He swore when the phone rang and she woke. "Take it easy." Like Deanna, he expected to hear nothing but breathing when he lifted the receiver.
"Finn? It's Joe."
"Joe." He saw the tension dissolve from Deanna's shoulders. "I guess it would be pointless to mention it's after one A.m."
"Got a tip for you, pal. I was whiling away some time with Leno and monitoring my police scanner. We had us a murder over at Lincoln Park."
"I'm not on the crime beat."
"I checked it out, Finn. Figured you'd want to know right away, instead of catching it on the early news. It was Pike. You know, the shrink who hassled Dee today. Somebody did him."
Finn's gaze cut to Deanna's. "How?" "The same way as Angela. In the face. My police connection wouldn't give me much. But he bought it right on his own doorstep. A neighbor reported hearing gunshots around midnight. A black-
and-white checked it out and found him. I'm calling from the cop shop. We've got a unit on it. Story'll break top of the hour on Sunrise."
"I figured Dee would take it better from you."
"Yeah. Keep me posted?"
"You bet."
He hung up, dispirited. "Something's wrong." She could see it in his face, in the way the air had seemed to thicken around him. "Just tell me straight out, Finn."
"Okay." He covered her hands with his. "Marshall Pike's been murdered."
Her hands jerked once, then went still. "How?" "He was shot."
She already knew, but had to ask. "The same as Angela? It was the same as Angela, wasn't it?"
"It looks that way."
She made a strangled sound in her throat, but eased back when he reached for her. "I'm all right. We need to tell the police about what happened after work today. It has to be connected."
"It's possible."
"Don't circle around it," she snapped out, and pushed off the bed. "Marshall harassed me today, and we went over there. Hours later, he's shot. We can't pretend that one had nothing to do with the other."
"And if it is connected, what can you do?" "Whatever I can." She dragged a sweater over her head, snatched trousers from the closet. "Even though I didn't pull the trigger, I am the cause, and there has to be something I can do."
She didn't resist when he put his arms around her, but clung to him, pressing her face to his shoulder.
"I have to do something, Finn. I can't bear it otherwise."
"We'll go see Jenner." He cupped her face in his hands, kissed her. "We'll figure something out."
"Okay." She finished dressing in silence. She was sure he wouldn't feel guilty about facing down Marshall only hours before, because he would see what he had done as pure and simple justice. And perhaps he was right.
Is that what whoever had leveled a gun at Marshall's face had thought as well?
The idea sickened her. "I'll wait downstairs," she said as he pulled out his boots.
She saw the envelope before she reached the bottom landing. It lay crisp and white against the glossy floor of the foyer, inches inside the door. There was a quick pain, a twist in the gut like a fist punching muscle. Then she went numb, crossing the polished wood, bending down.
She opened the envelope as Finn came down behind her.
"Goddamn it." He took it from her limp fingers, and read.
He'll never hurt you again.
When they left the house, someone was watching, a heart bursting with love and need and terrible grief. Killing for her had been nothing. It had been done before, and needed to be done again.
Perhaps she would see, at last.
Jeff stood in the control booth overlooking the studio, biting his lip in agitation. Deanna was about to film her first show since Angela's death.
"Camera Three, on Dee." He barked out orders. "Take Two, zoom out. Wider on One, pan. Give me Dee tight, Three, music in. Great, great applause.
Start the playback tape."
He applauded himself, as did the others in the booth. From their perch overlooking the stage they could see the audience surge to its feet and cheer.
"Ride it," Jeff ordered. Oh yeah, he thought, sharing the triumph. She's back. "Ride the applause."
Down below Deanna stood on the new set with its jewel tones and banks of cheery holly bushes and let the waves of applause wash over her. It was, she knew, a show of support, a welcoming home. When her eyes filled she didn't bother to blink back the tears. She didn't think about it.
"Thanks." She let out a long, unsteady breath. "It's really good to be back. I…" She trailed off while she scanned the crowd. There were familiar faces dotted among the strangers. Faces from the newsroom, from production. Pleasure glowed on her face. "It's really good to see you. Before we get rolling, I'd like to thank you all for your letters and phone calls over the past week. Your support has helped me, and everyone involved with the show, through a difficult time."
And that, she thought, was all the space she could give, would give, to the past.
"Now I'd like to bring out a woman who's given us all so many hours of entertainment. She's incandescent. Luminous. With a talent as golden as her eyes. According to Newsweek, Kate Lowell can "ignite the screen with a sweep of the eyelash, by the flash of her signature smile." She's proven both her popular and her critical appeal by holding the number-one box-office position for two straight years, and by winning an Oscar for her portrayal of the heroic, unforgettable Tess in Deception. Ladies and gentlemen, Kate Lowell."
Again, the applause erupted. Kate swept into it, looking confident and fresh and every bit the star. But when Deanna took her hand, she found it cold and trembling. Deliberately Deanna wrapped her in an embrace.
"Don't do anything you're not ready to do," she murmured in Kate's ear. "I'm not going to push you into any revelations."
Kate hesitated a moment. "Oh God,
I'm glad you're here, Dee. Let's sit down, okay? My knees are shaking."
It wasn't an easy show, from any angle. Deanna was able to guide the first ten minutes through juicy Hollywood chitchat, keeping the audience amused to the point where she assumed Kate had changed her mind about the announcement.
"I like playing women of strength, and character." In a fluid movement that rustled silk, Kate crossed her long, million-dollar legs. "And there do seem to be more scripts being written for strong women, women who are not just bystanders but who have beliefs and standards they're willing to fight for. I'm grateful for the chance to play those women, because I didn't always fight for what I wanted."
"So you feel as though you're able to do that now, through your work?"
"I relate to many of the characters I've played. Tess in particular. Because she was a woman who sacrificed everything, risked everything for the sake of her child. In an odd sort of way, I mirrored Tess. Mirror images are opposites. And
I sacrificed my child, my chance with my child, when I gave it up for adoption ten years ago."
"Damn." In the control booth, Jeff's eyes popped wide. The audience had dropped into stunned silence. "Damn," he said again. "Camera Two, tight on Kate. Man, oh man."
But even as he worriedly bit his lip again, he focused on Deanna's face. She'd known, he realized, and let out a long, calming breath. She'd known…
"An unplanned pregnancy at any time, under any circumstances, is frightening." Deanna wanted her audience to remember that. "How old were you?"
"I was seventeen. I had, as you know, Dee, a supportive family, a good home. I'd just begun my modeling career, and I thought the world was at my feet. Then I discovered I was pregnant."
"The father? Do you want to talk about him?" "Was a nice, sweet boy who was every bit as terrified as I. He was my first." She smiled a little now, remembering him. "I was his. We were dazzled by each other, by what we felt for each other. When I told him, we just sat there, numb. We were in LA, and we'd gone to the beach. We sat there and watched the surf. He offered to marry me." "Some people might feel that would have been the answer. You didn't?"
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