No more pain.
No more heartache.
Only peace.
Arms wrapped around her and the world shifted. She shuddered as she felt a chest against her shoulder, followed by Aldon’s hushed order, “Easy.”
Confusion swamped her, breaking the spell of Trey’s memory.
Had she died? Was her brain reacting to her demise like a dream that made no sense?
Aldon Frost was evil. The head of her coven—Geneva—told her so. During private meetings when she’d been given instructions on how best to guard the coven the mistress of the group had told Sadie that Aldon had to be monitored more closely than any other. Once his nest had been found, Sadie had to destroy the vampire. He threatened their race—was a danger to their very way of life.
Why hasn’t he killed me yet?
She felt the firm press of his hand as he lifted her head. She didn’t open her eyes, remaining lax as he scented her neck. The position to vampires was the same as bearing her belly to a predator, a sign of submission. As much as she detested herself for it, there was no other alternative. Not now. His teeth sank deep, easily penetrating her skin. She wasn’t the hunter but the hunted. His contented sigh reverberated through the cold night air. She shivered, trying to think of Trey, wanting to remember him in her final moments.
This is it. I’m about to die.
Then he was done, pulling his fangs from her abused flesh. “Stubborn creature,” he stated matter-of-factly. “So certain of yourself. So arrogant. So predictable. You wear your pride like a shield. I suppose I should thank you for simplifying things.”
When she attempted to struggle—determined to at the very least slap the hell out of the bastard—she felt it.
Warmth seeped into her chest, the first relief she’d felt in months. But it wasn’t coming from her. It was coming from him. She fought the compulsion of succumbing to his will and tried to stay awake. It was a trick, the inviting allure of dark magic. If she gave in, her soul would be lost. She had to fight to maintain the hold on her sanity.
“Sleep,” Aldon commanded, the order a siren’s song too powerful to deny. “Sleep.”
She tried to open her eyes and see the face above her. Instead darkness rose, wrapping its arms around her, trapping her in its embrace. There was no fear, only comfort and reassurance. The feelings disoriented her, breaking her tenuous hold on reality. The abyss overcame everything, shrouding her mind and body like a blanket, directing her thoughts to another time and place.
She sank into eyes the color of cherished whiskey, felt the rasp of Trey’s breath against her face as their lips had met for the first time. The grass had cushioned them as he’d settled his weight against her, his form molding to hers as though they’d been made for each other. He’d smelled so good—too good. He had been a part of herself that she’d never truly known.
Like this, they would have forever.
Maybe this was the end. She’d finally arrived.
And what could possibly be better? What more could she ask for in the afterlife?
Trey was his own version of heaven.
Trey Veznor gasped in ecstasy as he felt the prick of teeth against his skin. A gash had been made in his throat, creating a small trickle of blood. Sexual need rushed through his body, engorging his cock, drawing his balls taut. He growled at the sharp scrape of teeth against his neck, the sweet flick of a tongue sweeping across his flesh. Despite the ache in his muscles he tried to reach out when his lover moaned—the sound a symphony in his ears—and discovered he was unable to do so, trapped in a body that refused to function.
Fury made him want to scream in frustration.
The need to touch the female—his female—increased.
She’d been hurt. He scented the metallic rustiness of her blood, sensed her wounds through their flourishing connection. Misery consumed her, the pain unbearable. She’d been injured in a way that terrified him. He’d never seen the woman destined to be his mate in a weakened state. She was strong, fearless and fierce. He knew her, could feel her. He’d thought about her so often she was in his thoughts even when he didn’t realize it.
His skin parted in welcome as her tiny fangs pierced his throat. Her lips moved, surrounding the punctures, sealing them off. The suction of her mouth as she drank was so sweet and hot. He wanted to grasp her tiny waist and place her on top of him. A few thrusts and he’d come like a randy schoolboy, unable to hold back long enough to even think about sinking his cock inside the haven of his mate’s body.
Desire amplified, his dick straining against his jeans.
So close…so fucking close.
He’d hurt her before, reckless in his outrage against her kind, but he was determined to make things right. Once he found her he wasn’t letting her go. He’d warned her not to make promises she couldn’t keep.
No more barriers. No more bullshit.
Teeth slid from his skin and her tongue skimmed over his wounds.
“Sadie,” he whispered, trying to lift his arms and open his eyes.
He felt her move away, her succulent scent beginning to fade.
Damn it. He wouldn’t let her go. He’d tether her ass to his bed and force her to face what they were to each other, even if it meant being locked in a room with his mate for days.
“Sadie,” he roared, fighting to lift his lids, to see her angelic face. “Listen to me.” It felt as though his soul was ripped apart, torn in two as she vanished. “Damn you! Listen to me!”
This time when he tried to move, his arm worked.
Then something shook him hard. “Wake up.”
He swung at the thing pulling him away from the warmth of Sadie’s touch. His wolf’s anger merged with his, his growl a threat to the idiot stupid enough to try to come between him and the one female destined for him.
They’d waited too long. Time had transformed into an enemy he’d become tired of facing. Each second was pure agony. Too much more of this shit and he’d break like a rubber band stretched past its limit.
More shaking against his shoulder, harder this time. “Trey, wake the fuck up.”
His eyes flew open, his hand flew out and he wrapped his fingers around a throat. Even with vision blurred from sleep he made out the form of a dumbass fucking male who’d intruded where he wasn’t wanted. When his opponent didn’t fight him he slowly came down to earth. His fingers loosened as he recognized a vital member of his pack, the one person who was aware of his situation and of the loss he experienced with each passing day.
“Easy, man,” Nathan—his Beta—grumbled. “I’d have left you alone but you were getting loud.” Trey lowered his hand and Nathan moved away. The Beta ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head. “You’re going to have to get hold of that shit. If we have guests and they hear you they’ll know something’s up. Hell, they already suspect something’s off.”
“I could say the same about you,” Trey replied, shaking off the memory of Sadie’s silken lips against his neck. He sat up and ran his hand over his face. “You’ve not exactly been June Cleaver.”
Nathan’s lips formed into a sardonic smirk. “Unlike you, I’ve only got a few weeks left. I’ve waited this long. A few more days aren’t shit.”
Fucking bastard.
“If she shows,” he taunted, unable to prevent the sliver of jealousy that arose. “She could blow you off.”
Humor faded from Nathan’s face, replaced by anger. His Beta’s eyes turned, irises shifting from brown to amber. “She gave me her word.”
Nathan’s mate—a vampire who’d somehow been involved when Sadie had saved Trey’s life—had promised to return after a period of three months. Nathan hadn’t wanted to give her that space but current events had prevented him from stopping her departure. Fortunately, due to their circumstances, the men had been able to share their concerns about taking vampire mates. In the shifter world such unions were forbidden. Vampires were magical creatures, with some of them being able to turn the animals inside shifters into familiars.
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