“Understood. And the project?”
The man laughed. “My psychics are turning out perfectly. They have more problems than the Circs did, they just don't know it yet. But with that drug the lab's making, we'll control the feed of psychic warfare. Money talks. My friend, we're going to make millions on this, from everyone . My government included.” He was still chuckling when he terminated the connection.
But Montaña couldn't take his gaze from the screen. He replayed it yet again, watched as Julian Hawkins turned himself fucking invisible. The powerful Circ could go sight unseen.
People would pay huge money for that kind of ability, and Montaña didn't plan on sharing that with some fuck in Washington DC. Not one other Circ in the Project Dawn or Dawn Endeavor series had displayed invisibility traits. The notes he'd read from the founder of the Circe serum, the deceased Dr. Elliot Pearl, told him less than nothing. Pearl had never documented that he'd turned Hawkins into an invisible warrior, nor had any other Circ ever manifested the ability to hide in plain sight.
But Montaña had connections his boss could only dream about, real scientists vetted in the drug industry, geniuses without degrees, but those who understood basic DNA and brain chemistry better than anyone.
He might be a thug, a lowlife drug lord, and a self-appointed military commander, according to some, but Montaña had been born with the intellect and ambition to do great things.
He made a new phone call through a secure line. When the familiar voice answered, he unconsciously relaxed, feeling at home again as he chatted in a mixture of bastardized Portuguese and Spanish. “My friend, I have great news. You said Delancey sold you a new specimen you could work with?”
His friend chortled. “Tried to undercut you, so I promised him the moon while he gave me a ton of facts and files we're going to need. This Circ looks perfect for what we intended. Really spectacular, according to his history.”
“Here's an added bonus: the one he sold you has an incredible ability we need to exploit.
Keep it quiet though. I don't want anyone else to know until we perfect it for use in our Circs and us as well.”
The eager voice on the other line agreed. “Whatever you say. When can we have him? I can't wait to start. I've also had some major breakthroughs on that other project I was telling you about. Sheridan Keyes's work is a go.”
Montaña ignored the wash of arousal that spread through him at mention of her . “I need to work out a few more problems Delancey's death has caused, but I think I can hand you Julian Hawkins within a few months.”
“The sooner the better. And remember, I need him unharmed. I have to have a workable, viable subject, or the results won't be worth shit.”
“I understand. Until later, then.”
“Call me when you have him.” The man disconnected the call.
Montaña smiled, fully aroused, anticipating his next coup. Not only would he deliver Hawkins into his partner's arms, but he'd finally take the woman he'd been lusting after for years.
Enough waiting. He was ready to have a family and settle down. And as he'd come to realize, he could have what he wanted and still play on the side. Nothing was outside his ever-increasing limits anymore.
Now, how to make it all come together without alerting his current boss. Because a new world order was just around the corner. But that DC asshole wouldn't be leading it.
Colonel Ricardo Montaña would.

Marie Harte is an avid reader who loves all things paranormal and futuristic, but especially all things romance. Reading romances since she was twelve, she fell in love with the warmth of first passion and knew writing was her calling. Twenty-three years later, the Marine Corps, a foray through Information Technology, a husband and four kids, and her dream has finally come true. Marie lives in Georgia with her family and loves hearing from readers.
Loose Id Titles by Marie Harte
Mirror, Mirror
Reaper's Reward
Satyr's Myst
Tied & True
Willa's Wish
Zack & Ace
Fallon's Flame
Hayashi's Hero