His Virgin Bride
Interstellar Brides® Program: The Virgins - 4
Grace Goodwin
His Virgin Bride: Copyright © 2017
by Grace Goodwin
Interstellar Brides® is a registered trademark
of KSA Publishing Consultants Inc.
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical, digital or mechanical including but not limited to photocopying, recording, scanning or by any type of data storage and retrieval system without express, written permission from the author.
Published by KSA Publishers
Goodwin, Grace
Cover design copyright 2020 by Grace Goodwin
Images/Photo Credit: Deposit Photos: diversepixel, Genika
Publisher’s Note:
This book was written for an adult audience. The book may contain explicit sexual content. Sexual activities included in this book are strictly fantasies intended for adults and any activities or risks taken by fictional characters within the story are neither endorsed nor encouraged by the author or publisher.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
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YOUR mate is out there. Take the test today and discover your perfect match. Are you ready for a sexy alien mate (or two)?

Katie, The Touchstone, Planet Everis
Hours of preparation. Days of seduction. Flirting and batting my eyelashes and pretending that my soul was as pure as my virgin body.
All for nothing. My beautiful ball gown was in a heap on my soft bedroom carpet two floors below. The hours spent on my hair and makeup, nothing but a huge disappointment. Bryn had escorted me to the ball, told me I looked beautiful, danced with me. Held me. Tormented me with his body, his scent, the heat he allowed to show in his gaze when he thought I wasn’t looking. But when it was time to take things to the next level? Nothing.
“Stubborn jerk.” The words were barely a whisper, but I couldn’t be more committed to their truth if I’d shouted them from the top of Mount Everest back on Earth. The Elite Hunter, Bryn of Everis, was mine, even if he wasn’t ready to admit it. I’d dream shared with him. The marks in our palms heated whenever we drew close. What more proof did he want?
I stared at the man sleeping soundly in his bed a few short steps away. Yes, it was crazy to be here in his room—even worse, roaming the unmated males’ floor of the Touchstone in just my nightgown. What was the saying? Desperate times called for desperate measures. And I was desperate. And needy. And horny.
I slid the thin straps off my shoulders and let the material fall silently to the floor so I stood naked in the light of the two moons. They were beautiful, one a small silver disk in the sky, held a prison colony. The other was the palest green, the color said to be caused by miles and miles of farming structures built into the moon. Both moons were glowing, the light on Bryn’s face making him look too beautiful to be real.
Ethereal. Mystical. I wasn’t one for romantic notions, but as I stared at his sleeping form brought to life by dips and shadows of moonlight, he looked like something out of legend. A vampire. A god.
Too perfect to be real.
I’d sneaked into his room, the formal ball over hours ago. The dancing over. The dreaming?
I was tired of trying to seduce him in the dreams we shared. I didn’t want dreams. I wanted reality. I wanted to touch and taste and feel.
Stalking to the side of the bed on silent feet, I stared down at Bryn, the man who made me ache and want and burn. Made the mark on my palm pulse.
He’d given me a chaste kiss after the ball, walked me to the suite of rooms I shared with two other brides, Lexi and Dani, and ordered me to go to bed. Ordered! As if I were going to be docile and obedient when all I wanted was to be with him. Under him. Maybe then I’d let him be in charge. My nipples hardened, either from the cool air of the silent room or from the idea of a bossy Bryn in bed.
I ignored his command. Didn’t go to bed. I didn’t want to dream. Even in dreams he was implacable, refusing to touch me. We’d been dream sharing ever since I’d transported to Everis, the connection strong, just like my friend Lexi shared dreams with her Marked Mate, Von.
But Von acted as a mate should. He touched Lexi. Kissed her. Gave her pleasure and made her feel special, desirable, wanted. Lexi’s virginities were being taken one by one in the sacred way of the Everians, the way Officiate Treva had told all the Interstellar Brides about upon their arrival at the sacred site known as the Touchstone, where new brides from the Interstellar Brides Program were sheltered and protected until they accepted their mates’ claim.
A Hunter, a sexy-as-hell alien mate, was supposed to find me, seduce me, and claim my body in the sacred order of three. He was supposed to be so drawn to me that he didn’t have a choice, he would need to touch me. He’d first claim my mouth. Then my ass. And only when I agreed to be his forever, he would claim my pussy, filling me with his seed. The idea made me clench my inner walls. Ever since that first dream, I’d ached for him, yet he left me wanting.
Stubborn jerk.
No one had ever wanted me that badly. The way Von wanted—no, needed—Lexi. The way an Everian was supposed to want his mate. Just the way he looked at her made my chest ache for the same from Bryn. Hell, no one had ever really wanted me at all. Not my parents, who’d always been more interested in their next fix or their next party rather than the two children they’d brought into the world. Not my brother, who’d found his real family in the ruthless motorcycle club and had died for them last year on a deserted dirt road two counties over. A drug deal gone bad was all the cops would say. Not my loser ex-boyfriend who only wanted me for my lock picking and carjacking skills. Not the string of foster parents who’d seen nothing but a smart-mouthed teenage girl and counted down the days until my caseworker could find a new place for me to live.
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