Pascal Voggenhuber - The young spirit messenger

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"There is nothing more beautiful for me than helping people, and with messages from the afterworld, I help them release their fear of death. So much healing takes place." With the precision of his afterworld messages, Pascal Voggenhuber has made a name for himself in a very short time, both in Switzerland and beyond the Swiss borders. In his book he describes his work in his practice, explains how contact with the afterworld functions, and how he makes contact with the spiritual world. Using numerous examples from his practice, Voggenhuber explains how the deceased make their presence known to him. The moving messages he shares – that there is life after death and the deceased are always with us – have comforted many people. A moving book that offers readers comfort and strength.

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Pascal Voggenhuber

The Young Spirit Messenger

Pascal Voggenhuber

The Young Spirit Messenger

English translation

by Janice Geiser

Giger Verlag

This book was first published in German under the title:

Nachricht aus dem Jenseits

by Giger Verlag, Altendorf Svitzerland, in 2008.

1 stEnglish edition 2015

© Giger Verlag, CH-8852 Altendorf

Tel. 0041 55 442 68 48

Cover: Hauptmann & Kompanie, Zürich

Layout: Roland Poferl Print-Design, Köln

ISBN 978-3-905958-80-5

eBook-Herstellung und Auslieferung:

Brockhaus Commission, Kornwestheim

This book is dedicated to my son Shane

“Love can never die.”




What is a Medium? True and False Views about a Medium

Mediumship and Spirituality

Is There Life after Life?

Feedback from a Client

Let the Dead Rest in Peace!

What Does the Spiritual World Look Like?

Do People Who Commit Suicide End Up in Hell?

Feedback on the Session with Pascal Voggenhuber

Children in the Spiritual World

Message from Mirjam

Report from Mirjams Parents

Spiritual Practice for Daily Life and Spiritual Laws



Genetic Karma

Regional Karma/County Karma

Religious and Philosophical Karma

Karma of Society, Media, Books, Schools, and Other Human Beings

Karma and Predictions about the Future

Can Mediumship Be Learned?

Exercises for Your Own Extrasensory Perception

Objective Clairvoyance

Subjective Clairvoyance

Objective Clairsentinense

Subjective Clairsentinense

Objective Clairaudience

Subjective Clairaudience

Where Are the Limits of Mediumship?

Does a Medium Need Thick Skin?

Spiritual Guides and Guardian Angels

What Is the Name of My Spiritual Guide?

Sitting in the Power or Healing Through Your Spiritual Guide

Public Relations

How to Prepare for a Session

Trust in What You Receive

Trance Mediums and Trance Mediumship

Aura Reading/Current Life Assessment

My Gratitude

Contact Information


Looking back, I would now say that it was probably “Great Bear,” Pascal’s spiritual guide, who led me two years ago – through the multitude of homepages on the web – precisely to Pascal’s online shop, which at the time was called“New Avalun” (a shop for spiritual products). Pascal’s first book, which was a spiritual novel he had self-published, was also listed on that page.

Somehow I was touched by the picture of this young man. I was impressed that such a young person would deal publicly with spirituality. At the time that was new for me.

Being curious, I ordered his novel, and I sensed immediately that it was the story of Pascal himself he was telling in the book: a young man, clairvoyant, and able to communicate with the deceased. He thankfully accepted my proposal to publish his story as a biography. I “only” wanted to publish a book, and I had no idea what this book would trigger, nor could I guess at the great skills hidden in this young man.

Last year, during his first public appearance at a book presentation at Lake Zurich, Pascal communicated a message from the afterworld to a lady in the audience unknown to him. That was the initial spark, the breakthrough for Pascal.

Since then, nothing has been the same for him or my publishing company. Both of us were literally overrun, and it was beautiful to see how many people – especially also young people – were opening up for these subjects. What has developed is a collaboration marked by deep, mutual respect and a great friendship.

Pascal sees taking away people’s fear of death as his main calling. The subject of death and the fears connected with it concern me quite often as well, especially after the serious illness of my youngest daughter, who floated for months on the border between life and death. However, until recently I had never had a consultation with Pascal. The death of my youngest sister was a very painful loss, and that caused me to call upon his help for the first time. My sister had lived near Munich, and Pascal had never met her, nor had I told him about her.

The session was overwhelming. So much detailed proof and so many incidences were communicated to me through him. He mentioned many details and gave proof which confirmed that she is still with us now.

Supporting Pascal’s work is a big challenge for me – both in my profession as well as my personal development. For both of us, his work demands a high degree of responsibility, empathy, strength, discipline, and continuous development. It is admirable how Pascal manages all this so well and can, thereby, help many people, all of which continually confirms to me the positive value of his work.

Every day through his work, I experience beautiful and touching encounters with people who enrich my life, for which I would like to say thank you.

Thank you, Pascal, that I can accompany you on your path. I wish for us many more beautiful years of friendship on our common spiritual path. Collaborating with you is a great enrichment.

August 2008

Sabine Giger



Dear Reader, what you can expect on this journey, I can’t really say, since I hope it will be a personal journey for everyone. But there’s one thing I’d like to say right off: I’m grateful to you from my heart that you’re taking this journey with me. I hope we can laugh and cry together, and that we can immerse ourselves in the extrasensory world in order to get to know ourselves and the spiritual world better. I also hope my book can give you comfort in case you’ve lost a loved one through “death.” My wish is that through this book, I can take away the fear of death for many people, because for me, in reality, death doesn’t exist. I hope you, too, will be able to realize this after reading my book.

I’m looking forward to taking this path together with you. We can hold each other’s hand and simply immerse ourselves in this book.

As I did in my last book, I’ll try to keep my words as simple as possible. I know by language standards, my book can’t be considered high literature. But it’s important to me that everyone can understand me, regardless of whether they’ve already been dealing with the subject of “life after death” for years, or whether this is the first book they’ll read about it. This was probably also a reason why my first book, Leben in zwei Welten (living in two worlds) became a bestseller, because it was simple in style and easy to understand. I hope I’ll be able to do that in this book as well.

Since I’m sure not all readers have read my first book, I’d like to introduce myself very quickly to the“new” readers, so they’ll also know who this Pascal Voggenhuber really is.

I was born on February 11, 1980 in Switzerland. At the age of 20 I discovered my talent for mediumship. It first appeared mainly in the form of clairvoyance. I was already skilled in mediumship before, but for me it was so normal I hadn’t noticed it. When I was 20, it became so intense I couldn’t shut my eyes to it anymore. At the moment here in Switzerland – and maybe also in other countries – I’m the youngest medium. But how should this be understood? Certainly – and I’m sure about this – there are many others and even younger people who are also skilled in mediumship and clairvoyance. But at the moment, I’m certainly the youngest trained medium working in this profession.

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