Cider Nectar
Cider Punch
Claret and Champagne Cup, à la Brunow
Claret Cobbler
Claret Cup
Claret Cup, or Mulled Claret
Claret Punch
Cold Punch
Cold Whiskey Punch
Columbia Skin
Crimean Cup, à la Marmora
Crimean Cup, à la Wyndham
Curaçao Punch
Currant Shrub
D’Orsay Punch
Draught Lemonade, or Lemon Sherbet
Drink for the Dog Days
Dry Punch
Duke of Norfolk Punch
Egg Flip
English Curaçao
English Milk Punch
English Rum Shrub
Faivre’s Pousse Café
Fancy Brandy Cocktail
Fancy Drinks
Fancy Gin Cocktail
Fixes and Sours
Flip, Negus and Shrub
General Harrison’s Eggnog
Gin and Pine
Gin and Tansy
Gin and Wormwood
Gin Cocktail
Gin Crusta
Gin Fix
Gin Julep
Gin Punch
Gin Sangaree
Gin Sling
Gin Smash
Gin Sour
Gin Straight
Gin Toddy
Ginger Lemonade
Ginger Wine
Glasgow Punch
Gothic Punch
Hock Cobbler
Hot Brandy and Rum Punch
Hot Eggnog
Hot Milk Punch
Hot Rum
Hot Spiced Rum
Hot Whiskey Sling
Imperial Drink for Families
Imperial Punch
Imperial Raspberry Whiskey Punch
Irish Whiskey Punch
Italian Lemonade
Japanese Cocktail
Jerry Thomas’ own Decanter Bitters
Jersey Cocktail
Kirschwasser Punch
La Patria Punch
Lemonade Powders
Light Guard Punch
Louisiana Sugar-House Punch
Milk Punch
Mint Julep
Miscellaneous Drinks
Mississippi Punch
Mulled Claret
Mulled Wine
Mulled Wine with Eggs
Mulled Wine without Eggs
Mulls and Sangarees
National Guard 7 thRegiment Punch
Nectar Punch
Non-Such Punch
Nuremburg Punch
Orange Punch
Orgeat Lemonade
Orgeat Punch
Oxford Punch
Parisian Pousse Café
Peach and Honey
Philadelphia Fish-House Punch
Pineapple Julep
Pineapple Punch
Plain Lemonade
Pony Brandy
Port Wine Negus
Port Wine Punch
Port Wine Sangaree
Porter Cup
Porter Sangaree
Pousse l’Amour
Punch à la Ford
Punch à la Romaine
Punch Grassot
Punch Jelly
Queen Punch
Quince Liqueur
Raspberry Punch
Raspberry Shrub
Raspberry, Strawberry, Currant, or Orange Effervescing Draughts
Regent’s Punch
Rhine Wine and Seltzer-Water
Rochester Punch
Rocky Mountain Punch
Roman Punch
Royal Punch
Ruby Punch
Rum Flip
Rum Shrub
Santina’s Pousse Café
Sauterne Cobbler
Sauterne Punch
Scotch Whiskey Punch
Scotch Whiskey Skin
Sherry and Bitters
Sherry and Egg
Sherry and Ice
Sherry Cobbler
Sherry Eggnog
Sherry Punch
Sherry Sangaree
Soda Cocktail
Soda Nectar
Soda Negus
St. Charles’ Punch
Stone Fence
Tea Punch
Temperance Drinks
The Cobbler
The Cocktail & Crusta
The Smash
The Spread Eagle Punch
Thirty-Second Regiment or Victoria Punch
Tip-Top Punch
Toddies and Slings
Tom and Jerry
Uncle Toby Punch
United Service Punch
Vanilla Punch
West Indian Punch
Whiskey Cobbler
Whiskey Cocktail
Whiskey Crusta
Whiskey Julep
Whiskey Punch
Whiskey Smash
Whiskey Toddy
White Currant Shrub
White Lion
White Tiger’s Milk
Yorkshire Punch
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