“Alderpaw has always had a natural connection with StarClan,” Jayfeather went on. “You chose him, and you chose well. He is loy al, determ ined, and sm art. He has com passion and strength, a rare com bination. He will serve his Clan well.”
Alderpaw’s pelt pricked with surprise. Jayfeather was com plim enting him! He could feel the gazes of the others burning his fur. Self-consciously he shifted his paws and straightened his spine.
I must behave like a medicine cat!
Jayfeather went on. “Do y ou, Alderpaw, prom ise to uphold the way s of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between Clan and Clan, and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of y our life?”
Alderpaw blinked at him, his m outh dry. “I do.”
“Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you y our true name as a medicine cat. Alderpaw, from this m om ent you will be known as Alderheart. StarClan honors y our devotion and kindness, and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of ThunderClan.” Jayfeather stepped forward and rested his m uzzle on Alderpaw’s head. “Well done,” he breathed softly.
Alderpaw felt his m entor’s warm breath swirl around his ears as he drew back. Pride warm ed his pelt.
“Alderheart! Alderheart!” The other medicine cats called his name, their voices ringing around the stone sides of the hollow, spiraling up to the stars.
Jayfeather turned to the Moonpool. “Let us share with StarClan.” He crouched and touched his nose to the water.
Leafpool caught Alderheart’s eye as she padded toward the water. Pride glowed in her gaze.
“Congratulations,” she purred softly.
“Thanks.” Alderheart ducked down beside her, his heart bursting with j oy, and dipped his m uzzle toward the pool.
At once, sunshine bathed him. Its warmth reached through his fur. He blinked at the brightness.
He was back in the rolling m eadows where he’d m et Yellowfang. He padded forward, the soft grass brushing his paws. “Yellowfang?” He scanned the field hopefully. There was no sign of her, but at the edge of the field he saw the shapes of two cats sunning them selves in the low branches of a tree. He bounded toward them, his tail stream ing behind him.
The light brown tabby she-cat and the pale gray tom didn’t seem to see him. Sunshine glinted on their glossy pelts. The light brown tabby’s tail draped over the branch as she blinked at the tom.
The tom returned her gaze, his round eyes bright, his ears pricked. As Alderheart neared, he heard them m urm uring quietly to each other. Skidding to a halt beneath the tree, he looked up.
Should he call out? Should he tell them he was here? That he was a medicine cat now? As he lifted his face, leaves showered over him. They twirled in the breeze, brushing his face and whiskers.
Five-pointed leaves.
Embrace what you find in the shadows, for only they can clear the sky.
The voice rang in his head.
It was the prophecy. StarClan was telling him again.
Heart pounding, Alderheart j erked his nose from the Moonpool. As the cold chill of the hollow closed around him once more, he blinked. The others were still sharing with StarClan. Only Mothwing watched him, from where she lay beside the pool.
Alderheart hardly saw her. His thoughts were spinning too fast. The leaves had five points!
Five points! Five Clans! Suddenly he knew what the prophecy meant, more surely than he’d ever known before.
We need to find SkyClan!