The simple songs previously communicated the conventional wisdom concerning the correct behavior in relation to the opposite sex and the mistakes to be avoided.
So many years have passed since the day of composition these lines, but they have not lost their topicality.
So, how did it happen:
A dark night. A light tender wind is stroking the halm of reed, and an enamored couple, walking until late.
It’s time for girl to go home. The parents are waiting and worrying.
But she does not want to leave her sweetheart. His passionate embraces and the beautiful words excite so much that the girl cannot manage the overwhelming feelings.
Chapter 4. Uncontrolled sexual behavior
We – the current generation – make too many mistakes in the most important and life-determining affair.
It is caused by the inability to understand the laws of Universe.
“Sometimes people are unable to distinguish between the real love from the sexual attraction.
However, there is an explicit distinction – even the strong feeling, love, cannot serve a justification for sexual relationship out of wedlock.
The lusts of the flesh, affection able of going to the head are not sufficient grounds for the start of sexual relationship.
The only precondition for it is marriage.
Otherwise, it is depravity
The spiritual sight weakens; the heard hardens and becomes incapable of the real comprehensive love.
It becomes difficult to attain happiness and internal harmony to be characteristic for family life.
We also should not ignore the danger born by the relations outside marriage.
Spiritual suffer is merely a part of the pleasures of adultery
The guy does not respect the girl nor does she respect herself.
There is no confidence of the relation stability, there always is a risk of breaking the relations”…. (an author unknown to me)
Condoning attitude toward non-marital relationship has horrible consequences for many people and the society in whole.
The freedom of choice is not beneficial; just the opposite, it renders the right choice difficult, leading people to the way of physical and moral degeneration.
“It is the short-term relations that prevent the long-lasting alliance known as an affinity of souls – which needs faith, harmony and mutual understanding.
Short-term sexual relationships make it impossible to generate a deeper alliance.
Without fidelity we will never attain the upper plans of our development.
Sex produces karmic relations.
Unrestrained sensuality injures the nervous system. Erotic fantasies create entities in the undermost spheres.
They settle in places where people have invocated them by their thoughts. It is how the various nervous and psychiatric diseases occur.
Irregular sexual relations create problems at all the life levels.
It looks like the soul tears into parts.
Hollowing yourself out you can hardly move to the higher stage of development. (Dion Fortune)
One guy wrote in the social networks: I don’t want anything and anybody; I have emptiness in my soul.
Very many young people have such condition.
And this apparently reasonless emptiness occurs due to the violation of the laws of love, the laws of universe.
Female affordability and the lack of the norms of moral in the modern society seduce and destroy our men.
It is promiscuity in sexual relationships is the main reason for spiritual, psychological and physical degradation and lameness of our men. The modern man’s death is finally not the Grim Reaper but a young girl in a short skirt.
For very complex processes occur at the moment of intimacy. They involve the deepest strata of personality.
For the Universe it does not matter whether the marriage took place.
The fact of sex is the marriage.
And people who had sex become a husband and wife.
“They entered into agreement with the Supreme forces and have certain commitments to them.
A relation is established at the fine level, the involve the souls of the children getting ready come into the world” (Dion Fortune)
Why don’t modern men hurry to make a family?
The reason is the same:
The have lost the main stimulus.
The girl is no longer a mystery, and object of admiration and warship.
Girls, your affordability kills the boys’ romance, turns them into deprave egoists unable to have long-lasting and faithful relations.
The girls who started their adult life early create problems not only for themselves but for others, more adult ones. The latter, having realized the situation, change their behavior and wind themselves to more serious relations.
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