The idea he'd have to fight for what he wanted made his arousal almost unbearable.
Before he could blink, something sharp pricked his throat. A bead of blood trickled down his neck, the tickle of pain just one more tease he'd have to deal with.
“That's my left pinkie. So when I tell you I want some space, you'll give it to me, won't you?” Kisho whispered. His eyes flashed with a heat he tried to hide, but Morgan saw it all the same.
The stubborn male wanted to play. Oh God, he is so damned perfect . Morgan took a step back, away from Kisho's hand and the lethal nail extending from his finger. Captivated by the savagery in the still, gentle warrior, as Alicia liked to call him, Morgan took a deep breath, inhaled more of Kisho's spicy scent, and coughed to hide a groan.
“Sorry if I offended. Not my intent,” Morgan rasped and shifted on his feet.
Kisho's gaze followed the motion. Only the slight flaring of his nostrils told Morgan he'd noticed Morgan's erection. “I don't know what you intend, Morgan .”
“Oh, I'll make sure to let you know.” Morgan wanted nothing more than to ease his sudden, voracious need for the handsome male before him. Instead, he hid the truth behind a facade, the way he normally did. “Now, handsome, how about that tour I was promised?” He wiped away the blood from his neck. The wound had closed seconds after Kisho had opened it. Morgan hoped he didn't notice the speedy healing.
Thankfully, Kisho looked away from him. It didn't take an empath to see his new friend was annoyed. And aroused.
“This is the garden. Come on. I'll show you the rest of the house.” They walked past a ton of rooms downstairs, but the ones that interested Morgan most were the gym and the backstairs that led to the wing where the Circs lived. They ascended to the second floor, where Kisho took him past the team's wing further down the hallway that opened to overlook the foyer. On the other side a bevy of rooms stood waiting.
“Our wing is private. This wing, where you'll be staying, is for guests.” Morgan didn't bother correcting him. Let Alicia set him straight.
“So are all of you bi?” he asked with a bluntness that took Kisho aback.
“ What ?”
“I'm familiar with Circs. I know the original project started way back, over thirty years ago. Dr. Elliot Pearl came up with an idea to create enhanced humans. The military jumped on the idea to start an army of super soldiers, except Pearl's formula didn't work the way it should have. Now there's a team up north, a bunch of Special Forces Marines who made it past the crazy stage of life. Project Dawn, right?”
Kisho didn't answer, sizing him up.
“And then there's you four. The Dawn Endeavor team. Prior SEALs with deadly skills, courtesy of the U.S. Navy, not to mention your own psychic twists. Pair that with the ability to transform into beasts with armored skin and lethal claws, and you're pretty intimidating. Only problem is you guys have mating heats that, left untreated, turn you into psychotic killers.
History of the Circ in a nutshell, eh?”
“How do you know—”
“I've met Dr. Evan Dennis, the Circ expert in Jersey. Doc's a nice guy. His Circs are a bit aggressive, but I'd expected that. Kind of proprietary about their females, too.” Morgan shook his head. “I mean, I reached out to shake a hand and nearly had my head ripped off.” He rotated his neck. “No harm, no foul, I suppose. Doc's not only pleasant, but he's a smart guy. A lot easier to read than your Mrs. Sharpe, that's for sure. So are you or not?”
“Am I what?”
“Are you all bisexual?”
“What the fuck does that have to do with anything?”
Morgan liked Kisho's anger. His slightly slanted eyes narrowed, and his full lips firmed. So damned sexy. He wondered what those lips would look like wrapped around his cock. “Well, I know you like me. But will I have to be on guard around the others and Olivia? I get the feeling Fallon doesn't like to share.”
“I don't like you. And Fallon and Olivia are mated—married,” Kisho quickly corrected.
“Since you seem to know everything about Circs, you know we do what we have to do to survive, not because we like it.”
The defensiveness in Kisho's voice tugged at him, because Morgan swore he detected a thread of shame. He brushed any sympathy aside. Nice wouldn't win him the prize. “But you do like it, don't you, kitsu ?”
Kisho shoved him so hard, his head bounced against the wall. “What did you call me?” Kitsu, an ancient Japanese word for fox and Morgan's special name for the perfect partner he'd been promised so many years ago. Satisfaction replaced the hint of doubt worrying him. Ah, so Kisho did know what their future held in store for them. One problem solved.
“Take your hands off me, little fox, before I put them where they really belong.”
Kisho stepped back in a rush. Then he took a hesitant step forward, as if he couldn't help himself. But Morgan didn't mistake the surge of panic in his dark brown eyes now black with anxiety.
Come on, my little kitsu. Look deeper. See me. Know me.
“Whoa! Hayashi, buddy, you okay?” Another giant joined them, this one blond, and ruined the moment.
Morgan wanted to gut him. Instead, he turned to him and raised an arrogant brow. “You must be Frederik. Nice to meet you.”
Tersch glanced at Kisho and growled at Morgan. “Who the fuck are you?”
“Nice mouth, Gunnar,” Ava's husky voice sounded from behind him. She peeked out around Tersch's large body and grinned. “Morgan! Hey baby! Nice to see you again.” She threw herself into his arms, and Morgan hugged her back. Tersch's annoyance spoke volumes, and Morgan's grin widened.
“You just keep looking better and better,” he said, aware he spoke the truth. “Thanks for the tour, Kisho. Ava can finish for me. See you later, hmm?” He took her under his arm and walked away, conscious of two Circs burning holes into his back.
“They still looking?” he whispered.
“Oh yeah.” Ava wiggled closer, and Morgan swore he heard Tersch's teeth grind. Once out of sight of the others, however, Ava dragged him downstairs, past Mrs. Sharpe's grand study, and into a smaller room.
Organized without a speck of dust anywhere and with a contemporary design, the room felt like Ava. She threw herself into a chair and waved at him to do the same. “Nice to see you, cuz.” He smiled. Though not related by blood, their families had been good friends for years. He didn't deny the association. “I haven't seen you in forever, but I see Alicia's still keeping you hopping.”
“No shit.” Ava sighed, then shook her head. “But don't change the subject. What the hell are you doing here?”
“ Mrs. Sharpe hired me to work some leads. I'm here to find Captain William Delancey for your team. From what I gather, he's a traitor, a murderer, and he nearly killed your Circs at one time or another, though no one can prove his involvement.” She frowned, her sparkling eyes lit from within with an energy uniquely Ava. “Hold on.
No one told me you'd be coming.”
“I'm sorry. Was I supposed to clear this with you? Or maybe Alicia should have asked you first?”
He chuckled. “So what's it like, living at Circ central?” She sighed. “Trying. Alicia's a pain. She's gotten really bossy in her old age.” Ava grinned.
“The guys are great. Not sure what you did to piss them all off, but since that's your usual M.O., I'm sure the death threats and fights will keep us hopping for days. Or however long you're here, which is how long, by the way?”
“Worried I'll try to steal your boyfriend?” he teased. He hadn't missed Tersch's proprietary manner with Ava, or the way she'd looked at him.
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