Эрин Хантер - Thunder Аnd Shadow

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Erin Hunter’s #1 bestselling Warriors series continues with the second book in the A Vision of Shadows arc.
This hardcover edition also includes a double-sided jacket with a bonus poster!
Nearly a moon has passed since Alderpaw returned from his journey to SkyClan’s gorge, where he found the territory taken over by rogues. Now the same vicious cats that drove out SkyClan have traced Alderpaw’s path back to the lake… and ShadowClan may be the next to fall.
Full of epic adventure and thrilling intrigue, this fifth Warriors series is the perfect introduction for readers new to the Warriors world—while for dedicated fans, it’s a long-awaited return to the era of Bramblestar’s ThunderClan, after the events of Omen of the Stars.

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Anger surged through Alderpaw. It was m y prophecy! I led the quest that found them. And y et that wasn’t why he resented losing Violetkit so much. He felt sorry for Twigkit. And for Violetkit.

Was ShadowClan taking care of her? Did she have a foster mother as kind as Lily heart? Mem ories of his own kithood with his sister, Sparkpaw, and his mother, Squirrelflight, warm ed his heart. How would I have felt if I had been separated from them?

Twigkit batted the leaf into the air once again, then leaped, her short fluffy tail whipping to balance her as she spun in the air. Nim bly she caught the leaf between her forepaws.

“She’s agile.” Leafpool watched approvingly.

“She should be play ing outside,” Jayfeather huffed. “A medicine den is no place for kits.”

“She could play with Briarlight,” Alderpaw suggested.

Because of her crippled hind legs, it was im portant for Briarlight to keep her forelegs strong and active and her lungs clear. Chasing a leaf with Twigkit would be good exercise.

Jayfeather frowned, but Leafpool spoke before he could obj ect. “That’s a great idea, Alderpaw.” She called to Twigkit. “Would you like to play catch with Briarlight?”

Twigkit blinked at Leafpool, her eyes sparkling with delight. “Can I?”

“Of course,” Briarlight purred. “You can play with me any time you like.”

Jayfeather huffed and began untangling the pile of thyme. “Does this mean she’s going to be in here even more?”

“Don’t be so grouchy,” Leafpool chided. “She’s not doing any harm.”

“I guess I only trip over her three or four tim es a day,” Jayfeather snorted.

Alderpaw’s pelt pricked with irritation. It was alm ost as though Jayfeather enjoyed being the grum piest cat in the Clan. At least Twigkit didn’t seem to have heard him. She was happily crossing the den, hurry ing toward Briarlight with her leaf.

“Get on with your work!” Jayfeather’s ears twitched crossly. Not for the first tim e, Alderpaw wondered if the blind medicine cat could read his thoughts. Guiltily he turned his attention back to the y arrow and coltsfoot.

The trailing brambles at the entrance rustled, distracting him again. Graystripe popped his head through and blinked at Jayfeather. “Jayfeather, Bramblestar wants to see you, Leafpool, and Alderpaw.”

Alderpaw’s heart quickened. Why?

He waited for Jayfeather to speak, but Graystripe went on. “Can I take som e com frey back to the elders’ den?” The gray elder glanced at the herb piles hopefully.

Leafpool tipped her head. “Are your joints aching again?”

“Not m ine,” Graystripe huffed. “Millie’s.”

“Should I come and check on her?” Leafpool was already rolling up a wad of leaves.

“There’s no need. Unless you know a cure for aging.” Graystripe pushed his way into the den.

“Besides, I don’t think you should keep Bramblestar waiting. Rowanstar’s with him.”

Jayfeather pricked his ears. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I just did.”

As Graystripe grasped the com frey between his jaws, Jayfeather brushed past him and headed for the entrance.

Alderpaw glanced at Twigkit. Had som ething happened to Violetkit? Was that why the ShadowClan leader had come? “Stay here with Briarlight, okay?”

She nodded.

Alderpaw’s heart was racing. He nosed his way through the brambles after Jayfeather, the sharp sunshine stinging his eyes.

Outside the nursery, Lily heart stretched beside Daisy, soaking up the m eager warmth. There was a chill in the air, but the cliff sheltered the camp from the blustery breeze that was stirring the branches at the top of the hollow. Leafkit, Larkkit, and Honey kit were nosing around the fallen beech, poking their noses through the gaps in the woven walls of the apprentices’ den.

“There’s so much room inside!” Leafkit gasped.

“I want a nest in the m iddle,” Larkkit mewed.

“Sparkpaw’s and Alderpaw’s nests are there already,” Honey kit sighed. “I can see them.”

Leafpool’s mew distracted Alderpaw from their chatter. “I hope the patrols come back soon,” she mewed. “The fresh-kill pile is em pty.”

Alderpaw glanced at the bare patch of earth. Brightheart, Whitewing, and Cloudtail paced beside it. Hadn’t they brought prey back from their patrol? Perhaps they’d met Rowanstar before they had a chance to hunt. They gazed through narrowed eyes at the m uscular ginger tom as he stood beside Bramblestar on the Highledge.

Jayfeather was already beside him, fur pricking along his spine.

Alderpaw followed Leafpool up the tum ble of rocks and stopped.

Bramblestar’s expression was grave. “Littlecloud is dy ing.” He dipped his head to Leafpool.

The two medicine cats had known each other a long tim e.

Leafpool’s eyes darkened. “Is he suffering?”

“Dawnpelt is with him now,” Rowanstar told her. “She’s giving him poppy seeds to ease his pain, but she doesn’t know what else to do.”

Leafpool flicked her tail. “If only you’d chosen a medicine-cat apprentice moons ago,” she fretted. “Littlecloud would have som eone to care for him properly.”

“And ShadowClan wouldn’t be left without a medicine cat,” Jayfeather growled.

Rowanstar’s pelt ruffled. “I didn’t come here to be lectured!”

Bramblestar stepped forward. “He cam e here for our help, Jayfeather,” he said in a warning tone.

Alderpaw watched his father, im pressed by his authority. Bramblestar clearly understood that it would do no good to rub m ouse bile into ShadowClan’s wound. A gentler approach was needed.

Alderpaw stepped forward hesitantly. “Can I help?” he asked softly.

Jayfeather flicked him away with his tail. “You’re not borrowing our apprentice,” he told

Rowanstar tetchily.

Alderpaw bristled. Why not? You’re always complaining I get under your paws.

Rowanstar scowled. “I don’t want an apprentice . Littlecloud needs proper care.”

Alderpaw twitched his tail indignantly.

“I’ll go,” Leafpool offered.

“Thank you.” Rowanstar leaned forward. “Grassheart’s kits are due any day. Tawny pelt, Snowbird, and Dawnpelt will be able to help at her kitting, but it’s Grassheart’s first litter, and I’d prefer to have a medicine cat close by to help if there are problem s.”

Alderpaw shifted his paws. It sounded strange to hear the ShadowClan leader talk with such concern about his Clanmates. After Rowanstar had snatched Violetkit from the Gathering, Alderpaw had decided the ginger tom must have no heart. Hope flickered through his fur. Had he been wrong? Perhaps Violetkit was as safe and loved in ShadowClan as Twigkit was in ThunderClan.

“I’ll fetch herbs and come as soon as I can.” Leafpool turned toward the rock tum ble. She paused at the top and called over her shoulder, “Alderpaw, travel with m e. I’ll need help carry ing the herbs.”

“To ShadowClan’s camp?” Alderpaw blinked in surprise.

“Of course!” Leafpool whisked her tail.

Jayfeather’s pelt twitched. “Are you going to leave m e to take care of the whole Clan m y self?” he asked crossly.

Leafpool glanced at him, am used. “I’m sure you can handle it. But don’t worry. I’ll send

Alderpaw straight home.”

Jayfeather nosed his way past Alderpaw and followed Leafpool down the rocks. “I’d better help you choose the herbs. I don’t want you leaving m e with nothing but a pile of stale tansy.”

Alderpaw began to follow, but he felt Bramblestar’s tail flick against his spine. “Wait.”

Alderpaw glanced back in surprise as Bramblestar dipped his head to Rowanstar. “You should leave now. Your Clan must need you at this tim e. Leafpool will travel to your camp as soon as she can.”

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