1 ...6 7 8 10 11 12 ...15 The Common Open Policy Service (COPS) is a protocol that provides a client/server model to support policy control. The COPS specification is independent of the type of policy being provisioned (QoS, security, etc.) but focuses on the mechanisms and conventions used to distribute information between PDPs and PEPs. COPS has never been widely deployed because operators found its use of binary messages complicates the development of automated scripts for simple configuration management tasks.
1.3.2 Proprietary Configuration Protocols
As previously said, each vendor has implemented its own solution to collect, change, distribute configurations and system updates. Big vendors such as Cisco Systems, Juniper Networks, Huawei, etc. provide different suites that range from solutions for simple local area networks (LANs), to internet provider scale solutions. The so called Network Management Systems [34] simplify the management of the administered network offering centralized solutions that allow one to perform device discovery, monitoring and management, network performance analysis, intelligent notifications, and customizable alerts. To interact with devices, they build on standard protocols such as SNMP or syslog, but often use also custom solutions based on Command Line Interfaces (CLI) that can be reached via SSH or telnet (deprecated for security reasons). For instance, the Cisco Configuration Professional is a Graphical User Interface (GUI)‐based device management tool for Cisco access routers. This tool simplifies routing, firewall, Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), VPN, unified communications, wide area network (WAN) and LAN configurations through GUI‐based easy‐to‐use wizards.
1.3.3 Integrated Platforms for Network Monitoring
As previously said, vendors and third party companies offer a portfolio of management solutions, which range to simple network management for small deployments, to Internet Service Provider scale solutions, from LAN to Data Center Networks.
The main goal of these platforms is to offer a unified view of the network and service status. These platforms are able to collect data from devices belonging to an administration domain via SNMP, Syslog, IPFIX, and proprietary solutions. Often they implement an automatic discovery mechanism to find and add devices to their collection base so to minimize administrator intervention. Via a GUI, they present views of the status of the network, showing time series of link and CPU load, divided by applications or origin‐destination of the traffic. The administrator is thus offered a unified view of the network status, with the ability to drill down into more details directly interacting with the GUI. They can also detect network node and connection health problems by using simple threshold‐based algorithms. In such cases, alerts can be issued to warn the administrators. Figure 1.2reports the Zabbix architecture as an example.
Figure 1.2 Example of monitoring architecture.
Source: Courteously from Zabbix.
From an architecture point of view, all these platforms are similar. They have proxy modules , also called agent modules , to interact with different protocols and devices to collect data, which is then stored in a database module , based on open source solutions like MySQL, Postgre SQL, or commercial solutions like Oracle SQL. A typically web‐based GUI or dashboard allows the administrator to interact and navigate through the data. The dashboard can offer also configuration abilities, typically opening management connection with the devices. At last, a media gateway allows the system to raise and distribute alarms, via email, short message service, chat systems, ticketing systems, etc.
Some platforms are open source. They allow to integrate data collected from various deployment into a single centralized center, but rarely offer the ability to change the underlying configuration due to the difficulties in interfacing with different devices. Among those, Zabbix ( https://www.zabbix.com), Nagios ( https://www.nagios.org), or Cacti ( https://www.cacti.net) are the oldest, with more modern solutions like LibreNMS ( https://www.librenms.org) or Observium ( https://www.observium.org) emerging as novel and more reactive solutions.
Proprietary solutions offer typically more options and flexibility, and include also the ability to change the network setup. Each vendor has a portfolio of solutions that fits different scenarios and deployment sizes, from small LANs to national‐wide Internet Service Providers. Solutions are also available from independent vendors that have typically multi‐platform support.
1.4 Novel Solutions and Scenarios
In the previous sections of this chapter, we have described the most standard approach to control and manage a network. Here we briefly present the most recent approaches which are still under investigations by the research and technical communities, with development quickly tacking grounds.
1.4.1 Software‐Defined Networking – SDN
Software‐defined networking (SDN) technology is an approach to network management that separate the control plane from the data plane. In the original internet design indeed, the control plane – where control protocols and management actions are performed – is tightly embedded in the data plane – where packets are routed and forwarded. SDN separates the two planes, so that switches become pure forwarding devices, while all the control and management operations are relegated to a centralized controller. The controller defines forwarding rules, which are then send to switches that use them to forward packets along the proper and desired path. This enables dynamic, programmatically efficient network configuration to improve network performance and monitoring. Martin Casado introduced the idea of relying to a centralized controller to improve network management in 2007 [35]. Since then, SDN technology has become mainstream [36], with support first for campus network, then extending its support for data center networks, and more recently in WANs via the SD‐WAN [37], bringing in the WAN area the benefits of decoupling the networking hardware from its control mechanism.
Figure 1.3 The SDN architecture.
Source: Courteously from Open Networking Foundation.
The SDN architecture identifies three planes – adding an application plane on the top of the control plane. Figure 1.3depicts the overall architecture. SDN applications are programs that directly and programmatically communicate their requirements and desired behavior via the northbound interface to the SDN network controller. Applications get an abstracted global view of the network, and suggest decisions and actions such as explicit routes, filtering rules, etc. The SDN controller sits in between. It is a logically centralized entity that translates the requirements from applications to actual action to be implemented by the control plane elements, and provides the applications an updated a common view of the network status. Logically centralized, it can be implemented in a distributed fashion to guarantee both scalability and reliability. It supports both the concept of federated controllers – each responsible of managing a portion of the network; and of hierarchical controllers – where higher hierarchy controllers summarize the information received by lower layers and make it available to applications. At the bottom, the data plane – or the Datapath – is the logical network of devices which offer forwarding and data processing capabilities. Data forwarding engines are in charge of quickly switching packets. They communicate with the SDN controller via the southbound interface, which defines standard Application Programming Interfaces (API) to exchange information. Traffic processing functions implement decision based on packet payload. For instance, switching decision can be done considering both the sender and receiver addresses – enabling per‐flow routing. Similarly, filtering decision can be based on TCP port numbers.
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