Jamie slapped him on the arm. “Be nice to my sweetie.” She offered Chevy an affectionate scratch behind the ear before handing over the treat.
While Chevy sprawled on the cement floor and gnawed contentedly on his bone, Dante headed to the back of the store, where the aisle of Morgan’s Wolf brand was stocked. He scanned the nearly empty shelves, gratified to see that the new line of gourmet canned foods he’d introduced last month seemed to be selling like hot cakes. Grabbing his notepad and pen from his jacket pocket, he jotted down a quick tally of the items. He’d compare the list with the inventory Jamie kept in storage so he’d have a better idea which products seemed to be more popular. Once that task was finished, he browsed the other dog food aisles, checking out his competition. As he passed the cat section, his lips quirked. He’d never given much serious thought to breaking into that particular market, but maybe he should give it a go in deference to his bride-to-be.
Moving on, he inspected the display of cat toys. His gaze zeroed in on a wooden wand that had a leopard-print fleece ribbon attached to it. A bundle of feathers dangled from the end of the fabric. He ran his thumb over the feathers, his mind conjuring the endless hours of fun he could have teasing Lilly’s nipples and clit with the toy. His cock stiffening in approval of that plan, he grabbed two of the wands—the leopard print one and another in hot pink.
Raised voices suddenly broke out near the front of the store. He instantly recognized Anna Gifford’s patronizing whine, and his muscles tensed. Tempted as he was to sneak through the rear exit, he couldn’t leave Jamie to deal with Satan. Biting the bullet, he stalked toward the entrance.
Anna stopped arguing with Jamie and plastered on a sweet smile that belied the poisonous viper lurking beneath her spoiled, rich-bitch exterior. “Dante, darling , there you are.” She took a step toward him, and Chevy stopped chewing on his bone long enough to deliver a menacing growl. Anna was the only person Chevy ever did that to. Just further proof that the dog was an amazing judge of character.
After granting Chevy an irritated glance, Anna returned her focus to Dante. Her attention fell to the cat toys he carried. She frowned but didn’t comment on them, instead choosing to launch into her favorite topic—their nonexistent relationship. “My father is hosting a dinner tomorrow night for a few of his investors. I just wanted to double-check that you’re still coming.”
Anna’s stubborn self-delusions were nothing new, but it didn’t lessen his annoyance. “I told you before and I’m telling you now—it’ll be a cold day in hell before I spend an evening with you. Or your dad.”
Obvious displeasure bracketed Anna’s mouth. She flicked her gaze in Jamie’s direction, her scowl deepening as she took in Jamie’s smirk. Refortifying her phony smile, Anna gazed at Dante. “I thought we were done playing these hard-to-get games. Foster—”
“Needs to mind his own damn business,” Dante cut in. “Whatever arrangement you and my old man have cooked up behind my back is dead in the water. Comprende ? You’re gonna have to find another schmuck to sink your claws into.”
A snicker shot from Jamie, which only brought a flush to Anna’s cheeks and fire to her narrowed eyes. Tugging the strap of her purse higher on her shoulder, Anna tossed her curly brown hair in a defiant flick. “Sooner or later, you’ll see what’s good for you, Dante. Then you’ll come crawling to me.” With that parting shot, she pivoted and sashayed through the exit.
Jamie grunted. “God, I can’t stand that evil bitch.” Her expression suddenly turning worried, she glanced at Dante. “What if she’s right though?”
He frowned. “About me crawling to her? No damn way.”
“I know you don’t want to. But your dad wants this merger pretty badly. And we all know that Anna is a pro at getting what she wants, especially since she has her daddy’s wallet at her disposal.”
“It’s not going to happen. You and the rest of the pack have my word on that.”
Jamie gave a solemn nod. “You’ll do right by us. You always have.”
Something that no doubt chapped Foster’s ass, big time. There probably wasn’t a minute that passed when his old man didn’t regret not siring another son—one who’d show a semblance of obedience.
Pushing his father to the back of his mind, Dante whistled for Chevy to follow as he headed toward the register. He tossed the cat toys onto the checkout counter and dug for his wallet while Jamie moseyed to the other side of the register. Her eyebrows lifting, she picked up one of the wands. Her scrutiny shifted from the toy to him. “Uh, did you adopt a cat?”
“In a matter of speaking.” Before Jamie could question him further, he flipped her a twenty and waited for her to count out his change. Soon enough, Jamie—and everyone else within a thirty-mile radius of Hope Falls—would know about him and Lilly. In order not to arouse suspicions regarding his and Lilly’s newfound romance, he needed to leak the information without it looking like he was deliberately trying to draw attention to their charade of a relationship. Planting little clues like the cat toys and having Shane plow her drive would ultimately go a long way in backing up their ruse. Giving his frowning cousin a properly enigmatic smile, he strode to the entrance and held the door open for Chevy to trot outside with the giant bone clamped possessively between his teeth.
Three minutes later he pulled out of the parking lot and drove to the gas station. Judging from the amount of cars lined up at the pump, he wasn’t the only one preparing for the possibility of the power being knocked out by the big upcoming storm this weekend. He briefly debated the feasibility of topping off his gas cans for the generator during the trip back home on Saturday, but the bed of his truck would be overloaded as it was with the product samples he’d be bringing back. Not to mention he’d promised his cousin Harper the delivery of that load of firewood.
Grumbling, he braked behind an idling Jeep and flicked the heater to low so it wouldn’t continue blasting him in the face. The sound of Chevy munching on the beef bone competed with the Garth Brooks number floating through the speakers. Dante crooked his elbow on the window frame and eyed the steady flow of traffic easing through the opposing lane. I always pick the wrong damn line.
Across the street, a familiar tan SUV rolled into the Bowl ’N’ Brew’s parking lot. He sat up straighter in his seat. Craning his neck, he watched as Lilly parked near the front of the building and climbed from her car. Despite the fact she was swaddled within her body-concealing balloon coat, his cock still saluted at the sight of her.
Jesus, he had it bad. If he wasn’t careful, his hunger for Lilly could morph into something a lot more dangerous to his sanity.
Lilly tugged off her gloves and stuffed them into her coat pocket as she ventured past the threshold of the Bowl ’N’ Brew. Blowing on her numb fingertips, she surveyed the motley crew of patrons occupying the scattered tables and the stools lined up at the bar. She was pretty damn certain they were the same customers she’d seen the last time she’d visited this redneck hangout. Hell, maybe they’d never left.
Unfortunately, she didn’t spot Shane. He had to be here somewhere though, since his truck was outside. Loosening her scarf, she approached the bar. The pair of werewolves dressed in matching flannel to the left of her sniffed the air in an appreciative way that made the short hairs on the nape of her neck stand on end.
Ignoring her prickling nerves, she flagged down the bartender. The kid gave her a suspicious glance before moseying over. “Yeah?”
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