“You mean not a single one of you would do it!”
“We could make normal wishes, like to tell something, some interesting life incidents, for example” – Enriki suggested.
“It’s boring!” – Tol whined.
“Not at all! Besides, if Carina wakes up, comes down here and sees all of us fucking Asa, she might not understand it was just a game!”
“For how long can we fuck Asa?” – Orel mumbled, “Aren’t you fuckin’ fed up?”
“We are” – Lis responded. “Tol, we’re fuckin’ fed up with fucking your Asa”.
“So you won’t get her anymore!” – Tol snarled.
“Oh, like she needs your permission to fuck! I personally fucked her, back when you weren’t giving her away to anybody, wouldn’t even let anybody touch your precious Asa.
“Me too”, – Enriki pitched in. “She’s a whore”.
Tol twisted his lips: “No”.
“Should I summon Mina?” – Orel asked.
“We are fed up with her, too! We don’t even have a single normal girls here, Arel!” – Enriki sounded displeased.
“Call your sister then!” – He snarled back.
Everybody froze, and Enriki went pale.
“So, we are going to tell stories” – Tol said gingerly. “Nik, tell us about your Rosa, how did it all happen?” – He added, seeing that everybody are still quiet.
“How did the two of you fuck?” – Lis specified gloomily.
“I didn’t lose yet” – Nikto argued, touching his scarred cheek involuntarily, “and I don’t like reminiscing it”.
“Why didn’t you follow her to the “upper world”, if you are still suffering? What stopped you from going up there and finding her?” – Enriki asked.
“Looking like this?!”
“After all, if your story is true, it was all Rosa’s fault!”
“And if she truly loved you, would she reject you?” – Orel added, “Regardless of what you became.”
“While protecting her!” – Tol added meaningfully.
“And be like an endless reproach to her?”
“I never thought you would sweat it so much!” – Enriki was surprised, “You are now talking as a common man, not even a warrior”.
“Like a weak kid” – Orel said, “‘I couldn’t let her see me like this!’ Beaten, mutilated. Who is she, she’s just a woman, and that’s it!”
Nikto was silent.
“You don’t get it” – he finally said. “She was a ‘white’, a genuine ‘white’ “…
“And you are Nikto, right?” – Lis snorted.
“I don’t have any respect for your human part” – Enriki said, – “It would be better if your demon suppressed it completely!”
“Fuck, I don’t understand what’s the deal with still considering Nik a human possessed by a demon” – Orel said grumpily. “It’s so dumb! This bullshit just pisses me off, and you, smart-looking people, insist on thinking of him as of someone redone, undone, possessed! You feeling ok?!”
Enriki blushed: “Fine! And what’s so dumb about it? I don’t see anything dumb here!”
“Andin my opinion, it’s just dumbness! I mean, Nick was living happily in his…what’s it’s called… oh, never mind, and then bam! A demon possessed him! What’s happening?! What for?!”
“Maybe he called the demon himself” – Squint-Eye suggested, “to become more powerful and to get back at his enemies”.
“What enemies?!”
“The Reds”.
“Oh, ok. Only instead of getting back at the Reds, he went straight to the Blacks’ ‘farm’!”
“Well, the demon must have had an agenda of his own”.
“Yes, everybody knows that the demons are just like that. You want something from them, and you end up getting the complete opposite”.
“Well, yes”.
The friends laughed at Orel’s ironic tone.
“I never said the demon possessed him like that” – Enriki tried to argue. “It’s just that if he was sold to a witch as a child, she must have been the one who turned him in to the dark powers. Sacrificed him. You understand what I’m talking about, Arel? Otherwise, why would she need a child? He was meant as a present, a sacrifice to demon from the beginning. Or maybe she obeyed the demon’s command, and he needed a body to penetrate into our world. That’s why Nikto’s human part is undeveloped and squalid. He is just meant to obey and be passive. That was also done by the witch, to make it easier for the demon. I mean, you guys can’t argue that Nikto is obedient most of the time, and resembles a wind-up toy”.
“Just like a rabbit with cymbals!” – Tol cried excitedly.
“And Rosa was totally unnecessary to the demon,” – Enriki continued, completely ignoring Tol’s outburst, as usual, – “on the contrary, she was standing on his way, nearly ruined the whole thing. Made Nikto fall in love, evoked some feelings, he became defiant, but being unexperienced, got jammed up right away and almost screwed up the whole thing. And of course, the buds of his free will where suppressed again, and he went where he had to go. Spreading chaos in our world, east, then west, and now in the very heart at the City.
“You don’t mind me being here” – Nikto interrupted. During their conversation he lifted his head from Orel’s lap and now was sitting next to him, his face twisted. “Hope I’m not bothering you”.
“Not at all” – Lis replied.
“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings” – Enriki explained. “It’s just my personal opinion, I was just expressing it. Would you prefer me to do it behind your back?”
“He would prefer you not to express it at all” – Lis grinned.
“Whatever happened to you – it was not your will, nor your fault. It just happened.
“Bad luck” – Squint-Eye said.
“Oh, go to hell! One of you thinks I’m just your reflection, another one – that I’m a rabbit with cymbals! I’m so tired of this shit pouring on me every day! You guys just haven’t heard enough fairytales when you were kids, so you keep telling them now!”
“How terribly you build your sentences!” – Enriki shook his head.
“I’m not like you, and that’s the whole problem, just because I have bright eyes and hair!”
“And every inch of your skin is packed with blasphemous, devilish images!”
Nikto moaned.
“In this world, there are at least couple hundreds half-bloods with bright hair and eyes” – Lis started, “But nobody is dissing them, why is that? Nobody’s dissing Mina, or Morgan Talas, for that matter. He’s not considered to be devil’s spawn, even though he’s a real piece of shit. And he’s definitely a half-blood”.
Nikto was silent.
“And what does it mean, you are just our reflection?”
“Ask him,” – Nikto nodded towards Orel, “If Enriki can still see a human in me, however damaged, Arel thinks I’m only capable of reflecting whatever is being put in me”.
“How is that?” – Lis lit a cigarette, and irritably tossed the box to Squint-Eye, who saw him lighting one and stretched towards him right away.
“Arel wants love, he puts love into me, and I love in response. You want to be first again, and involuntarily put your ambitions in me and think I’m the one craving power. And I, probably thanks to you, become just like that, and we are eternal rivals. “
“Arel came up with it?!”
Lis stared at Orel, somewhat shocked: “I’m the one craving power? I put it in Nikto?! You should go easy on drugs, honey! They affect you too much. Probably because you were nuts even before!”
“It came up with it as a result of your own words!” – Orel snarled, displeased.
“But I never said anything of a sort!”
“Yes, you did! More than once! You said, ‘If you hurt Nikto, he’ll pay you back with the same coin. That’s why the “impure” do not touch him, do not fight with him anymore’. And I said, ‘Well, you shouldn’t worry about me then, I could never hurt him even if I wanted to, because I love him’. So you calmed down and said that in that case, I was protected. All in all, if you don’t count the small stuff, that was true”.
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