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Eugene O'Neill: The First Man

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MARTHA-I'd love her-and try to understand her.

SHEFFIELD- [Meaningly.] She's a bad ally to rely on-this side of the fence one day, and that the next.

MARTHA-Is that why you advised her to become a lawyer, Mr. Sheffield?

SHEFFIELD- [Stung, but maintaining an unruffled front.] Now, now, that remark must be catalogued as catty.

MARTHA- [Defiantly.] It seems to be in the Bridgetown atmosphere. I never was-not the least bit-in the open air.

JAYSON- [Conciliatingly.] Oh, Bridgetown isn't so bad, Martha, once you get used to us.

JOHN-It's one of the most prosperous and wealthy towns in the U.S.-and that means in the world, nowadays.

EMILY- [With her sugary smile.] That isn't what Martha means, you silly. I know what she's thinking about us, and I'm not sure that I don't agree with her-partly. She feels that we're so awfully strict-about certain things. It must be so different in the Far West-I suppose-so much freer.

MARTHA- [Acidly.] Then you believe broad-mindedness and clean thinking are a question of locality? I can't agree with you. I know nothing of the present Far West, not having lived there for ten years, but Curt and I have lived in the Far East and I'm sure he'd agree with me in saying that Chinese ancestor worship is far more dignified than ours. After all, you know, theirs is religion, not snobbery. [There is a loud honking of an auto horn before the house. MARTHA starts, seems to come to a quick decision, and announces with studied carelessness.] That must be Mr. Bigelow. I suppose Lily told you I had an engagement to go motoring with him. So sorry I must leave. But I'm like Lily. I need fresh air. [She walks to the study door as she is talking.] I'll call Curt. [She raps loudly on the door and calls.] Curt! Come out! It's important. [She turns and goes to the door, smiling fixedly.] He'll be out when he's through swearing. [She goes out, rear.]

JOHN- [Exploding.] Well, of all the damned cheek!

ESTHER-She shows her breeding, I must say.

EMILY- [With horror.] Oh, how rude-and insulting.

MRS. DAVIDSON- [Rising rigidly to her feet.] I will never set foot in this house again! JAYSON- [Jumping up to restrain her- worriedly.] Now, Aunt Elizabeth, do keep your head! We must have no scandal of any sort. Remember there are servants about. Do sit down. [The old lady refuses in stubborn silence.]

SHEFFIELD- [Judiciously.] One must make allowances for one in her condition, Aunt.

JAYSON- [Snatching at this.] Exactly. Remember her condition. Aunt [testily] and do sit down. [The old lady plumps herself down again angrily.]

EMILY- [In her lisp of hidden meanings.] Yes, the family mustn't forget-her condition. [The door from the study is opened and CURT appears. His face shows his annoyance at being interrupted, his eyes are preoccupied. They all turn and greet him embarrassedly. He nods silently and comes slowly down front.]

CURTIS- [Looking around.] Where's Martha? What's the important thing she called me out for?

ESTHER- [Forcing gaiety.] To play host, you big bear, you! Don't you think we came to see you, too? Sit down here and be good. [He sits on sofa.]

EMILY- [Softly.] Martha had to leave us to go motoring with Mr. Bigelow.

ESTHER- [Hastily.] And the three children.

CURTIS- [Frowning grumpily.] Hm! Big and his eternal kids. [He sighs. They exchange meaning glances. CURT seems to feel ashamed of his grumpiness and tries to fling it off-with a cheerful smile.] But what the deuce! I must be getting selfish to grudge Martha her bit of fresh air. You don't know what it means to outdoor animals like us to be pent up. [He springs to his feet and paces back and forth nervously.] We're used to living with the sky for a roof- [Then interestedly.] Did Martha tell you I'd definitely decided to go on the five year Asian expedition?

ESTHER-Curt! You're not!

EMILY-And leave Martha here-all alone-for five years?

JAYSON-Yes, you can't take Martha with you this time, you know.

CURTIS- [With a laugh.] No? What makes you so sure of that? [As they look mystified, he continues confidentially.] I'll let you in on the secret-only you must all promise not to breathe a word to Martha-until to-morrow. To-morrow is her birthday, you know, and this is a surprise I've saved for her. [They all nod.] I've been intriguing my damnedest for the past month to get permission for Martha to go with me. It was difficult because women are supposed to be barred. [Happily.] But I've succeeded. The letter came this morning. How tickled to death she'll be when she hears! I know she's given up hope. [Thoughtfully.] I suppose it's that has been making her act so out-of-sorts lately.

JAYSON- [Worriedly.] Hmm! But would you persist in going-alone- if you knew it was impossible for her-?

CURTIS- [Frowning.] I can't imagine it without her. You people can't have any idea what a help-a chum-she's been. You can't believe that a woman could be-so much that-in a life of that kind-how I've grown to depend on her. The thousand details-she attends to them all. She remembers everything. Why, I'd be lost. I wouldn't know how to start. [With a laugh.] I know this sounds like a confession of weakness but it's true just the same. [Frowning again.] However, naturally my work must always be the first consideration. Yes, absolutely! [Then with glad relief.] But what's the use of rambling on this way? We can both go, thank heaven!

MRS. DAVIDSON- [Sternly.] No. SHE cannot go. And it is YOUR duty-

CURTIS- [Interrupting her with a trace of impatience.] Oh, come! That's all nonsense, Aunt. You don't understand the kind of woman Martha is.

MRS. DAVIDSON- [Harshly.] The women I understand prefer rearing their children to selfish gallivanting over the world.

CURTIS- [Impatiently.] But we have no children now, Aunt.

MRS. DAVIDSON-I know that, more's the pity. But later-

CURTIS- [Emphatically.] No, I tell you! It's impossible!

MRS. DAVIDSON- [Grimly.] I have said my last word. Go your own road and work your own ruin.

CURTIS- [Brusquely.] I think I'll change my togs and go for a walk. Excuse me for a second. I'll be right down again. [He goes out, rear.]

EMILY- [With her false air of innocence.] Curt acts so funny, doesn't he? Did you notice how emphatic he was about its being impossible? And he said Martha seemed to him to be acting queer lately-with him, I suppose he meant.

ESTHER-He certainly appeared put out when he heard she'd gone motoring with Big.

JAYSON- [Moodily.] This dislike of the very mention of children. It isn't like Curt, not a bit.

JOHN-There's something rotten in Denmark somewhere. This family will yet live to regret having accepted a stranger-

SHEFFIELD- [Mollifyingly-with a judicial air.] Come now! This is all only suspicion. There is no evidence; you have no case; and the defendant is innocent until you have proved her guilty, remember. [Getting to his feet.] Well, let's break up. Esther, you and I ought to be getting home. [They all rise.]

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