30. Ibid.
31. «Paper Prepared in the Department of State, ‘Middle East Oil,’» Washington, September 1950, FRUS1950, V, 78.
32. http://www.exim.gov/about/mission.cfmand http://www.exim.gov/75th/bank_history.cfm.
33. «Letter from Snodgrass to Steve Bechtel, ‘SAG Program,’» January 21, 1950, Box 4 Folder 4, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.
34. Ibid.
35. «Letter from Rogers to Rosendahl, ‘Saudi Arab Government Project,’» March 19, 1950, Box 4 Folder 4, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.
36. «Cable to Aramco, Jeddah», February 1, 1951, Box 4 Folder 7, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW.
37. Executive and Technical Staff: Petroleum Administration for Defense, January 2, 1952. Box 52 Folder 7, Snodgrass Papers, 06571, AHCUW, 1–2.
38. «Visit to Your office by Messrs. Bechtel and Snodgrass», January 16, 1951, Saudi Arabia, Bechtel Int’l Corp. 1951, General Records of the Department of State, Record Group 59, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). (Далее используется аббревиатура RG 59, NA.)
39. «Memorandum of Conversation», June 5, 1951, RG 59, NA 886.2553/6–551.
40. «American Embassy, Jidda to Department of State», Washington, July 2, 1951, RG 59, NA 886.2553/7–251.
41. «Letter from Earl F. English to Van Rosendahl», June 22, 1951 and «Enclosure 1», RG 59 NA 886A.2553/7–251.
42. «Boyhood Dream Come True in Big Way», The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pittsburgh, PA) February 2, 1953.
43. «U. S. Embassy, Jidda to Department of State, Washington. Subject: Contract Negotiations between the Saudi Government and Michael Baker Jr. Inc. of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania», August 25, 1951 RG 59, NA 886A.2553/8–2551.
44. Robert Vitalis, America’s Kingdom (New York: New Left Books, 2009), 169.
45. Saudi Binladen Group, http://www.sbg.com.sa.
1. Childs to Secretary of State, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/1–3050.
2. Childs, 145.
3. Hill to Childs, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/2–1050.
4. Childs to Department of State, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/5–350.
5. James Terry Duce to Fraser Wilkins, May 25, 1950, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/5–2550.
6. Lacey, The Kingdom , 291.
7. James Terry Duce to Fraser Wilkins, May 25, 1950, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/5–2550.
8. Ibid.
9. Acheson to U. S. Embassy in Jeddah, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/6–150.
10. Childs to Secretary of State, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/6–1350.
11. Ibid.
12. Childs to Secretary of States, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/6–2350.
13. Childs to Secretary of States, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/6–2750.
14. «Memorandum of conversation with Najib Bey Salha, Assistant Deputy Minister of Finance», in Childs to Department of State, RG 59, NA 886A.2553/7–2550.
15. «Discussion with Aramco and Saudi Arabian Government Officials Regarding Saudi Arabian Government Requests for Increased Participation in Revenues of the Arabian American Oil Co.», July 25, 1950, NA, RG59, 886A.2553/7–2550.
16. Ibid.
17. Ibid.
18. «Conversation with Colonel Eddy, Regarding Conditions in Saudi Arabia», RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/8–1450.
19. «Memorandum of Conversation between Sheikh Yusuf Yassin, and Mohammed Effendi at Riyadh July 17, 1950», in Childs to Department of State, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/7–2550.
20. Ibid.
21. «Statement of Aramco’s position with regard to the Saudi Arabian Government’s demands for increased participation in Aramco’s earnings», in Childs to Department of State, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/7–2550.
22. Childs, 158.
23. Ibid, 172.
24. Ibid, 177.
25. Paul J. Hare, Diplomatic Chronicles of the Middle East: A Biography of Ambassador Raymond A. Hare (Maryland: University Press of America, Inc., 1993), 5.
26. Hare, 93.
27. Ibid, 87.
28. Raymond Hare, oral history interview, Georgetown University Library, 38, quoted as in Hare, 87.
29. Hare, 70.
30. Memorandum of Conversation: Conversation with Aramco Officials, RG 59, NA 886A.2553/10–2650.
31. Telegram from Department of State to Jeddah, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/11–650.
32. Confidential Memorandum: Visit of Sheikh Asad al Raqih, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/11–650.
33. Memorandum of Conversation: SAG Demands for Renegotiation of Aramco Contract, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/11–2250.
34. Childs to Secretary of State, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/6–2350.
35. Memorandum of Conversation: SAG Demands for Renegotiation of Aramco Contract, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/11–2250.
36. Holden and Johns, 173.
37. Hare to Secretary of State, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/12–150.
38. Hare, 89.
39. Hare to Secretary of State, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/12–1250.
40. Hare to Secretary of State, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/12–1350.
41. Hare to Secretary of State, RG 59, NA, 886A.2553/12–2950.
42. Ibid.
1. «Resume of audiences had by Aramco officials at Riyadh on June 2 & 3, 1951» July 2, 1951, RG 59, NA 886A.2553/7–251.
2. Ibid.
3. Letter from Garry Owen to Shaikh Abdulla Sulaiman, Minister of Finance, January 2, 1951, RG 59, NA 886A.2553/2–1051.
4. Memorandum to Department of State, Subject: New Developments in Aramco Operations, May 24, 1951, RG 59, NA 886A.2553/5–2451.
5. «Hare to Secretary of State», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/7–1451.
6. «Hare to Secretary of State», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/7–1951.
7. «Hare to Secretary of State», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/7–2451.
8. Ibid.
9. Ibid.
10. Ibid.
11. «Hare to Secretary of State», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/8–1151.
12. Hare, 70–87.
13. «Hare to Secretary of State», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/8–1151.
14. «Discussion with Aramco on SAG Demands», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/8–2151.
15. «Unsigned Telegram from Jiddah to Secretary of State», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/8–2451.
16. «Memorandum of Conversation», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/10–3051.
17. «Status of Aramco-SAG discussions of concession terms», RG 59, NA 886A.2553/4–2152.
18. William E. Mulligan, «A Kingdom and a Company», in Aramco World Magazine, 35:3 (1984) 44.
19. Memorandum of Conversation, Subject: Aramco Call on Mr. McGhee, RG 59, NA 886A.2553/10–3051.
20. Memorandum of Conversation, RG 59, NA 886A.2553/6–3052.
21. Memorandum of Conversation, RG 59, NA 886A.2553/11–652.
22. Hare to Secretary of State: «Exploratory Conversations: Aramco-SAG Petroleum Consultant», NA 886A.2553/12–652.
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