Jeordie Meier - New chemistry and astrophysics – 2021

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This book contains many new scientific discoveries in the field of chemistry and astrophysics that will change modern theoretical chemistry. It's better and more ingenious than the books of Stephen Hawking, scientific discoveries surpass Einstein's achievements. This is the most useful book written in recent years, it can change the life of person who read it. You can throw in the trash modern textbooks on theoretical chemistry, because there are only mistakes and delusions of scientists

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New chemistry and astrophysics – 2021

Jeordie Vic Meier

© Jeordie Vic Meier, 2021

ISBN 978-5-0055-2298-6

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Autor Jeordie Vic Meier

All information in this book is my intellectual property. And I will find out and punish whoever tries to appropriate it. This book was sent to several scientific centers and in Nobel committee.

I have files proving that I am the author of this book even before I sent it to someone.

1. Atom. New Chemistry.

2. New chemistry table.

3. Structure of cosmos. Astrophysics.

4. Chemistry and living organism.

Atom. New Chemistry.

Be patient, I tried to write so that the structure of atom was formed into a single structure.

My book is better, more correct and more logical than any chemistry textbook, I found all mistakes of modern theoretical chemistry.

Scientists have come to conclusion that proton and neutron of all chemicals are composed of two types of quarks.

Quarks: u quark (or up quark); d-quark (or down quark);

Also, scientists came to conclusion that there are more neutrons in atom than protons.

..but nevertheless, scientists at the hadron collider discovered about 5 new quarks, where did they come from and what is it?

Scientists have not described how these quarks are related to each other, the principle of their energy exchange so that they do not fall apart. One quark in proton in the middle should be conductor of energy between two other quarks, it should be special, like magnet, if proton consists of «u, u, d» quarks, then conductor is «d» quark, if neutron consists of «u, d, d» quarks, then conductor is «u» quark, this is very strange. I am sure that results of scientists’ research are wrong, if I studied them in more detail or had opportunity to be present at experiment, then I would point out to them their error.

When scientists split atom, it decays into hadrons, a trio of quarks that stick together, so that quarks do not scatter, there must be energy exchange, need to understand the principle of energy exchange between quarks, as well as nature of each quark separately. If there are only 2 types of quarks in hadron, then system of hadron consisting of 3 quarks will not work. A trio of quarks consisting of 2 types of quarks is impossible.

In fact, proton is made up of 3 different quarks, just like neutron.

Here is my theory and its proof.

When scientists destroy atom, it is divided into androns, which consist of three quarks, which means that these three quarks have special energy connection.

If we reason logically of what matter consists adron is:

– Quark are fragments from exploding stars, these fragments look like pieces of metal.

2. Quark is piece of metal energy conductor magnet, if hadron consisted of only two types of quarks then atom would not have formed.

3. Quark- that was formed when stars explosion.

1.This silver metallic quark consists of particles of chaos and ideal particles (to find out its physical properties), let’s reason logically.

There are chaos particles in this quark, chaotically moving destructive particles, if they were not there and this quark was an ideal conductor of energy then atoms and stars from which it broke off would not collapse, all physical matter has particles of chaos in it that destroy it. In this world every thing decomposes and collapses over time, imagine if matter consisted of ideal particles that formed harmonious energy connection, they would not lose energy, plus eternal energy supply from electron, it lives as long as the galaxy lives, then these stars would not die, but lived as long how long the galaxy lives.

Ideal particles consist of orderly dancing mini-particles, they receive, store and conduct energy.

Space is divided into ideal particles, they glow, give and conduct energy to chaos particles, chaos particles it’s small chaotically moving particles, they destroy.

And there are also particles that consist of ideal particles and particles of chaos, they appeared after the death of first stars. Possible first stars were arranged differently than modern stars. So, logically, it turns out that this quark consists of normal ideal particle that conducts energy and of chaos particles. If this quark consisted only of ideal initial particles that conduct energy, then all chemical elements would be charged with energy so strongly that they could not be taken in hand, they would radiate strong, and if we ourselves consist of atoms, then we would glow and themselves would besource of energy. I am sure that scientists have already split the quark, which proves that it consists of smaller particles and this is particle of chaos and perfect particle.

In short, the 1 quark consists of chaos particles and ideal particles that transfer and store energy, but chaos particles are also slightly charged with energy

– Quark electrical conductor magnet. Well, quarks must somehow be connected with each other and this is force that holds them together when atom decays into hadrons, this quark provides good connection between two other quarks. Аtom is destroyed due to the fact that high temperature, pressure and other external influences disrupt the energy connection between quarks, this quark conductor loses energy and hadron gets damaged.

Although new atoms are born when the old atom has a lot of energy due to falling into special external conditions. I think this is perfect quark without chaos particles, because it conducts energy best.

3. Third quark, which possible looks like black piece, part of explosion of stars.

Now I have to prove it.

Let’s analyze situation if hadron consisted of 2 types of quarks as scientists write.

1. Proton: Quark -conductor of energy and 2 metallic identical quarks. Then neutron will consist of 2 quarks of energy conductors and one metallic one. (u, d, u) (d, u, d) Funny huh?

Perhaps protons and neutrons differ from each other not by the presence of - фото 1

Perhaps protons and neutrons differ from each other not by the presence of electron in it, but by quark composition, I do not believe that atom consists of only 3 types of quarks, there should be more of them.

Scientists saw only 2 types of quarks. They may have lost third.

In short, atom has such properties, it conducts energy, which means it has ideal particles, it is not eternal, it lives no longer than galaxy, in its quarks there are particles of chaos that destroy matter (chaotically moving dark particles) if they were not there, then all matter around shone as if she was struck by lightning and this atom and matter would be eternal.

In chemical elements, in addition to light quarks of which the hydrogen atom consists, also particles of stardust (solar and cosmic particles), they have a different radiation and they affect the human body in a different way. Аn example of heavy and radioactive chemicals, there are such particles that are not in light chemical elements, so when they enter the body it is so difficult to remove them (mercury and radiation). When these particles fall on the earth, they can change, they exchange energy with other particles, they can deforms and change their radiation, this gives rise to wide variety of different particles that make up chemical elements. Also due to the particles of stardust, which are heavier than hydrogen, heavier atoms are formed, the atom needs a nucleus with a strong attraction. In short, in the nucleus of heavy atom there are particles that are not in hydrogen.

So here are components of which atoms are composed: quarks, photons (they are not in all atoms, they give or take energy from atom), stardust (heavier particles than quarks from hydrogen), electrons and unknown substances- gluons, also in atoms there is particle unique only for this galaxy – «Galaxion», I theoretically prove its existence.

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