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The Russian Cause in America // Free Russia. American Edition. 1891. June. P. 7–8; Буклет «Американского общества друзей русской свободы» с программой деятельности; Воззвание «Американского общества друзей русской свободы» к общественности США // Россия и США: дипломатические отношения. 1900–1917. Документы. М., 1999. С. 371–374 (далее – Россия и США).
To the Friends of Russian Freedom // РГАЛИ. Ф. 1158. Оп. 1. Д. 544. Л. 13 – 14 об.; The United States Siberian Exile Humane Society. An Appeal to Organize // Там же. Л. 1 – 2 об.; Lectures on Russia by Mrs. Edmund Noble (Lydia Lvovna Pimenoff) (A Prospect) // ГАРФ. Ф. 5824. Оп. 1. Д. 263. Л. 25–26.
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The Miscellaneous Documents of the Senate of the United States for the Second Session of the 53 rdCongress. Vol. 5. № 131, № 198. Washington, 1895. Р. 1–9; Congressional Records. 53 rdCongress. 2 ndSession. Vol. 26. Pt. 4. P. 3385; 3 rdSession. Pt. 5. P. 5498–5499, 5666.
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См.: Gleason J. H. The Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain. Cambridge, 1950. P. 2, 159–204. См. также: Old Diplomatic Sevant [ Urquhart D. ]. British Diplomacy, Illustrated in the Affair of the «Vixen»: Addressed to the Commercial Constituency of Great Britain. Newcastle, 1839; Urquhart D. How Russia Tries to Get into Her Hands the Supply of Corn of the Whole of Europe; the English Turkish Treaty of 1838. L., 1859.
GleasonJ. H. The Genesis of Russophobia in Great Britain. P. 134.
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