He looked up at her, and she stroked his face in wonder. 'Are you crying?'
'No, of course not,' he said hastily. 'Daddies don't cry.'
'Don't they really? Mummies do.'
He tensed. 'Does your mother cry?'
'She cried a lot when we went away two years ago. I didn't understand. Why did she leave you if it made her so unhappy?'
'Perhaps it made her even more unhappy to stay,' he said slowly. 'Does she cry now?'
'I don't know. Sometimes I think, but she doesn't let on.'
They held each other in silence. Several times he thought she was about to speak, but she always hesitated. 'Daddy,' she said at last.
'Yes, darling?'
'I think-we ought to-stop trying to keep Barker alive.'
He looked closely into her face. 'Do you really mean that?'
'It's not kind to let him suffer.' Suddenly the tears were pouring down her cheeks. 'Oh, Daddy, I love him so much-but if you love someone-you've got to let them go-if it's best for them.' She clung to him, not sobbing as before, but weeping softly with resignation.
'Cindy, are you sure you mean that?'
'Yes, yes-1 mean it, I mean it-'
Garth hugged her tightly, wondering at his child's courage, so much greater than his own. He saw his son standing quietly in the shadows. 'We should ask Adrian what he thinks,' he said, desperately playing for time.
Adrian was very pale. 'I've been listening. Cindy's right.'
Garth held out an arm and his son went into its circle. The three of them clung together. Faye, watching unobserved, silently backed away. Something painful was happening in her heart. Tonight Garth had become again the warm, emotional man she'd fallen in love with, and what she'd feared most had happened. Her feelings for him flowed freely again, and it hurt.
He joined her a few minutes later. His self-reproach was painful to see. 'I'm useless,' he said desperately. 'There's not a thing I can do-not a thing-' His voice trailed away. He was staring into the middle distance.
'What is it?' Faye asked.
'I'd forgotten-' he said slowly. 'I should have remembered before- There is something I can do.' He began to walk urgently around the building to where the car was parked.
'Garth,' she said, following him. 'What is it?'
'I'd forgotten what he said-but it may not be too late. Tell Miss McGeorge to keep Barker alive tonight at all costs. And call Bill. Tell him to take off as soon as possible for Brussels Airport to collect James Wakeham.'
Faye heard the car door slam and the vehicle pull away fast.
The door was opened by a pretty young woman with long, auburn hair, no make-up and an intense expression.
'I'm looking for Kendall Haines,' Garth said, puzzled. 'Does he live here?'
'Yes, come in.' Garth gave her his name and she stood back and called into the house, 'There's a Mr Clayton for you, love.'
Kendall appeared. It seemed to Garth that he was smoothing down his hair, but he was too preoccupied with his errand to observe much. 'I have to talk to you urgently,' he said without preamble.
Kendall showed him into the front room and said, 'Coffee please, Jane.'
'Yes, Ken.' She spoke eagerly and rushed into the kitchen as if he'd offered her a treat.
'I need your help,' Garth said. 'My children's dog is dying. His one chance is an operation, but the best man for that is James Wakeham and he's abroad. He says it's not worth returning. But I remember your telling me that he's a friend of yours.'
'You've spoken to Wakeham?'
'Yes. I told him to name his own price, but I can't budge him. He kept talking about his conference, the important people he had to see. You're his friend. Can't you make him understand that none of those things matter if it means hurting a child?'
'We're not precisely friends,' Kendall said slowly.
'But he owes you a favour-'
'Possibly.' Kendall stood for a moment, sunk in thought.
'Haines, for God's sake!' Garth said desperately. 'If you want me to plead, I will. I'll do anything, but you must get that man back here, because otherwise-' he paused and a shudder went through him '-otherwise I've done something unforgivably selfish and cruel.'
'But even if I do convince him, he may not get a seat on the plane at such short notice.'
'No problem. My own plane has already taken off to collect him.'
'You're a man of great self-confidence, I see.'
'No,' Garth said heavily. 'None at all.'
'Do you have his number?' Garth gave it to him and Kendall dialled. From the conversation that followed Garth deduced that Wakeham wasn't immediately available, but would call back soon.
Jane entered with a tray of fresh coffee and poured for them both. She handed Kendall his cup as he was putting the phone down.
'Can I do anything else for you?' she asked eagerly.
'Yes, finish those papers we were working on in the study.'
'Nothing here?' she asked, sounding disappointed.
'Just leave us alone, there's a dear,' Kendall said kindly.
'If you want me, you'll be sure to call me?'
'I promise.'
'My secretary,' Kendall said when the door had closed behind Jane. 'We were working late.'
'At this hour? She must be very obliging,' Garth said with a slight edge on his voice.
'I know what you're getting at, but who's fault is it? I was happy when Faye worked for me, but you wrecked that. Jane's good at her job and she's always there when I need her.'
'You mean, unlike Faye?'
'It was Faye's own choice to drift away. She returned to you.'
A strange confusion of feelings warred within Garth. He should be glad that this man was getting out of his way, but his dominant feeling was one of anger. How dare this jerk dump Faye!
'I'd hardly say that she returned to me,' he said cautiously.
'But you're determined to get her back, aren't you? If you want to impress her, it was a shrewd move, coming here. Maybe that's why you came yourself instead of asking her to approach me.'
Garth stared, shocked into speechlessness. It simply hadn't occurred to him to send Faye.
The phone rang and Kendall answered. 'James,' he said heartily. 'Long time, no see. I'm here begging a favour-well, to call one in actually, since you still owe me for keeping quiet about that little matter- All right, you old dog, I was only joking. Actually, this is serious. You spoke to a friend of mine earlier- That's right, Garth Clayton-'
Garth had never doubted his own courage before, but suddenly he couldn't bear to listen. Everything in the world hung on this conversation. He left the room and stood in the hallway, nerves stretched to breaking point, until Kendall looked out.
'He's agreed,' he said, and Garth had to clutch the wall against the dizzying surge of relief. 'You'd better tell him about the plane yourself.'
The conversation was short and curt. Wakeham had been convinced, but was thoroughly displeased with everyone involved, himself included.
'I'll meet you this end,' Garth concluded.
When he'd hung up he allowed himself a few seconds' indulgence picturing Cindy's face when he told her. But it would take him fifteen minutes to get back to the surgery, and fifteen minutes could be a long time. He dialled at once and gave the news to Miss McGeorge, then to Faye.
'Tell the kids their old man pulled the rabbit out of the hat,' he said.
Her voice was husky. 'I knew you would. I just knew it.'
'Tell them quickly. Don't delay for a single moment. I'm on my way to the airport to fetch him.' 'Garth-' 'Yes?'
'Nothing. Just-take care.' 'I will. Tell Barker to hang in there.' Kendall Haines was watching him with a calculating expression on his face. Garth tried to thank him, but Kendall shrugged him away.
'Before I go, there's one question I'd like to ask,' Garth said. 'Did you know that I owned Melkham Construction when you took my son on that demonstration?'
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