Such moments in the series certainly verge on the sentimental, just as the symbolic celebrations of communal spirit that bring the town together in support of the victims of crime. However, within the internal logic of the series, they tip the balance in favour of the traditional values of the community that appreciate the individual as a person and place personal bonds and solidarity above all else. The criminal investigations show the troubling aspects of these traditional values, which can be restrictive, or even oppressive, and can lead to self-righteousness and double standards. The investigations also demonstrate that human nature is flawed, and that underneath respectability and social cohesion, there will always be individual acts of egotism and betrayal. Nonetheless, these revelations do not expose the traditional values as illusionary; they merely show that these values require constant care and attention, as well as sacrifices from individual members of the community. The two long-suffering detectives at the core of the series fully realise the fragility of this system, but maintain that it is worth protecting in the face of profound changes in the general social and moral structure of the country.
Primary Sources
Achebe, Chinua. Things Fall Apart . New York: Anchor Books, 1994 [1959].
Broadchurch . Series 1-2. Written by Chris Cribnall. Directed by James Strong, Euros Lyn, Jessica Hobbs, Jonathan Teplitzky, and Mike Barker. Kudos, 2013/2015.
Broadchurch. Series 3. Written by Chris Cribnall. Directed by Paul Andrew Williams, Daniel Nettheim, and Lewis Arnold. Kudos, 2017.
Yeats, W. B. “The Second Coming.” The Harvill Book of Twentieth-Century Poetry in English . Ed. Michael Schmidt. London: The Harvill Press, 1999. 34.
Secondary Sources
Billen, Andrew. “Male Redemption Hard to Find in Heart of Town’s Darkness.” The Times. 18 April 2017. Accessed on 15 March 2018.
Billen, Andrew and James Jackson. “Broadchurch; Meet the Lords.” The Times. 28 February 2017. Accessed on 15 March 2018.
Bruce, Steve and Steven Yearley. “Community.” The Sage Dictionary of Sociology . London: Sage, 2006. 57.
“Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft.” The Encyclopaedia Britannica . Accessed on 19 March 2018.
Hardy, Alex. “TV Review: Broadchurch; Silent Witness.” The Times . 3 February 2015. Accessed on 15 March 2018.
Knight, Stephen. “The Golden Age.” The Cambridge Companion to Crime Fiction . Ed. Martin Priestman. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003. 77-93.
Lawson, Mark. “Bye Bye Broadchurch: We’re Leaving Darkest Dorset but the Legacy Lives On.” The Guardian . 18 April 2017. Accessed on 15 March 2018.
Moody, Nickianne. “Crime in Film and on TV.” The Cambridge Companion to Crime Fiction . Ed. Martin Priestman. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2003. 227-43.
Shaw, Annette. “The West Dorset Coastline is the ‘Star’ in Chris Chibnall’s new ITV Drama.” Dorset Magazine . 15 February 2013. Accessed on 15 March 2018.
Tönnies, Ferdinand. Studien zu Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft [1887]. Ed. Klaus Lichtblau. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2012.
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