23. «Weekly Summary — Arabian Peninsula Affairs», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/12–1652.
24. Hare 91, 95.
25. Ibid, 95.
26. «Memorandum of Conversation with Saudi Finance Minister Regarding Aramco», NA 886A.2553/7–653.
27. «Memoranda of Conversations with Saudi Officials Regarding Aramco», RG 59, NA 886.2553/7–653.
28. Ibid.
29. «U. S. Embassy London to Department of State, Washington», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/9–2854.
30. «Memorandum of Conversation, Subject: ARAMCO Negotiating Plans», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/7–2853.
1. Lacey, The Kingdom , 296.
2. Holden and Johns, 174.
3. Holden and Johns, 173.
4. J. Winston Porter, interview with the author, Savannah, GA, June 30, 2016.
5. «Faisal, A Perspective of 1945–1965», Parker T. Hart Papers Box 5 Folder 13, Georgetown University Archives.
6. Lacey, The Kingdom, 318.
7. Ibid, 296.
8. Holden and Johns, 173, 174.
9. Howarth, 230.
10. Holden and Johns, 174.
11. Holden and Johns, 174, Lacey, The Kingdom, 297, and Howarth, 230.
12. Lacey, The Kingdom, 297.
13. Holden and Johns, 174.
14. Brown, 203.
15. Howarth, 230.
16. Abdul Nabi Shaheen, «Sultan with have simple burial at Al Oud cemetery», Gulf News (Abu Dhabi, UAE), October 31, 2011.
17. Holden and Johns 174.
18. Lacey, The Kingdom, 97.
19. Brown, 53.
20. «An ‘Electronic Dialogue’ with Ambassador Parker T. Hart», in William Mulligan Papers Box 1 Folder 20, Georgetown University Archives.
21. Howarth, 229.
22. Brown, 203.
23. Ishan Bu-Hulaiga, interview with the author, Abu Dhabi (UAE), April 20, 2017.
24. Othman Alkhowaiter, interview with the author, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, November 26, 2017.
25. Ali al-Naimi, Out of the Desert (Great Britain: Portfolio Penguin, 2016), 5.
26. Howarth, 231.
27. Holden and Johns, 177.
28. «Faisal — A Perspective of 1945–1965», Parket T. Hart Papers, Box 5 Folder 13, Georgetown University Archives.
29. Holden and Johns, 178.
30. Ibid, 199.
31. Ibid, 183.
32. Ibid, 183.
33. Alexei Vassiliev, King Faisal: Personality, Faith and Times (United Kingdom: Saqi Books, 2012) and «Wives of King Saud», King Saud Foundation, www.kingsaud.org.
34. «Faisal — A Perspective of 1945–1965», Parket T. Hart Papers, Box 5 Folder 13, Georgetown University Archives.
35. Lacey, 250.
36. Ibid, 339.
37. Frank Jungers, The Caravan Goes On: How Aramco and Saudi Arabia Grew Up Together (Isle of Wight: Medina Publishing, 2013), 108.
38. Ibid.
39. Lacey, The Kingdom, 359.
40. Ibid, 308.
41. Holden and Johns, 199.
42. Parker T. Hart, (U. S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia), interviewed by William R. Crawford, January 27, 1989, transcript, The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project.
43. Lacey, The Kingdom, 318–319.
44. Ibid, 320.
45. «Memorandum of Conversation», Washington, March 26, 1958, FRUS1958–1960, Vol. XII, 721.
46. Lacey, The Kingdom, 320.
47. Ibid, 321–323.
48. «Implications of Recent Governmental Changes in Saudi Arabia», Special Intelligence Estimate, April 8, 1958, FRUS, 1958–1960 vol. XII, 726.
49. Holden and Johns, 205.
50. Lacey, The Kingdom, 324.
51. Ibid, 325.
52. «Telegram From the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State», Jiddah, April 22, 1959, FRUS1958–1960, Vol. XII, 747.
1. Vernon O. Egger, A History of the Muslim World to 1405 (New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004), 34.
2. Michael Cook, Mohammad (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), 85.
3. Egger, 31.
4. Cook, 24.
5. Bernard Lewis, The Arabs in History (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), 49.
6. Parker T. Hart (U. S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia), interviewed by William R. Crawford, January 27, 1989, transcript, The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project.
7. Tim Niblock, «Social Structure and the Development of the Saudi Arabian Political System», in State, Society and Economy in Saudi Arabia, ed. Tim Niblock (London: Routledge, 1915), 100.
8. Lacey, The Kingdom, 336.
9. «Memorandum From the Director of Intelligence and Research (Cumming) to Secretary of State Herter», December 22, 1960, FRUS, 1958–1960, Vol. XII, 769.
10. «Memorandum From the Director of the Office of near Eastern Affairs (Meyer) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Jones)», December 23, 1960, FRUS, 1958–1960, Vol. XII, 771.
11. Parker T. Hart (U. S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia), interviewed by William R. Crawford, January 27, 1989, transcript, The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project.
12. «Memorandum From the Director of the Office of near Eastern Affairs (Meyer) to the Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs (Jones)», December 23, 1960, FRUS, 1958–1960, Vol. XII, 771.
13. Parker T. Hart (U. S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia), interviewed by William R. Crawford, January 27, 1989, transcript, The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project.
14. Lacey, The Kingdom, 335–338.
15. Ibid, 338.
16. Parker T. Hart, (U. S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia), interviewed by William R. Crawford, January 27, 1989, transcript, The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Foreign Affairs Oral History Project.
17. Ibid.
18. Lacey, The Kingdom, 342.
19. «Statements Made By Abdullah Tariki, Oil Advisor To Saudi Arabian Government», RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/9–1151.
20. «Memorandum of Conversation: General Discussion of Saudi Arabian Oil Problems», RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/10–2451.
21. Vitalis, 136–137.
22. Yergin, 254.
23. William L. Owen, interview with Carole Hicke, American Perspectives of Aramco, The Saudi-Arabian Oil-Producing Company, 1930s to 1980s, University of California Berkeley Regional Oral History Office University of California Department Interview, 332–333.
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