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Рейчел Хоукинс: Hex Hall

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Рейчел Хоукинс Hex Hall

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Three years ago, Sophie Mercer discovered that she was a witch. It's gotten her into a few scrapes. Her non-gifted mother has been as supportive as possible, consulting Sophie's estranged father--an elusive European warlock--only when necessary. But when Sophie attracts too much human attention for a prom-night spell gone horribly wrong, it's her dad who decides her punishment: exile to Hex Hall, an isolated reform school for wayward Prodigium, a.k.a. witches, faeries, and shapeshifters. By the end of her first day among fellow freak-teens, Sophie has quite a scorecard: three powerful enemies who look like supermodels, a futile crush on a gorgeous warlock, a creepy tagalong ghost, and a new roommate who happens to be the most hated person and only vampire on campus. Worse, Sophie soon learns that a mysterious predator has been attacking students, and her only friend is the number-one suspect. As a series of blood-curdling mysteries starts to converge, Sophie prepares for the biggest threat of all: an ancient secret society determined to destroy all Prodigium, especially her. 

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"Why?" Alice asked, and both Elodie and I turned more serious.

Briefly, I told Alice what had happened to Anna, and how Jenna and Byron were gone.

"Are they sure it was a vampire?"

"No. They don't know who else it could be, though," Elodie said.

"The Eye," Alice said, and I felt Elodie stiffen next to me.

"I asked them about that," I said. "But Mrs. Casnoff said there was no way they could get to us. There are too many protection spells."

Alice gave a low laugh that sent chills up my spine. "Yes, that's what they said to me too. It was nothing for my sleeping spell to blast through their pathetic defenses. Do you really think The Eye couldn't do the same?"

"They don't have magic, though," I argued, but I sounded unsure.

Elodie scooted a little closer to me.

"Don't they?" Alice asked. She walked toward us and crouched down in front of me. I saw her long white fingers go to the buttons of her green cardigan, and when she'd discarded that, she unbuttoned her dress.

I sat, frozen in horror, as she pulled her arm out of the left side of her dress and pushed down her slip.

There, just where her heart would have been, was a large gaping wound.

"This is what The Eye did to me, Sophia. They tracked me down, they chased me until I could run no farther, and they cut out my heart. Here. At


All I could do was stare at that hole and shake my head. I could feel

Elodie trembling beside me.

"Yes, Sophia," Alice said quietly. I looked up at her face and saw that she was watching me with pity, like she was sorry she had to tell me all this.

"It was the head of the Council himself who set them on me, who tricked me into feeling safe here, and then offered me up like a lamb to sacrifice."

"But why?" I asked, my voice no more than a strained whisper.

"Because they were afraid of my power. Because it was greater than theirs."

My head was spinning and I felt like I might throw up. Somehow all the horrors we'd been shown that first night at Hecate were nothing compared to this one wound, this one story.

"Your father believed you'd be safe here because he didn't know the real story of how I died. But, Sophia, you have to believe me. You are in very real danger here." She looked over at Elodie. "Both of you are.

Someone is targeting powerful witches, and you two are the only ones left."

Now it was Elodie who was shaking her head. "No, no, there's no way. It was Jenna. It was a vamp. It . . . it has to be."

Alice's face went very still, like a mask had come down, and her eyes seemed to be looking through us. "Perhaps it was. For both of your sakes, I hope it was."

She reached out and took one of my hands in hers, and one of Elodie's in the other. "But in case it wasn't . . ." Suddenly my hand was hot in hers.

Too hot, and I winced, trying to pull back. I could feel Elodie trying to do the same, but Alice held on until we were both making little whimpering sounds. Finally the heat faded, and she let us go. I studied the hand that now lay in my lap, thinking it would at least look red, if not blistered, but it looked normal.

"What was that?" Elodie asked in shaky voice.

"A protection spell. It will help you know your enemies, should the time ever come."

Elodie and I were quiet as the three of us flew back to the school. This time there was no delighted laughter, no weightless feeling of freedom.

When we landed, Alice reached around her neck and pulled off the necklace she was wearing. It was just like the one she'd given me. Elodie didn't put it on right away. She just looked at it, frowning, before closing her hand around it.

"Thanks for the lesson," she told Alice. Then she looked at me, her face still troubled, and said, "See you tomorrow, Sophie."

"Do you really think The Eye is here at Hecate?" I asked Alice once

Elodie had gone inside.

Alice glanced past me at Hecate. The huge shadowed mansion looked like a many-eyed monster slumbering in the dark.

"Something is here," she said at last. "But what, I don't know. Not yet."

I looked back at the house and knew Alice was right. A shadow had fallen over the school and seemed to be creeping closer and closer to me.

Overhead, clouds snaked across the crescent moon, and the night became even darker. I dreaded the thought of walking into the dark hallways by myself and up to an empty room.

"Do you--" I started to ask Alice, but when I turned, she was gone, leaving me shivering and alone in the night.


I'd figured that Elodie wouldn't want to go back with me to see Alice again after the "my gaping chest wound, let me show you it" thing, but she surprised me by meeting me on the stairs the next night.

"So when did you meet Alice?" she asked on our way down.

"Middle of October?" I answered. Elodie nodded, like that was the answer she'd expected. "So after Chaston, then."

"Yeah," I said. "What does that have to do with it?"

But she didn't answer.

Elodie came with me for the next two weeks. Alice didn't seem to mind her tagging along, and I was kind of shocked to discover that I didn't find her presence completely abhorrent either. In fact, I started to suspect that I might actually like Elodie.

It's not as if her whole personality changed or anything, but she was definitely becoming a kinder, gentler Elodie. Maybe she was just using me for Alice. I mean, after just a couple of nights of training, Elodie could already make a small couch appear out of nothing, and she'd moved on to the transportation spell. Not that either of us could do it yet.

But I didn't think it was just about the magic; I think she was lonely.

Anna and Chaston were both gone, and I'd never really thought about how they were the only people Elodie ever talked to, besides Archer. And even they seemed to be spending less time together. Elodie said she was too busy with "other stuff" for a boyfriend, while Archer said he was giving her some space.

Archer and I were weird too. After the ball, something had changed between us, and the easy camaraderie we'd shared during cellar duty had evaporated. Now we usually spent the full hour actually cataloguing instead of teasing and joking, and sometimes when he didn't know I was looking, I'd see this really faraway look cross his face. I didn't know if he was thinking about Elodie, or if, like me, he was disappointed by the uncomfortable distance that had sprung up between us.

November at Hecate was gray and rainy, which seemed to suit my mood. Even though I was glad Elodie and I were becoming sort-of friends, she wasn't Jenna, and I missed my real friend. About a week after Anna had been attacked, Mrs. Casnoff announced at dinner that the Council had cleared Byron of any suspicion. Apparently, he had a solid alibi; he'd been telepathically talking to someone at the Council at that time. But no matter how many times I asked, Mrs. Casnoff would never give me an answer about where Jenna was or what was going on, and I worried about her pretty much all the time.

Mom, being a mom, could sense something was up whenever I called her, but I told her that I was swamped with classes. I hadn't mentioned anything about Chaston or Anna or Jenna; it would have freaked her out, and

I knew she worried about me enough as it was.

I hated being alone in the room at night, so I started spending my cellar duty-free evenings in the library, reading up on Prodigium lore in the hopes that I could find something that might clear Jenna. So far, the only creatures I knew of who took blood from their victims were vampires, demons, and, if that one book was to be believed, L'Occhio di Dio. Since

Mrs. Casnoff had already shot down my L'Occhio di Dio theory, I tried finding books about demons. But it seemed that every book about demons in the whole library was written in Latin. I tried pressing my hand to the pages and saying "Speak," but the books seemed charm proof. The only parts I could make out were facts I already knew, like how they had to be killed with that demonglass. I sincerely hoped there wasn't a demon at Hecate, because I suspected you couldn't just run down to Williams-Sonoma to pick some up.

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