valid, the most important is to recognize it. In this work is crucial to review thoroughly and expand our relation with this SOURCE. Therein resides all the Perfect that you desire to your life and I have also a good new: Is not about finding it outside, you do not have to go anywhere. No. Is in your interior, here and now, it is yours. By the time you start desiring it, it belongs to you. The key of your growth has to do with challenging yourself, your convenience and your comfort zone. In a certain way, the tension is desirable or necessary to break ground in your life and as result to lead you to another prosperous and rough life. Here we go!

The real desire The real desire The greatest revolution you may do in this age is to sow, water and take care of the wishes every day which inhabited you. Always remember to turn on the flame that comes from yourself. Avoid inertia. Be authentic, genuine and love your life. You are able to free yourself from your ties. Society’s message is the following: “they want as to turn off our inner flame” but they will not get it. Life is wonderful to live it. Trust yourself. Your desire and your energy are like fire. Your work is to feed it on and maintain it. In this book we will learn to turn on our flame, the one that inhabited you and as a consequence strengthen yourself to the maximum level. This work consists on developing a way or a method to implement it every time you desire and you decide. The way you feel It is important to concentrate in what you really feel, by concentrating on what habitats in your chest (heart). If you pay attention to your feelings, you will be able to inhabit the whole of yourself. Wake up your Authority. This process will lead you to know your own power. All your feelings are bases on a feeling, on a beat, on a frequency. The universe answers to our vibration, is not just to tell it. We cannot lie to Universe. Universe do not know about jokes. You are your real priority. You cannot trick yourself, therefore, is very important to be sincere with yourself, to listen to yourself, to feel your breath and just: to be yourself. Hence, ask to yourself: “Which is the concept I have about myself?” “What do I think about me?” There will not be time for reproaching. This moment will be for giving a chance to yourself, to hug you and to find yourself. You are your own temple, you are powerful. You are the most valuable for your Universe! Hug and love yourself. Give thanks for this moment. You decide to give sense to your life. Your responsibility is to learn to love yourself. Life has many ways to let you know that you are on the right path. You will be able to understand it in the moment you feel happiness, without knowing why, you will be happy just because. Life loves you.

Create your own reality Create your own reality You are the manager and the creator about what happens in your life. You are the masterpiece and the sculptor. Your responsibility is to be in charge of your success. The success you deserve it. Do not scare, I am serious. Being at the top of your dreams means effort, dedication, discipline and love. That’s the key! It is important to love yourself to get what you deserve and wish. “Love yourself” is not just a cliché that can be printed in a cup of coffee. It has to do with something bigger, sequentially, it will make your life more pleasant. To love yourself will help you to go out from pain and victimhood. Life is wonderful and it is allowed to commit mistakes and fall over (is completely necessary). It is time to forgive yourself and start again. Today start an incredible opportunity. Your thoughts, your feelings and everything you say is more important than you realise. Pay attention during all this days, observe your thoughts and the things you say, including the jokes you make. Note that this has any relationship with what you have been living this last times. Probably it has. Anything in this life happens by chance; there are different signs to take conscious of it. You have just to pay attention and you will realise quickly of what is the game about. Now I ask you: Are you ready to play?

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