After that she chose one of them and married him.
Without the unnecessary tears and suffers, as it normally happens. She settled her life in a joyful and beautiful manner.
Though, it normally happens as follows:
You have relations with the first one you feel affection to.
Without proper thinking.
Who is he?
What kind of a person is he?
If you want to be the one and only, your soul mate must be your only man. To be so, he needs first to become your husband, and only after that- your man.
You must not do otherwise.
Or for him you will always be one of the many.
Any sex outside marriage is a depravity.
It is severely punished by the supreme forces: it results in suffers, diseases, and disasters.
For men are made like this.
They are difficult to oppose temptations and behave in the framework of the social moral.
The destination of a woman is to raise men to the higher level of their development. It is necessary for giving birth to the future generation of healthy and adequate children.
Limitations make men disciplined and stronger by increasing their sexual force.
Abstinence in the young age will not do them any harm.
It is their inabstinence and promiscuity will give them irreparable harm, which often causes troubles in the life and prevents from choosing the really right partner.
It is for this reason that in the countries – mostly eastern ones, where people adhere fasting and limitations life and sexual activity of mint last longer. Having got used to the easiness of such intercourse the guys will hardly be good husbands in future and keep faith.
80% of men, after such free rackety life lead a dissolute life even after marriage.
And the excessive trust and sensibility will rather make the pragmatic men laugh than touch their heart.
Girls are more emotional.
Having fallen in love, they excessively idealize their chosen ones.
Having agreed to make sex, you only lose your boyfriend’s respect, as well as his friends’.
And quickly turn into a call girl from proud and inaccessible person.
Girls… stand in own light by agreeing to easy and free-of-commitment sex.
Be cold-blooded and do not follow your passions.
Let men dream about you, dream about family.
Easily attainable things will hardly be appreciated.
You may be smart and very beautiful but you will get lost for nothing, wallow in vice due to the foolish illusions and the lack of understanding of the events.
Do not disclose your sole, nor your body to the first comer, as well as the second and third.
Your only man is your future husband.
Never follow evanescent whims and temptations, both yours and somebody else’s.
But if you are grimly determined to quickly step into the adult life and turn into a woman from a girl, escaping the middle stage – being a maiden for at least a short time, you must know what you are going to face in this – not so beautiful at all – future.
By the way, nobody will be surprised.
What will cause surprise is a modest, presentably dressed and decent girl.
Nobody and never will be able to make up for your loss.
After this stupid step you will always be pitiful and unworthy of the greatest and happy life.
As it normally happens.
You dream about meeting your only and special love.
Finally, you see him, the prince of your dream.
You are head-over-heels.
You spend your free time together. My love, you tell him. You may kiss me anywhere, I am already adult.
All is like in the mist, like in a sweet dream.
And sometimes these are the words of a gynecologist which awake you from this sweet narcosis: Lady, are you the next to abortion?
And if you still manage to be happy, it will occur after long tears and suffers.
Girl, think, are your illusions worthy of it?
Chapter 3. ABout chastity
Somewhere in the bottom of the heart, a Russian man longs for the past moral superiority when a maiden chastity used to be the main merit and pride of any girl.
What is chastity?
“ An integral composition of a man.
A correct constitution of a soul and the corresponding state of mind. Purity of thoughts, desires, soul. Harmony and integrity of the soul and the body.
The harmony and integrity of the soul and the body
Chastity means the wise, the knowledge of the essence of things, the order in mind.
A virgin, she is lighting with joy, the inner light.
It is a beautiful state of a person. It normalizes the endocrine profile. The light and honorable relationship create conditions for coming of love and happy family life.
Any disease is the loss of.
White blood cells – leukocytes – are responsible for immune system, and it activity, in turn, depends on the purity of mind. The integrity of our organism system is lost as a result of the space laws violations.
Combination of the seven colors of a rainbow produce white color – the color of chastity.
The tragedy of our planet is violation of these proportions and the consequential deficit of the sun energy necessary for normal life on the earth.
Any infection or disease is an act of dark forces.
Integrity is an ability of opposing to maleficent passions resulting in diseases and death.
Integrity provides health as well as the relations with the spiritual world. It creates a type of a bridge to the heaven – which makes it possible to connect to the energy and information field of the universe”… (an author unknown to me)
A person attains perfection, wise and happiness in life and love, rising to a higher level of development, acquiring the ability to better prove oneself in any activity.
Our ancestors have always had a reverent attitude to the female honor.
Both now and always a morally fallen girl, that is the one who has lost her virginity before wedding was considered to be naughty and unworthy a marriage.
“Nearly three months after the loss of virginity, visible changes of appearance take place in the appearance of a girl which has not come of age.
Her face changes. It looks like growing ugly, pinching.
The breasts stop growing and lose their shape.
Physiological process of fast aging starts up. The person changes, becoming harder and squat
The surrounding world is like losing its colors”… (an author unknown to me)
A guy must respect a girl’s desire to save the virginity until the wedding. One careless step – and everything will be destroyed.
An emptiness occurs inside, and the love which could generate between and young man and a girl, fades away.
The reverent attitude disappears.
In the most cases the young man, having lost his interest, starts seeking a new object for satisfying his passion.
Similar situations are often mentioned in our folklore warning the naïve girls from inconsiderate acts.
Just recall, for example, the song “Trees have been bent”
If you don’t remember I will recall you.
“Trees have been bent and reed has rustled
Amid the darkness all night long.
One infatuated couple
Has had a frolic “till the dawn.
And in the morning when they’ve got up
From their bed of crumbled grass
I’ve realized not only grass though,
My beauty’s crumbled too, alas.
When I come home, kin will ask me:
What kind of bridges I have crossed?
And I will answer: in a garden
A path to home I have lost.
But if your mom does not believe it
Then you should come back to this place.
And I’ve return and what I’ve found
Was nothing but the empty space.
Trees have been bent and reed has rustled
Amid the darkness all night long
Oh, who have loved me with a passion?
Whom have I sung my heartfelt song?
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