This new series aims to transform literary biography from its status as a resource for facts and details to that of a dynamic, innovative aspect of teaching, criticism and research. Outside universities, lives of writers are by far the most popular genre of books about literature, but within them they are neglected as a focus for interpretation and as frameworks for advanced research. The Life of the Author will reverse this imbalance by exploring new questions on how and why our conception of the author frames our evaluation and understanding of their work.
New books in this series
The Life of the Author: John Milton.
The Life of the Author: Maya Angelou
The Life of the Author: William Shakespeare
The Life of the Author: John Milton
Richard Bradford
Series Editor: Richard Bradford

This edition first published 2021
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Cover image: John Milton (1608-1674), English poet, early 20th century
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For Ames
1 Cover
2 Series Page The Life of the Author This new series aims to transform literary biography from its status as a resource for facts and details to that of a dynamic, innovative aspect of teaching, criticism and research. Outside universities, lives of writers are by far the most popular genre of books about literature, but within them they are neglected as a focus for interpretation and as frameworks for advanced research. The Life of the Author will reverse this imbalance by exploring new questions on how and why our conception of the author frames our evaluation and understanding of their work. New books in this series The Life of the Author: John Milton. The Life of the Author: Maya Angelou The Life of the Author: William Shakespeare
3 Title page The Life of the Author: John Milton Richard Bradford Series Editor: Richard Bradford
4 Copyright
5 Dedication
6 Acknowledgements
7 Introduction
8 Part One: Life Chapter 1: The City of London Chapter 2: Cambridge Chapter 3: Preparation Chapter 4: Travels Chapter 5: The Civil War Chapter 6: The Cromwellian Republic Chapter 7: The Restoration Chapter 8: Paradise Lost Chapter 9: Milton’s Last Years and Paradise Regained
9 Part Two: Lives After Death Chapter 10: The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries Chapter 11: The Romantics and the Victorians Chapter 12: The Twentieth Century Chapter 13: Critical Theory
10 Abbreviations and Referencing
11 Bibliography
12 Index
13 End User License Agreement
1 Cover
2 Series Page The Life of the Author This new series aims to transform literary biography from its status as a resource for facts and details to that of a dynamic, innovative aspect of teaching, criticism and research. Outside universities, lives of writers are by far the most popular genre of books about literature, but within them they are neglected as a focus for interpretation and as frameworks for advanced research. The Life of the Author will reverse this imbalance by exploring new questions on how and why our conception of the author frames our evaluation and understanding of their work. New books in this series The Life of the Author: John Milton. The Life of the Author: Maya Angelou The Life of the Author: William Shakespeare
3 Title page The Life of the Author: John Milton Richard Bradford Series Editor: Richard Bradford
4 Copyright
5 Dedication
6 Table of Contents
7 Acknowledgements
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