Arthur Morrison
British Mystery Classics - Arthur Morrison Edition (Illustrated)
Martin Hewitt Investigator, The Red Triangle, The Case of Janissary, Old Cater's Money
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musaicumbooks@okpublishing.info2017 OK Publishing ISBN 978-80-7583-388-4
Martin Hewitt Series: Martin Hewitt Series: Table of Contents
The Lenton Croft Robberies
The Loss of Sammy Crockett
The Case of Mr. Foggatt
The Case of the Dixon Torpedo
The Quinton Jewel Affair
The Stanway Cameo Mystery
The Affair of the Tortoise
The Ivy Cottage Mystery
The Nicobar Bullion Case
The Holford Will Case
The Case of the Missing Hand
The Case of Laker, Absconded
The Case of the Lost Foreigner
The Affair of Mrs. Seton's Child
The Case of Mr. Geldard's Elopement
The Case of the Dead Skipper
The Case of the "Flitterbat Lancers"
The Case of the Late Mr. Rewse
The Case of the Ward Lane Tabernacle
The Affair of Samuel's Diamonds
The Case of Mr. Jacob Mason
The Case of the Lever Key
The Case of the Burnt Barn
The Case of the Admiralty Code
The Adventure of Channel Marsh
Short Stories:
The Narrative of Mr. James Rigby
The Case of Janissary
The Case of "The Mirror of Portugal"
The Affair of the "Avalanche Bicycle & Tyre Co., Ltd."
The Case of Mr. Loftus Deacon
Old Cater's Money
THE GREEN EYE OF GOONA (The Green Diamond)
The First Magnum
Mr. Norie's Magnum
Mr. Clifton's Magnum
The Steward's Magnum—and Another
Mr. Pooley's Magnum
A Box of Oddments
Mr. Smith's Magnums
The Green Eye
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
The Lenton Croft Robberies
Table of Contents
THOSE who retain any memory of the great law cases of fifteen or twenty years back will remember, at least, the title of that extraordinary will case, “Bartley v . Bartley and others,” which occupied the Probate Court for some weeks on end, and caused an amount of public interest rarely accorded to any but the cases considered in the other division of the same court. The case itself was noted for the large quantity of remarkable and unusual evidence presented by the plaintiff’s side—evidence that took the other party completely by surprise, and overthrew their case like a house of cards. The affair will, perhaps, be more readily recalled as the occasion of the sudden rise to eminence in their profession of Messrs. Crellan, Hunt & Crellan, solicitors for the plaintiff—a result due entirely to the wonderful ability shown in this case of building up, apparently out of nothing, a smashing weight of irresistible evidence. That the firm has since maintained—indeed enhanced—the position it then won for itself need scarcely be said here; its name is familiar to everybody. But there are not many of the outside public who know that the credit of the whole performance was primarily due to a young clerk in the employ of Messrs. Crellan, who had been given charge of the seemingly desperate task of collecting evidence in the case.
This Mr. Martin Hewitt had, however, full credit and reward for his exploit from his firm and from their client, and more than one other firm of lawyers engaged in contentious work made good offers to entice Hewitt to change his employers. Instead of this, however, he determined to work independently for the future, having conceived the idea of making a regular business of doing, on behalf of such clients as might retain him, similar work to that he had just done with such conspicuous success for Messrs. Crellan, Hunt & Crellan. This was the beginning of the private detective business of Martin Hewitt, and his action at that time has been completely justified by the brilliant professional successes he has since achieved.
His business has always been conducted in the most private manner, and he has always declined the help of professional assistants, preferring to carry out himself such of the many investigations offered him as he could manage. He has always maintained that he has never lost by this policy, since the chance of his refusing a case begets competition for his services, and his fees rise by a natural process. At the same time, no man could know better how to employ casual assistance at the right time.
Some curiosity has been expressed as to Mr. Martin Hewitt’s system, and, as he himself always consistently maintains that he has no system beyond a judicious use of ordinary faculties, I intend setting forth in detail a few of the more interesting of his cases in order that the public may judge for itself if I am right in estimating Mr. Hewitt’s “ordinary faculties” as faculties very extraordinary indeed. He is not a man who has made many friendships (this, probably, for professional reasons), notwithstanding his genial and companionable manners. I myself first made his acquaintance as a result of an accident resulting in a fire at the old house in which Hewitt’s office was situated, and in an upper floor of which I occupied bachelor chambers. I was able to help in saving a quantity of extremely important papers relating to his business, and, while repairs were being made, allowed him to lock them in an old wall-safe in one of my rooms which the fire had scarcely damaged.
The acquaintance thus begun has lasted many years, and has become a rather close friendship. I have even accompanied Hewitt on some of his expeditions, and, in a humble way, helped him. Such of the cases, however, as I personally saw nothing of I have put into narrative form from the particulars given me.
“I consider you, Brett,” he said, addressing me, “the most remarkable journalist alive. Not because you’re particularly clever, you know, because, between ourselves, I hope you’ll admit you’re not; but because you have known something of me and my doings for some years, and have never yet been guilty of giving away any of my little business secrets you may have become acquainted with. I’m afraid you’re not so enterprising a journalist as some, Brett. But now, since you ask, you shall write something—if you think it worth while.”
This he said, as he said most things, with a cheery, chaffing good-nature that would have been, perhaps, surprising to a stranger who thought of him only as a grim and mysterious discoverer of secrets and crimes. Indeed, the man had always as little of the aspect of the conventional detective as may be imagined. Nobody could appear more cordial or less observant in manner, although there was to be seen a certain sharpness of the eye—which might, after all, only be the twinkle of good humor.
I did think it worth while to write something of Martin Hewitt’s investigations, and a description of one of his adventures follows.
At the head of the first flight of a dingy staircase leading up from an ever-open portal in a street by the Strand stood a door, the dusty ground-glass upper panel of which carried in its center the single word “Hewitt,” while at its right-hand lower corner, in smaller letters, “Clerk’s Office” appeared. On a morning when the clerks in the ground-floor offices had barely hung up their hats, a short, well-dressed young man, wearing spectacles, hastening to open the dusty door, ran into the arms of another man who suddenly issued from it.
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