Her head bobbed just slightly as if she agreed, and Maksim couldn't help asking, "Did you love the baby's father?"
"Jackson? I thought I did."
"Jackson? That's his name?" Maksim asked, wanting to know more about this dickwad who'd cheated, lied, and left Jo expecting a baby alone.
"Yes." She laughed slightly, even that sound sleepy. "Jackson Johnson, the man with two last names."
Maksim smiled, even though Jo had her eyes closed and couldn't see.
"Would you have married him?" he asked, even as he wished he could just drop the subject. But he had to know.
"Yes," she said without hesitation, and the answer hurt more than he would have thought it could.
"So you had to have loved him."
Jo shrugged, then nestled her head deeper into the fluffy down pillow. "I did love him. I just didn't know who I was loving."
Her words again like a sucker punch to the gut. She didn't know Maksim either, and how would she feel about the truth about him? Did «demon» trump «married»? He suspected it did.
"I've had a hard time getting over him," she murmured, then yawned.
Maksim looked at her, realizing that explained a lot about her past behavior. She wasn't sure about how she felt, which explained her hot-and-cold shifts. She wasn't sure she wanted to move on, that much was clear.
"Are you still in love with him?" Maksim carefully rolled onto his side, trying not to move her overly. But the only answer he received was a soft snore.
Maksim sighed, remaining still, continuing to watch her. She was still in love with him. That was a perfect explanation for her reaction to Maksim. She wasn't sure what she wanted from Maksim or from Jackson.
He hooked a stray strand of her hair that clung to her cheek with his finger, tucking it behind her ear.
"Would you go back to him if he wanted you?" he asked in a whisper, expecting and receiving no response.
"Has he realized that he made a mistake?" he wondered aloud to himself. He lounged there for a few moments, thinking about that possibility.
Regretting his decision, but knowing he couldn't be stopped from this course, he gently nudged Jo.
Jo blinked her eyes open, looking around, uncertain where she was. When she got her bearings, she offered him the cutest, drowsy smile.
Maksim smiled back, hating that he'd woken her, but loving her sleepy genialness.
"Jo, where does Jackson live?"
"Right in D.C. On Capitol Hill. He's a lobbyist." Lingering sleepiness as good as a truth serum.
A lobbyist on Capitol Hill. Named Jackson Johnson. How hard could he be to find?
Maksim leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Jo's mouth. She responded, her lips instinctively moving against his. But when he pulled back she didn't speak. Sleep had claimed her again.
He eased out of bed, deciding right then that he was going to see this Jackson and find out why the hell he'd let this woman go.
Maksim stood on the sidewalk outside an office building in the nation's capital. It was moments like this that being a demon was really so convenient. Dematerialize here, materialize there.
Unfortunately this little venture wasn't for his own enjoyment. He needed to know what this Jackson guy was thinking. Maksim needed to give Jo the opportunity to be with the twit, if the guy had come to his senses during their separation from each other.
He walked up the steps and into the main lobby of the building. A directory greeted him, listing floors and office numbers of the different businesses in the large building. Jackson Johnson worked on the first floor in Suite 1A.
Maksim glanced around, easily finding the hallway and door he needed.
He entered a small outer office. A pretty receptionist with a chin-length blond bob and pale blue eyes smiled immediately when she saw him.
"Hello. Can I help you?" Her smile deepened in a subtle way that Maksim knew meant she liked what she saw. At one time, he would have reveled at that, eating up the attention. But now he was only aware of it in a very cursory way.
"I'm here to see Mr. Johnson."
"Okay," she said glancing at her computer. "Let me see. I don't seem to have anyone down at this time. Are you sure your appointment was for today?"
Maksim smiled. "I don't actually have an appointment, but I'm sure he'll want to speak with me." He kept his voice congenial, even though he was feeling anything but about the man.
The receptionist nibbled her bottom lip, considering what she should do. Clearly she was new—or just not that bright. Finally, she stood.
"Let me check with him, Mr…"
"Mr. Kostova. We haven't actually met, but tell him I'm here in regards to the Burke initiative." He smiled again, this time pouring on the charm, although for once the act didn't give him any satisfaction when she quickly nodded, knocked, then disappeared into the office to the left of her desk to do his bidding.
Not in the way it once would have.
As he had hoped, his request was met with immediate response.
The office door reopened right away and the blonde gestured for him to enter.
"Mr. Johnson will see you." She beamed at him as he passed her.
Maksim nodded in response, dismissing her now that he had what he wanted.
When he entered the Johnson office, he got the impression of gray walls and black furniture with a modern flair, but it was the man standing behind the desk who held his attention.
As much as he hated to admit it, Jackson Johnson, despite his unfortunate name, was a good-looking man. Tall, leanly muscular with a haircut that Maksim suspected cost a pretty penny to look that carelessly tousled. He was in his early forties maybe, but had the kind of face that made it hard to be sure. Wire-rim glasses gave him an intellectual quality, but his smile gave him a slight used-car salesman vibe.
"Mr. Kostova," he moved forward offering his hand, "nice to meet you."
Maksim didn't say anything, but shook his hand, unable to stop himself from squeezing a little too tightly. Johnson only reacted by letting his smile slip a little.
"So how can I help you?"
It was Maksim's turn to smile. "Well, as I had your lovely receptionist mention, I'm here about Jo Burke. You do remember her? The woman you lied to and left pregnant."
Johnson stopped smiling totally. He returned behind his desk and sat down. Clearly the man didn't expect Maksim to be that forward and that blunt.
"I know Jo Burke," he said. "But I think you have your story wrong."
"Really?" Maksim raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "So you didn't have an affair with her?" He didn't keep his voice hushed as Johnson had.
Johnson opened his mouth, then snapped it shut. He was considering his words like any good lobbyist or political figure would. And Maksim suspected he was going to believe this guy about as much as he believed any politician.
"We did have an affair. It was nothing more than that. An affair. She was the one who kept making it seem like it was something more. I'm actually a happily married man."
Maksim nodded slowly as if he was considering his words. Not likely. They didn't merit consideration.
"Do happily married men usually cheat?" Maksim asked with indignation.
"Listen, I don't really see what the point of this is. We are over. And I'm moving on now."
"To your secretary?"
Johnson rose again. "I think you should go, and tell Jo that I don't appreciate her sending over her newest lover to bully me. I made it clear that things were over between us."
Maksim stood too. "Jo didn't send me over. I had to come see you for myself. Where I come from, we don't have spineless creatures like you. Even my kind take responsibility for their actions."
"Where you are from? Russia?"
Maksim didn't bother to answer. He had already said more than he should have.
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