Cade sneaks up from behind, but even in his unstable state, I’m a lot less worried about what he might try, and a lot more worried about what will become of Chepi. One swipe of the beast’s hand is enough to see her permanently eliminated from the world, and I’m the only one who can possibly stop him.
From somewhere within the earth’s core, the ground begins to tremble and quake, as the sky glows a dark, blood-drenched red. And when a coil of wind begins to stir at my feet, there’s no denying the prophecy has begun.
Won’t be long before the wind becomes a tempest and all three worlds are ravaged by flames.
Unless I can stop it before it gets to that point.
With Chepi in Dace’s grasp, I can’t take the chance that I’ll miss. So I inch toward the ledge, raise the blowgun to my lips, and aim for Leandro instead. Taking my shot at the same time Cade yanks hard on my dress and jerks me back toward him. The move causing the dart to veer wildly off course before disappearing into the chasm.
The beast snarls and roars. Grasping Chepi by the throat, he holds her up high as though considering the most efficient way to destroy her. As I wrench free of Cade’s grip, swerve out of his reach, and reload my weapon. Fully aware the attempt was half hearted at best, staged to make Leandro think he’s serious, and I don’t have time for his games.
I center my aim, ready to shoot, when Cade rushes from behind. Leaving me no choice but to nail him with a swift roundhouse kick to the jaw that sends him reeling and skidding across a long swath of rock that rips a hole in his sleeve and burns off a good portion of flesh.
“Dammit, Cade,” Leandro shouts. “Get up! If you kill her now, the world will be ours! We are two kills away from ruling the worlds!”
The beast growls, the sound deep, guttural, echoing through the ravine. His glowing red eyes fixed right on mine as I center my aim on Leandro again.
Releasing the dart just as the beast lifts a hand, about to remove Chepi’s face, when, at the very last second, he changes course, pushes her out of harm’s way, and removes Leandro’s instead.
His features falling away like a discarded mask, Leandro’s pulpy mess of a mouth screams briefly in outrage, before collapsing inertly beside his old face.
Chepi looks on in horror, presumably thinking the same thing as me.
Another Richter felled.
Another relative killed.
No telling how the beast will react.
Though one thing is clear: Dace has now managed to outshine his twin in every conceivable way.
Cade turns on me in a fit fueled by rage, grief, and deeply rooted shame. Having failed at his one and only chance to make his father proud by slaying me.
With his fists clenched to his sides, his whole body shaking, he throws his head back and howls in a way so primal, so chilling, Coyote quickly chimes in.
But no matter how desperately Cade yearns to transform into the two-headed, snake-tongued, monstrous version of himself, he can’t make the shift.
Blaming me for his failure, he lurches my way as Coyote continues to howl by his side, and I aim the blowgun straight toward him. All the while begging him to stop, to not go through with it, to give up the fight while he can.
“It’s over. He released you. You don’t realize it now, but he has. It’s just like you always wanted, we can work together. But instead of me joining your side, you can join mine.”
His hands curl to fists and he stops dead in his tracks, leaving only a handful of feet yawning between us.
“C’mon, Cade. You don’t have to do this. With you and me working together, we can stop the prophecy.”
“It’s too late, Seeker.” While his gaze is filled with loathing, his fists can’t seem to respond.
They’re useless.
Unable to strike.
So he turns to Coyote still howling beside him, focusing hard on Raven’s natural-born enemy until his lids begin to droop, his knees give out from under him, and his body falls unconscious to the ground.
“No!” I scream, scrambling to put some distance between us. Only the move comes too late. My boot catches in the hem of my dress, my blowgun flies free of my hand, and I land in an unarmed heap of shimmering red silk. Unable to do anything but stare helplessly before me as Coyote, now soul-merged with Cade, bares his teeth and lunges straight for me, as Raven furiously rattles his cage, trying in vain to escape.
Raven and I both watching as Coyote descends.
Knowing it won’t be long until we fall and the prophecy is fulfilled once and for all.
With no defenses left, I lift my ring high. Hoping it might distract Coyote from his mark, and watching in horror as the gem catches the last fading rays of the sun and transforms my gown into a swirling circle of flames.
I scream. Try to smother it by rolling onto the rock.
Only to realize the flames do no harm, the element is mine to control.
At the first whiff of smoke, Coyote yelps, tries to change course, but it’s too late.
I’ve already rolled to the side.
Already retrieved the blowgun.
Already taken aim at the center of his forehead.
Already gathered my breath and taken my shot.
His snout veering so close, the last thing I feel is his hot, fetid breath hitting my cheek, before his eyes roll back in his head and he falls limply at my feet. A single poisonous dart jutting from his head—a steady stream of blood pumping from the wound.
My gown smoldering, I leap to my feet, and race toward Cade, only to find he bears the same injury as Coyote.
I press my hand to his forehead. Try to stop the blood from gushing. Telling myself head wounds always bleed more. That it’s not nearly as bad as it seems. Though it fails to console.
Finally, after all this time, I’ve managed to kill him.
Funny how it doesn’t feel anything like I imagined it would.
I brush a hand across his forehead, try to think of something comforting to say to ease his transition, when I realize he’s singing.
Thinking it’s the same song he hummed when I spied on him via the cockroach, I lower my ear to his lips and realize I’ve got it all wrong.
Cade is using the last of his strength to remind me of the prophecy.
When air sears and water fades
When tempest winds ravage fire-scorched plains
When Shadow eclipses Sun–the Seer shall fall
Causing three worlds to descend into darkness eternal
“You can’t stop it, Seeker.” His voice is a rasp. His lips curl at the sides as though he takes great pleasure in reminding me of my fate. “The prophecy is in motion. You are destined to fall. Leandro was wrong. I didn’t fail. I never once failed him . . .”
His eyes close.
His breath ceases.
And when the flames die, and the sky dims all around me, I realize he’s right.
The prophecy is here.
But it’s not because of him.
It’s because I snuffed the Sun and left the Shadow to rule.
Chepi screams, grabs hold of his arm, but the beast shakes her off, kicks Leandro’s body aside, and makes for the ledge.
Each step causing the sun to shrink.
The sky to darken.
So by the time he’s clinched the leap and is standing before me, the three worlds are black.
I can feel his hot breath rising before me. His hunger so palpable I can sense it stirring within. It’s the only way to track him now that I can no longer see him.
With only one dart remaining, I raise the blowgun to my lips and tighten my grip. Remembering a time when I was afraid of the dark and couldn’t fall asleep without the glow of a nightlight, until Jennika found a way to convince me there was nothing to fear.
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