This was better than his single bed back at the hangar. Far better than the bunk in the clan house in town. The only thing that would make his situation better yet? He sniffled and ignored the thoughts cavorting around in his mind singing in three-part-harmony about how nice it would be to have a soft feminine touch in his life.
She’d given up making her hair cooperate, and had finally managed to pull the dark strands back into a plain but presentable bun when a knock sounded. Gem smoothed her palms over the knee-length peach-coloured silk skirt, straightening to tug the neckline of her matching cashmere sweater a trifle lower. She squared her shoulders and adjusted her handbag before opening the door.
David flashed a brilliant grin as he checked her out.
“Now that’s a nice outfit. Evan will be impressed.” The cabbie-slash-philosopher-slash-guide offered his arm, and she slipped her fingers over his elbow without hesitation. “Let me lead you through the chaos—don’t mind the boys, okay?”
The volume cranked way up as they passed the bar doors and the ambience changed from modern classic to turn-of-the-century madhouse. The room was full of bodies, mostly shifters if her nose had anything to say. Some of them danced on the tiny floor, some played darts, but most stood around tall tables or perched on high stools eating and laughing and hanging out.
From the table closest to her, one of the men rose to his feet, his gaze crawling over her as if she were naked. Gem stumbled for a second before David pulled her upright, slipping his body between her and the new threat.
Funny how the cabbie had gone from being a stranger to someone she felt would protect her.
“Knock it off, Jackson.”
“Just wanted to make sure the lady got a proper northern welcome.”
David tugged her toward the back of the pub. All around them excitement trembled in the air—the energy in the bar was wild and energetic, and in spite of the tinge of uncertainty inside, she’d never felt more alive.
Independence was heady stuff.
“Evan’s back in his office. Come on, darling, you don’t fit in with this crowd.”
Gem stared in fascination at one of the women on the dance floor. The top buttons of her blouse hung open, the swells of her breasts visible to everyone. She twirled and her mini skirt rose, revealing a tiny thong and bare butt cheeks. Gem’s face flushed hotter than a summer day. There went the idea that her own outfit was provocative. Obviously, she was mistaken.
No, she didn’t belong here, that was clear.
David knocked on the door, again placing himself as a barricade between her and the action in the room.
A tenor rang out from the other side. “What?”
“Visitor from the States.”
A longish pause. “Come in.”
Gem slipped past David into the warm office, and peace settled. The fire in the hearth, the leather furniture—this room wasn’t her home, but a lot more comfortable than the rowdiness occurring in the bar.
“Evan, this is Gemmita Jacobs, from Georgia. She’s the one Shaun’s taking north in a few days for that Porcupine Herd analysis.”
Gem startled. “Hey, how did you—”
“There are many ways to find out information when it’s needed.” David tipped his hat and pointed into the room. “Evan Stone. He’s a good bloke. You’ll be all right. I’m sure I’ll see you later.”
David left in a whirlwind, and Gem turned to take her first look at the Whitehorse Alpha.
Dark hair neatly trimmed around his ears, snapping black eyes that examined her with sharp intelligence. He was all lean muscle, bright white teeth, the entire appealing package sprawled in a low leather chair. One leg bounced, his knee hanging over the armrest, his foot rocking steadily to the low-lying beat of music sneaking in under the door. The position left his torso wide open, and she snapped her gaze back to his face before she continued staring anywhere inappropriate.
His smile twisted to one side, and he raised a brow.
Gem flushed. So much for keeping her arrival inconspicuous and politically correct. He’d caught her gaping at his groin. How gauche.
“Sorry for not getting up, but I’ve had a hell of a day.” He gestured to the couch across from him. “Have a seat. I won’t keep you long. You must be tired.”
Gem dipped her head. She’d never met an Alpha quite like him before, but she could get around that. Act normal, you idiot. Charm him—smooth out this mess. “I apologize for not letting you know sooner I would be in your territory. I’m terribly embarrassed.”
She sat, and a curious scent surrounded her. Something that made her catch her breath and a tingle start deep, deep inside. She tried to hide her reaction, but Evan narrowed his gaze.
“What? Why are you wrinkling your nose like that?”
Another flash of—excitement? need?—rushed over her, and she opened her mouth to explain away her rudeness with some kind of cast-off remark when a flicker of comprehension singed her.
The aroma made her mouth water, and her heart race. She reached up and tugged on the neckline of her sweater, finding the collar suddenly far too constricting. She wanted nothing better than to strip the fabric away and go down to bare skin. Let the air play over her and have fingers touch everywhere. Her breasts felt heavy, her sex pulsed with a steady rhythm, growing wet.
Only one thing made a wolf react like this—as if she’d been involved in hours of foreplay instead of having spent minutes in his presence.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but there’s this scent…” She took another deep breath, and it was as though the crisp air shot straight from her nose to her clit, her body going all soft and needy.
Oh my goodness. This couldn’t be…could it?
She cleared her throat. Maybe she was overtired from the trip. But that shouldn’t be enough to make her react as if she was in the midst of a sexual encounter.
Was Evan her mate?
The notion terrified her. Not because she didn’t expect a life partner to appear some day, but finding her mate right now would cause a lot of trouble. One more issue to deal with while she fought for independence. And an Alpha whose territory was a fifteen-hour flight away from home? Oh boy. Daddy would have kittens.
But something was up, and ignoring the possibilities wouldn’t change the answer.
Enough with the being-a-coward thing. She waved a hand between them. “I wonder if you’d mind…?”
The confusion on his face smoothed away as awareness filled his eyes. He leaned forward in his chair, elbows to knees as he breathed in deeply, nostrils flaring. He hmm ed lightly, his tone a little lust-filled. Gem sucked in a quick breath in response, and the whammy smacked her between the legs again. She squeezed her knees together instinctively, and he grinned.
“Come here, darling. I don’t think I’m what you’re looking for, but I have no objection.”
He patted his lap.
Gem stilled. He wasn’t serious, was he? And yet, if he was her mate, she was seconds away from one of the most important moments of her entire life.
Grace. Elegance. That’s what she’d bring to this occasion. Even as she rose to her feet, she straightened her spine and smiled properly. Stepped to his side and pivoted. Oh my, the wonderful aroma continued to fill her nostrils, and her body’s involuntary response to its effect added another layer of scent to the room. Excitement filled her limbs, making them tremble in anticipation of his touch.
She sat slowly, hard thigh muscles meeting her backside. Her eagerness increased. Need raged inside for another zing of lust to shoot through her body. Like holding a wick of desire toward a flame in the hope unquenchable passion would envelop her.
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