Victoria Defence Fleet.
Abolition of Transportation 83
Active 196
Adelaide 70
Agricultural Co., N.S.W. 44
Albany 118, 136
Alexander, Mount 97
Alexandrina, Lake 53
Alfred, Prince 171
Alligator 202
Anti-Transportation 161
Arthur, Governor 36
Atkin, Judge-Advocate 30
Auckland 205
Australia, name given 2
Australian Bight 133
Ballarat 95
Bass 18, 20, 40
Bathurst 42
Batman 37, 58, 62
Baudin 23
Bentley 103
Bligh 29
Blue Mountains 40
Botany Bay 9, 11
Bourke 45, 64
Bowen, Lieutenant 32
Bowen, Sir George 129
Boyd 193
Brady 37
Brisbane, Governor 42
Brisbane River 120
Britannia 209
Browne, Colonel 1622
Browne, Colonel Gere 232
Buccaneers’ Archipelago 7
Buckley 63
Burke and Wills 143
Burra Mines 86
Busby 202
Caen, De 24
Caley’s Repulse 40
Cameron, Sir Duncan 234
Canterbury 229
Carpenter, General 5
Castlemaine 97
Castlereagh 40
Chisholm, Mrs. 79
Christchurch 230
Clarke 20
Clarke, Rev. W. B. 91
Clunes 95
Collins, Governor 12, 32, 57
Convicts Prevention Act 99
Cook’s Voyages 8, 118
Corner Inlet 21
Cotton Plantations 125
Cowper, Charles 170
Crawford 37
Crozet, Captain 190
Cumberland , vessel 24
Cunningham, Allan 49
Dalley 175
Dalrymple 22, 34
Dampier 6
Darling River 52
Darling, Sir Charles 178
Darling, Sir Ralph 43
Davey, Governor 34
Denison, Governor 108, 159
D’Entrecasteaux 11
Despard, Colonel 223
Du Cane 162
Du Fresne 190
Dunbar 110
Dunedin 229
Duyfhen 4
Edel 5
Endeavour 8, 188
Esmond 95
Eureka Stockade 104
• Sydney 174
• Melbourne 182
• Adelaide 168
Eyre, Edward 132
Fawkner 57, 62, 66
Fisher 70
Fitzroy, Governor 215
Fitzroy, Sir Charles 83
Flinders 18, 22, 24
Forrest 154
Foveaux, Colonel 31
Franklin, Sir John 38, 155
Fremantle 112
Furneaux 11
Garden Island 112
Gate Pah 238
Gawler, Colonel 71, 75
Geelong 60
Giles 154
Gipps, Governor 75
Glenelg River 54
Godley, John Robert 229
Gold, early rumours of 90
Gold in Queensland 123
Goldfields, aspect of 99
Goldfields, rush to 93
Gregory, A. C. 143
Grey, Earl 82
Grey, Governor 75, 84, 224
Grimes 56
Grose, Major 16
Hacking, Port 20
Haines 176
Hargraves 91
Hartog, Dirk 4
Hau Hau 239
Hawaiki 186
Hawkesbury 16
Henty Bros. 61
Hervey Bay 23
Hindmarsh, Governor 71
Hobart Town 32
Hobson, Governor 203, 214
Hokianga 201
Hongi 195
Honi Heke 218
Hotham, Sir Charles 103
Howe, Cape 9
Howitt 151
Hulme, Colonel 221
Hume and Hovell 49
Humffray 104
Hunter, Captain 12, 16
Investigator , vessel 23
Jackson, Port 10, 12
Johnstone, Major 28, 30
Kangaroo Island 23, 70
Kapunda Mines 85
Keer-weer, Cape 4
Kennedy, the explorer 141
Kennedy, a miner 103
Kororarika 200, 220
King, Lieutenant 15, 25
King George’s Sound 111, 118, 136
Lalor 104, 105
Lancey, Captain 62
Land Grants, W.A. 113
Land Laws, N.S.W. 76
Land League 233
Land Question 46, 210
Landsborough 152
Lang, Dr. 80
La Perouse 11
Latrobe 65, 80
Leeuwin 4
Legislative Assembly 108, 175
Legislative Council 44, 80, 108, 215
Leichardt 140
Licence Fee 101
Lonsdale 65
Lyttelton 230
Macarthur, John 28
MʻCulloch 179
MʻKinlay 152
Macleay 52
Macquarie, Governor 38
Macquarie River 42, 49
Marion 11
Marsden, Samuel 194
Melbourne 60, 65
Merri Creek 60
Mitchell 54
Moreton Bay 10, 119
Murray, Lieutenant 23, 55
Murray River 52
Nelson 213
New Hebrides 2
New Plymouth 212
New South Wales Corps 26
New South Wales named 10
New Zealand 9, 188
New Zealand Company 207
New Zealand Fencibles 227
Norfolk Island 15, 35
Norfolk , sloop 22
Nuggets 98
Nuyts 5
Oheawai 223
Orakau 237
Otago 227
Ovens River 50, 101
Oxley 48, 119
Parkes, Sir H. 175
Patriotic Six 159
Patterson, Colonel 16, 31, 34
Peel, Mr. 116
Perth 113
Phillip, Governor 12
Polynesian Labour 126
Poole 137
Portland Bay 55
Port Chalmers 229
Port Phillip 55
Poverty Bay 242
Queen Charlotte Sound 190, 208
Queensland 123
Quiros, De 2
Railways in N.S.W. 171
Rangihaeata 216, 226
Rangiriri 235
Rauparaha 216, 226
Ruapekapeka 225
Ruatara 195
Rebecca , vessel 59
Redcliff Peninsula 120
Representative Government 80, 232
Risdon 32
Robe, Governor 88
Robertson, John 170
Rockhampton 124
Roebuck 7
Saltwater River 60
Sandhurst 97
Selwyn, Dr. George 214
Separation of Port Phillip 79
Separation of Queensland 122
Settled Government 201
Shoalhaven River 21
Shortland, Lieutenant 17, 210, 215
Sirius , war-ship 12
Sorell, Governor 35
Soudan Expedition 175
South Australian Association 68
Spain, William 216
Spencer’s Gulf 23
Stony Desert 139
Strzelecki 90
Stuart, MʻDouall 137, 153
Sturt 15, 136
Supply , war-ship 12
Surville De 189
Sydney Cove 13
Tamar River 22
Taranaki 211, 233
Tarra 193
Tasman 5, 187
Tasmania named 162
Taylor 37
Te Kooti 241
Telegraph, overland 166
Te Pehi 192, 194
Te Ranga 238
Te Whero Whero 199, 212, 233
Todd, Charles 166
Tom Thumb , boat 18
Torrens’ Real Property Act 164
Torrens, Colonel 70
Torres 3
Tribulation, Cape 10
Twofold Bay 21
University of Sydney 111
Vancouver 11
Van Diemen 5
Vern 105
Victoria 83, 175
Vlaming 112
Wairau 216
Waitangi 204
Wakefield, Edward Gibbon 67, 207, 227
Wakefield Colonel 208
Walker 152
Wanganui 212
Warburton 154
Weld, Governor 162
Wellington 208
Wentworth 40, 109
Wereroa 239
Western Port 21, 58
West Australia 111
Wilmot, Sir Eardley 158
Wilson’s Promontory 21
Windsor 40
Wool-growing 28
Wynyard, Colonel 232
Yarra 59
York, Cape 4, 24, 142
Young, Sir Henry 89, 162
Young, Sir John 168
Zaachen 4
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