Conor O'Clery - Moscow, December 25, 1991

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Moscow, December 25, 1991: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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The implosion of the Soviet Union was the culmination of a gripping game played out between two men who intensely disliked each other and had different concepts for the future. Mikhail Gorbachev, a sophisticated and urbane reformer, sought to modernize and preserve the USSR; Boris Yeltsin, a coarse and a hard drinking “bulldozer,” wished to destroy the union and create a capitalist Russia. The defeat of the August 1991 coup attempt, carried out by hardline communists, shook Gorbachev’s authority and was a triumph for Yeltsin. But it took four months of intrigue and double-dealing before the Soviet Union collapsed and the day arrived when Yeltsin could hustle Gorbachev out of the Kremlin, and move in as ruler of Russia.
Conor O’Clery has written a unique and truly suspenseful thriller of the day the Soviet Union died. The internal power plays, the shifting alliances, the betrayals, the mysterious three colonels carrying the briefcase with the nuclear codes, and the jockeying to exploit the future are worthy of John Le Carré or Alan Furst. The Cold War’s last act was a magnificent dark drama played out in the shadows of the Kremlin.

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Bonner, Yelena

Borodin, Leonid

Bovin, Alexander

Braithwaite, Rodric

Brakov, Yury

Brezhnev, Galina

Brezhnev, Leonid

Burbulis, Gennady

and Belovezh agreement

Burlatsky Fyodor

Bush, Barbara

Bush, George H. W.

and August coup

and “Chicken Kiev” speech

and Gorbachev

and Gorbachev, and August coup

and Gorbachev, friendship between

and Gorbachev, power loss of

and Gorbachev, praise for

and Gorbachev, resignation speech of

and Gorbachev, and United States as Cold War victor

and Gorbacheva

in Moscow

and nuclear weapons

and Soviet Union, collapse of

and three-state union

and Ukraine

and United States as Cold War victor

and Yeltsin

and Yeltsin, and August coup

and Yeltsin, praise for

Castro, Fidel

Caudill, Charlie

and nuclear suitcase, handover of

and Yeltsin, interview with

Ceauşescu, Nicolae


Chebrikov, Viktor


Cheney Dick

Chernenko, Konstantin

Chernomyrdin, Viktor

Chernyaev, Anatoly

and mistress

and August coup

and Gorbachev, attempts to discredit

and Gorbachev, disrespect toward

and Gorbachev, power loss of

and Gorbachev, resignation speech of

and Gorbachev, wealth of

and nuclear suitcase, handover of

and perestroika

and RAND-type company

and three-state union

and Yeltsin, resignation of, from Politburo


Chubais, Anatoly

CIS. See Commonwealth of Independent States

Clinton, Bill


and August coup

and Gorbachev, resignation speech of

and nuclear suitcase, handover of

and transfer of power

and Yeltsin, interview with

See also News media

Cold War

Colonels-guardians, of nuclear suitcase. See also Nuclear suitcase

Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)

creation of

members of

See also Alma-Ata agreements; Belovezh agreement; Three-state union

Communist Party of the Soviet Union

criminality by leaders of

conference speech (1988)

Communist Party of Russia

Communist regimes, ousting of

Confederative union state

Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian Federation.

Congress of People’s Deputies of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic

Congress of People’s Deputies of the USSR


and economic reform

See also Party privilege

Cuenca, José

Currency controls

Dacha, presidential

De Gaulle, Charles

Declaration of Sovereignty of the RSFSR



Doomsday Clock

Drozdov, Valery

Eastern Europe

Economic reform

and corruption

and five-hundred-day plan

and Gorbachev

and organized crime

and shock therapy

and Yeltsin

See also Perestroika

Economic union

Esalen Institute

Esalen Soviet American Exchange Program

Estonia. See also Baltic republics

Falin, Valentin

Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti (FSB)

Five-hundred-day plan. See also Economic reform

Flags, switching of

Fokin, Vladimir

Food donations

Food shortages. See also Shortages

Free market economy. See also Economic reform

Friedman, Milton

FSB. See also Federalnaya Sluzhba Bezopasnosti

Fuel shortages. See also Shortages

Fukuyama, Francis

Fyodorov, Nikolay

Gaidar, Yegor

and economic reform

and Belovezh agreement

Garrison, Jim

Gates, Robert

Genieva, Ekaterina


Gerashchenko, Vitaly

Gerasimov, Gennady

Ghitis, Frida

Giblin, Viktor


Gorbachev, Mikhail

achievements of

attempts to discredit

and August coup

and Baltic republics

books by

and Bush

and Bush, and August coup

and Bush, friendship between

and Bush, and power loss

and Bush, praise by

and Bush, and resignation speech

and Bush, and United States as Cold War victor

childhood of

and Cold War

and Communist Party conference speech (1988)

and Communist Party leaders, criminality of

as Communist party member

and Congress of People’s Deputies

and conspiracies/coups ( see also August coup)

and corruption

and demonstrations

and displaced staff, employment for

disrespect toward

documentary about

and economic reform

education of

at eighty years old

family of

farewell letters of

farewell reception for

final duties of

as first party secretary of Stavropol

and five-hundred-day plan ( see also Economic reform)

and flags, switching of

and foundation ( see Gorbachev Foundation)

as general secretary of Communist Party

as general secretary of Communist Party, resignation of

and glasnost

hardliners surrounding

and immunity from prosecution

and Israel

and KGB surveillance

and Koppel

at Kremlin

and Major

marriage of

as model for advertising agencies

money-raising power of

and new union treaty

and new world order

and Nobel Peace Prize

and nuclear suitcase

and nuclear weapons

and party privilege

and perestroika ( see also Economic reform)

personal attire of

personality traits of

physical appearance of

as Politburo member

and politics, return to

and power, loss of

praise for

presidential reelection campaign (1996) of

and RAND-type company

and reform program( see also Economic reform)

residences of

residences of, eviction from

and resignation decree, signing of

resignation of

resignation speech of

and retirement

and retirement/compensation

sixtieth birthday of

and Soviet republics

sympathy and appreciation for

and three-state union

and transfer of power

and transfer of power, aftermath of

and transfer of power agreement

and Twenty-seventh Party Congress


and United States, visit to

wealth of

and wife, death of

and Yeltsin

and Yeltsin, alliance between

and Yeltsin, conflict between

and Yeltsin, difference between

and Yeltsin, and economic reform

and Yeltsin, expulsion from presidential office by

and Yeltsin, first meeting between

and Yeltsin, harassment by

and Yeltsin, hiring of

and Yeltsin, at Middle East conference

and Yeltsin, and power loss

and Yeltsin, and resignation from Politburo

and Yeltsin, and resignation speech

and Yeltsin, and Soviet republics

and Yeltsin, suicide attempt of

and Yeltsin, television interviews between

and Yeltsin, and town hall meeting

and Yeltsin, and transfer of power

Gorbachev Foundation (The International Foundation for Socio-Economic and Political Studies)

Gorbacheva, Raisa

admiration for

and August coup

and Bush

death of

disrespect toward

harassment of

health of

and KGB surveillance

marriage of

and news media

physical appearance of

political influence of

resentment toward

residences of

residences of, eviction from

and retirement

and “secret speech,”

and women, plight of

Grachev, Andrey

and Gorbachev, attempts to discredit

and Gorbachev, documentary about

and Gorbachev, farewell letters of

and Gorbachev, reception for,

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