Mei Xu - Burn

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Burn: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Learn the fascinating story of one of America’s most successful entrepreneurs  The American Dream continues to resonate with immigrants from around the world. Millions of people hope to come to the United States to build a better life for themselves and their families, often by creating and growing new ventures and companies. While not everyone succeeds, many do. Mei Xu is one of those successes. In
entrepreneur and international business­woman Mei Xu tells her story of ingenuity, determination, and luck. Spanning three decades, from 1991 when she arrived at Washington’s Dulles Airport, to today, Xu’s story is one of stunning success. She built a multi-million dollar company, met and counseled thousands of entrepreneurs and businesspeople, and even advised President of the United States Barack Obama on the topic of job creation.
, you’ll learn:
About the creation of Mei Xu’s international lifestyle business and the success stories of other female leaders who triumphed over adversity to achieve their dreams Why the American Dream is still within your grasp, and how to reach for it How creators like Xu think differently about innovation and how you can harness her insights to build something new and exciting for yourself
explains how Xu’s embrace of design-driven entrepreneurship and thoughtful manufacturing powered her growth and prosperity in a truly international company. Design leadership remains vital to a robust and global economy.
will inspire you to follow your vision and have an impact on the world around you. Perfect for anyone seeking an engrossing and inspirational tale of success,
belongs on the bookshelves of professionals and entrepreneurs everywhere.

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Table of Contents

1 Cover

2 Title Page

3 Copyright

4 Dedication

5 Prologue Endnote

6 1 A TALE OF TWO CHINAS A Peaceful Harbor Revolutionary Peril and Promise Harmony in Hangzhou Hogwarts Bound Beijing Bound Endnotes

7 2 AMERICAN ODYSSEY America Bound Stranger in a Strange Land Pacific Traders A Happy Accident

8 3 AMERICAN ENTREPRENEURS From Traders to Taste Makers Chesapeake Rising Right on Target A Date with Destiny Chesapeake Maturing Endnotes

9 4 FRAGRANCE FORWARD A Random Harvest A Symphony of Fragrance Fragrant Storytelling Fragrance Delivery A Legacy of Fragrance Endnotes

10 5 MADE IN AMERICA Vietnamese Victory Burned in Maryland Made in Maryland Taking Care of Mind and Body Manufacturing the American Dream Endnotes

11 Conclusion Endnote

12 About the Author

13 Acknowledgments

14 Index

15 End User License Agreement


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Copyright 2021 John Wiley Sons All rights reserved Published by John - фото 1

Copyright © 2021 John Wiley & Sons. All rights reserved.

Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.

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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data is Available:

ISBN 9781119695929 (Hardcover)

ISBN 9781119695943 (ePDF)

ISBN 9781119695899 (ePub)

Cover Design: Paul McCarthy

Cover Image: © Getty Images | EveMilla

I dedicate this book to my father, Jianxu Xu, and my mother, Yanyun Lin. Although we have been apart for such a long time, I brought their love, dedication, and work ethic with me as I traveled the world. This is as much their story as it is my own .


When I first landed on American soil in 1991, I had little money and even less direction. Precisely 21 years later, in 2012, I sat next to President Barack Obama at a roundtable discussion with fellow CEOs, sharing my policy recommendations about American entrepreneurship and manufacturing.

During the intervening years, I created a company in America and built a factory there to manufacture its products, realizing my version of the American Dream. In this book, I describe how I did it. As I hope to convince you, the American Dream remains vital and accessible to all of us, so long as we're willing to burn —igniting that flame within and pursuing our passion with courage and creativity, innovating and adapting to our constantly changing society.

It took me a while to activate and stoke my own internal flames. Growing up, I'd trained in China to become a diplomat. After this career path became impossible, I secured a visa to the United States with dreams of becoming a journalist. The best job I could find after graduating with my master's degree was for a medical device company, performing low‐end administrative work for $19,000 a year. I could only pivot to a new life of purpose when I followed the path of many immigrants to America. Mobilizing my experience, savvy, intuition, and professional skills, I became an entrepreneur, creating products that filled a specific market niche.

Like many immigrants, I succeeded in business by using my cross‐cultural background to reimagine stale consumer categories and places, infusing them with new meaning and value. It took an immigrant like me to see Chesapeake Bay as a beacon of nature and peace rather than as ugly and polluted, as many of my friends and neighbors regarded it. This piece of real estate exercised such a hold on me that it became enmeshed in my personal and professional identities. It's the place I've called home since moving to the United States, and it's the region on which I took a huge financial gamble in opening a factory. Whether you're an entrepreneur, business leader, or simply interested in America's ongoing business strength, I hope you'll come away from this book appreciating the contributions of immigrants, and be inspired to look at landscapes, product categories, and social problems with new eyes.

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