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J Croft: Mr. Darcy Takes the Plunge

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J Croft Mr. Darcy Takes the Plunge

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A pun-filled tale featuring Jane Austen's characters with some added or addled, missing or missish, modified or mortified, healthier, wealthier, or wiser. Impeccable comportment is mandatory in Regency England, a society governed by strict rules of conduct. The immaculate image of perfectionist Fitzwilliam Darcy is somewhat tarnished when he and his traveling companions arrive, hot and sweaty, at Pemberley and decide to take a fateful plunge into a scummy pond. An embarrassing encounter on the estate's lawn leaves a long-lasting impression on Jane and Elizabeth Bennet, who are new acquaintances of Georgiana and Anna Darcy. With both families in London for the Little Season, Darcy finds himself thrown again into the path of perky Elizabeth Bennet, but a handsome army officer just might blockade further advances. This romantic comedy is a lighthearted adaptation of Austen’s , featuring a softer, sweeter, sillier side of Austen's beloved characters.

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Unbeknownst to them, Rex and Regina, George Darcy’s two rambunctious Dalmatians, had also entered the barn, perilously close to the open stall where the cats had taken up residence. The outraged tabby arched her back, hissed a warning, and then attacked, which caused the spotted dogs to run away with tails between their legs. They raced pell-mell toward the winter-garden glasshouse on a direct collision course with the four women, who were by then headed back to the manor. When Miss Anna saw the Dalmatians barreling toward them, she warned the others. “Stand absolutely still, and the dogs will swerve away from us. Do not move until they have passed.” The young lady spoke from first-hand experience; she had once tried, unsuccessfully, to dodge the boisterous dogs.

Miss Darcy and Elizabeth heeded Anna’s advice. However, Jane was on the other end; she panicked and took a few steps to her left just as Rex veered off to his right. They collided, and Jane was knocked down and, in fact, knocked out. The impact knocked Miss Bennet’s shoe off her foot and sent it sailing through the air. Rex was instantly miserable, for he had not intended to hurt the poor lady; so, as his way of apologizing, he licked her face as she lay unconscious.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Reynolds, who was on a different route to the orangery, noticed an unexpected object on its glass roof. She stopped, with fists planted on hips, and stared upward. As Georgiana ran in her direction, the housekeeper began to question her. “Miss Darcy, do you have any notion why a woman’s shoe is up there or how it arrived at such a mysterious final resting place?” She pointed to the enigma but immediately became alarmed by the distressed look on the dear girl’s face.

“Oh, Mrs. Reynolds, it is in every way horrible. Please do not mention final resting place, for Miss Bennet is gravely injured and comatose. You must help us. Please make haste!”

Elizabeth knelt at Jane’s side as her sister began to groan. “Please, Jane, awaken. Tell me you are going to be fine. Wake up, my darling sister, please. Be well, I pray.”

Panic-stricken, Jane opened her eyes and cried, “Oh, Lizzy, I fear I am partially paralyzed. The entire left side of my face is stiff and numb.” Tears filled Jane’s eyes as she clasped her sister’s hand.

Lizzy at once realized what had caused the ‘paralysis;’ and, partly in reaction to shock but also due to the humour in the situation, she began to chuckle. When Mrs. Reynolds arrived with Georgiana, she found a very giddy Miss Elizabeth and an outraged Miss Bennet. The latter sat up, glared at her sister, and said, “Not funny, Lizzy! My goodness, was I unconscious long enough for dog slobber to actually dry up on my face like that? Oh, do stop laughing, Lizzy! My head feels funny and my funny bone hurts.”

The housekeeper, Georgiana, and Miss Anna were relieved Miss Bennet quickly recovered from the impact with the dog and the ground. Still and all, Mrs. Reynolds insisted they immediately return to the house so she could attend the lady’s injured elbow.

Miss Darcy felt it necessary to apologize, yet again, to the Bennets for another hair-raising chapter in what seemed to be a savage saga of dastardly Darcy family failings and faux pas. Once more, the visitors made light of the episode. Elizabeth said, “I am very thankful Jane’s injuries were no more serious than a scraped arm. Just the same, I cannot help but find the whole incident rather humerus .” That statement earned Lizzy another indignant glare from her elder sibling.

In the billiard room Darcy Colonel Fitzwilliam Bingley and Fleming took - фото 5

In the billiard room, Darcy, Colonel Fitzwilliam, Bingley, and Fleming took turns shooting the colourful ivory balls across the green baize of the table that dominated the room. Darcy’s foxhounds, Romulus and Remus, were curled up and dozing beneath; and each time the balls clacked above them, the dogs raised their heads.

As the Colonel prepared to take a shot, he addressed his cousin. “Will the lovely Bennet sisters be joining us for dinner?”

“When I last saw the ladies several hours ago, Georgiana had not made mention of it, so I am uncertain.”

Bingley, who had been leaning against the wall, pushed himself off and exclaimed, “Darcy, do you mean to tell me now that the exquisite Miss Jane Bennet has been here all this afternoon?”

“I do not mean to tell you now, Bingley; for you have just already gained that knowledge.”

“But, blast it, you had concealed their presence from me!”

“I did not conceal the fact. I just never thought to mention it.”

“Really, Darcy, I thought I could count on your assistance; but with friends like you … ”

“Yes, yes, I know … who needs anemones. All the same, perhaps I was remiss, and I apologize.”

“Then I have your approval to become better acquainted with Miss Bennet?”

“Good God, Bingley,” interrupted Fleming. “Do you actually need Darcy’s approval for such a pursuit?”

The young man sheepishly replied, “Most certainly not! Nonetheless, I should like to know I have it all the same.”

Fleming rolled his eyes and said, “Oh, just go and get to it, Bungley.”

Bingley turned to one of the Darcy family’s ever-present footmen and commanded, “Bring me my coat at once. Quickly, man!”

Ellis Fleming put away his cue stick, glanced at Darcy, and said, “I daresay Bingley is right. We should all do the gentlemanly thing and pay our respects to the fairer sex. It might be unseemly for the rest of us not to do so while biddable Bingley makes an appearance.” Fleming did not seek assistance but pulled on his coat and hastily ran fingers through his feathery black hair.

“Yes, I do suppose it would be proper etiquette, my friend. However, that is the only reason I can think of for seeking out the young ladies.” Darcy hurried to don his coat, straighten his cravat, and check his impeccable image in the mirror over the mantle. The two burly bucks tried to exit the room at the same instant, and their broad shoulders were momentarily jammed together in the doorway.

Colonel Fitzwilliam snickered and shook his head. His cousin and two friends were obviously attracted to women currently residing or visiting at Pemberley. There was no question which lady held Bingley’s interest. Fleming had staunchly defended and praised Georgiana, and Darcy referred to Miss Elizabeth as ‘the pretty brunette with the sparkling, intelligent eyes’. Richard Fitzwilliam was thankful they were not all attracted to the same Bennet sister; nevertheless, he thought it would be interesting to discover if any real attachments would be formed. He calmly slipped his coat on and followed the others, who were already out of sight down the hallway.

The gentlemen found the fair ladies in the drawing room, and Charles Bingley was dismayed to learn angelic Miss Bennet had suffered an injury. In his opinion, she was the picture of loveliness stretched out on the sofa. At her elbow a bandage was wound round the wound on the creamy white skin of her elegant arm. Bingley fawned over the young woman, praised her bravery, and tried to dance attendance on her; but, of course, Miss Elizabeth, Mrs. Reynolds, Miss Georgiana, Miss Anna, and a houseful of servants were also available to cater to her every wish, if she had any, which she did not, save for everyone to stop making such a fuss.

The ladies chatted enthusiastically about the possibility of meeting in London before long; and promises were exchanged that correspondence would flow freely between Derbyshire and Hertfordshire as well as their residences in London, for each family had a townhouse there. Three of the gentlemen in the room paid particular attention to the location of the Bennet residence and were pleased to learn it was in a fashionable section. Because the ladies all played the pianoforte, they made plans to purchase sheet music from the new Chappell & Co. shop on Bond Street. A lively conversation followed on the merits of their preferred composers. But when talk subsequently turned to shopping for fashions in the city, the men’s eyes glazed over. They tuned out the female conversation and turned to a discussion about the Napoleonic War.

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