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Stan Morris: Surviving the Fog

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Stan Morris Surviving the Fog

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Have you ever been to summer camp? What would you do if almost all of the adults left “for a few hours” and they had not returned a week later? What would you do if no one’s cell phone worked and your parents never showed up to take you home? What would you do if you realized that the area was surrounded by a mysterious brown fog that was dangerous? How would you survive the winter? How would you get more to eat? This is what Mike, John, Desi and the other campers have to contend with in Surviving the Fog. Warning: sexual situations, cursing, brief violence.

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Jacob and Lily testified to what they had heard the young man say to the woman. Then the victim was asked to testify. It was difficult for her, but she gave a halting account of what the boy had said to her during the incident. She described other times, at the Retreat, when he had extorted sexual favors from her in return for food and protection. Finally she told them other things he had said to her while they were in Petersburg.

Then the boy was allowed to give his side of the story. He said that he was forced to do those things to her at the Retreat. He said that she was always willing. He pointed out that he had not actually had sex with her in Petersburg.

When the Meeting was over, Howard said that the Council would meet, and that they would decide the fate of the boy. One hour later, the Council reappeared. Howard announced that the boy was banished from Petersburg as of the following day. He would be given food and water for three days. If he returned, he would be killed.

“This is a death sentence,” Lieutenant Kennedy said grimly. He forced himself not to object.

“Probably,” Mike sadly replied.

At sunrise, Eric, Ahmad, Nathan, and Tyler marched the young man out of Petersburg. The teenager’s angry mother and his silent brooding brother went with him. The three were given three days of food and water. At sunset, they came to the Logging Road junction guard post. They spent the night there.

“Why are you doing this?” the older boy asked Eric that night. “Don’t you understand that the world has changed? It’s all about survival. Men are in charge again. It’s like in the ancient times. Men are the strong ones. Men are the smart ones. Women are the weak ones. Women are the stupid ones. We have to take care of them or they’ll die, right? So we get to have them. It’s our right. You can’t punish me for doing what’s natural.”

Eric looked at him with contempt.

“You don’t get it do you?” Eric said. “Your crowd hasn’t survived. Almost all of you are dead. We’re kicking you out of our village, because we want to survive, and we can’t survive with dumb asses like you around. Our way is not just one way to live. It’s the only way to keep living. The girls in our community aren’t weak. They aren’t stupid. Every one of them has contributed something to our survival. They protect us as much as we protect them.”

Before dawn, they marched again. At noon, the guards from Petersburg stopped, and they told the trio to continue until they were out of sight. Then the guards went back to Petersburg.

A week later, the younger brother, starving and haggard, stumbled into the Logging Road junction guard post, begging to be allowed back into Petersburg.

“My Mom went crazy,” he said.

One night, she decided that the three of them would go through the fog the next day, and his older brother agreed.

“I waited until my brother and Mom were asleep, then I sneaked away.”

From deep in the trees, he watched them walk into the fog. When they started screaming, he covered his eyes and ran away.

Howard was asked by Kennedy to consult Diana, who agreed that the boy should be allowed back into Petersburg. By that time, Mike was gone.

Chapter Sixteen


Mike had wanted to leave Petersburg quietly, but that was not to be. As he was explaining his plan to Howard, Gabby’s startled face appeared over the edge of the loft.

“You’re leaving, Petersburg, Ch… uh, Mike?” she asked.

Howard winced. “Sorry, Mike. I forgot she was up there. She’s been feeling a little ill, and Diana didn’t want her to give something to the whole village.” He looked up at Gabby. “You keep this to yourself, young lady.”

“Of course,” she replied solemnly, innocently.

By nightfall, the whole village knew of Mike’s plan. Howard confirmed it at Meeting, which Mike did not attend.

“He’s leaving in the morning. He’s going for a visit to the Army post. He’s going to see Erin. If he wants to say goodbye to you, he will. Otherwise, leave him alone.”

Mike wanted to make this trip alone, but Howard had no intention of letting Mike do that. He made his own plans. He did let Mike sleep in the cabin loft that night, so Mike wasn’t pestered all night with questions. When morning came, Mike went to see Desi. She was in her room alone with Michael. Mike was used to the sight of Desi breast feeding, by now. He hardly noticed it.

“So you’re off,” she said.


“Mike, thanks, for everything,” she said, which discomforted the young man.

“Everybody helped,” he protested. “It took all of us to make Petersburg.”

“I don’t mean that,” she said. “I mean thanks for John and me. And for Michael. You could have kept me for yourself, you know.”

Mike couldn’t help himself, he started laughing. “No, Desi,” he said. “No way, I could have kept you.” She laughed, too, as she threw a pillow at him.

“See you, Chief.”

“See you, Desi.”

Mike gathered his gear, left the Lodge, and walked out to the graveyard. Someone had recently changed the flowers on the three graves. Hector found him there.

“So,” Hector said.


Hector wrapped his arms around the boy and squeezed him tightly, and Mike felt tear drops on the top of his head.

“Vaya con Dios, mi amigo,” he heard Hector whisper.

“See ya, Hector.”

Mike went to the dining hall and ate breakfast. Some of the villagers just waved at him, others said “good-bye, Chief.” Tyler came in and sat down at the table and waited, while Mike finished eating. Gabby passed by, and Mike noticed that she was wearing the earrings and pendant Tyler had given her.

“You two behave yourselves,” he said. They laughed.

“We will,” Tyler said.

“We know the rules,” Gabby added.

“Don’t get Gabby pregnant, Tyler,” Mike instructed the younger boy.


“Don’t worry, Mike,” said Tyler. “Diana found those plastic penises the girls were supposed to use for practicing putting a condom on.”


Mike chuckled. He got up, took his bowl and his utensils to the kitchen window, and left the dining hall. At the bridge, he met Lieutenant Kennedy and Yuie.

“Hey, Ch… Mike,” Yuie said, giving him a quick hug.

“Hey, Yuie,” Mike replied. “Lieutenant, please, take care of her.”

“Roger that, Mike,” said Kennedy. He and Mike bumped fists.

In the parking lot, Mike found Howard, Jacob, Eric, Ahmad, Rasul, and John. They were carrying their spears.

“We thought that we would take a walk with you,” Howard said, grinning.

“Yeah, the old lady said I could go,” John added.

Mike shook his head in disgust, but secretly he was pleased.

“You don’t want to wait for the motorcycle?” Mike asked Ahmad and Rasul, who were scheduled to begin guard duty at the RV guard post.

“Motorcycles are for pussies,” Rasul sneered. “Real men march.”

The Spears marched up the rise, and at the top, Mike turned and waved once to Yuie. Then they marched away and passed out of the sight of Petersburg. They marched down the road until they came to the Hanging Tree, where Mike stopped. He looked at the graves. He looked at the noose still hanging from the branch. He turned to Howard.

“If I had it to do all over again, I would do the same thing,” he said fiercely.

“So would I, Chief,” said Howard. “So would I.”

Howard shook hands with Mike, and then he started back to the village. When he was still within hailing distance, Howard stopped.

“Hey, don’t forget, Mike,” he called. “You’re still a resident of Petersburg. Behave yourself.”

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