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Saxon Andrew: Escape to Earth-Living Legends

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Saxon Andrew Escape to Earth-Living Legends

Escape to Earth-Living Legends: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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From the Bestselling author Saxon Andrew comes the final book in the Escape to Earth Series, Living Legends. The Legends are building new super Warships to attack Earth and its Allies and to remove the Sentinels as a threat. The Goran Scouts have intercepted their plans and the location of their new warship. A quick scan of the Legends’ new main battleship shows its a monster. The galaxies controlled by the Legends are gathering their fleets and soon, Earth will be attacked again by a larger and more powerful enemy. A new First Commander must be chosen quickly to lead the three allied galaxies against the coming storm. What Earth and its allies don’t know is that a new telepathic species has joined the Legends and it feeds on the minds of intelligent beings. They are also unaware that there are more Living Legends than they ever thought possible. The war is coming and the numbers will make all the other invasions look tiny in comparison. Living Legends is the final book in the series and it takes off at full speed and doesn’t slow down. Excerpt from Living Legends Luke pressed a button on his console and the gigantic wall monitor illuminated. A small light appeared in the center of the monitor and then grew larger as the ship scanning it moved forward. The small light quickly resolved itself into a planet and it continued to quickly increase in size. The planet finally filled the monitor and everyone was stunned by what they saw. Luke looked at Michael and saw him sit back in his chair and blow out a breath. Michael saw Luke staring at him and shrugged, leaned over, and whispered as the recording continued, “You know they were going to eventually do something like this?” “Why?” “It’s exactly what we’ve done over the last twenty years.” Luke pointed at the monitor, “We’ve built nothing like that?” “My mom said that size is not always the determining factor of what makes a warship really dangerous.” Luke didn’t hear the Goran Scout describing the Legend Battleship, turned, and saw the video had ended. He looked at the assembled Alliance Leaders, who were all staring at him. He stood up and pointed at the frozen image of a gigantic warship on the huge monitor, “This vessel the Legend Elder is having built is as large as a small moon or large asteroid. Unfortunately, Hengel couldn’t move in any closer to record a better scan. I think the Legends are starting to detect energy in the barrier.” He heard the gasps from the Alliance Leaders; if that were true, it could prove to be extremely dangerous. The Johan shook his head, “Just how did he make that determination?” “He skipped in closer initially and started recording but a fleet of Black Warships Ships began moving out of orbit toward him. He backed out and after ten minutes, they turned around. They evidently detected something but didn’t know what it was.” The Welken Royal shook his head. Luke continued, “The images he managed to take aren’t as good as we would like but we can see that the disruptor emplacements on both of those ships they’re building are actually larger than the ones we faced on the Legends’ Planet in M-87.” The Goran Leader thought, “Can we stand up to it?” Luke changed the image and the assembly saw another ship that was nearly half the size of the monster. “I don’t know if we can and the ship on the monitor now has to be the new warship model that the Legend Elder mentioned. Once he completes building the monster, he intends to build thousands of the other model.” Michael shook his head, “They don’t build things in the thousands. He’ll be building millions.” Luke nodded, “He won’t be alone. The other Legends will also be building them as well.”

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“What are you saying, Chris?”

“Over thousands of years, none of them ever lost their Stalker intellect…ever.”

Allison saw it, “But Lukas’s brain was fused with the Human Brain and he became a hybrid of both species.”

Chris nodded, “And his children inherited that brain along with telepathy. His DNA after he was changed into a human was dominant…just like Eve’s…just like mine…and just like our children. Something changed his DNA as Willow changed him to human form.”

“Then why didn’t you accept the position to lead us?”

“Because now I know and if I’m right…”

Allison sighed, “The ones doing it will know you know.”

“They probably already do. I suspect they’re listening to us now. That’s why I had to decline the position. I can’t make decisions with the idea that there is something operating as a safety net. It might not be there and my decisions could lead to disaster.”

Allison shook her head and they sat in silence for a long time. She finally said, “There are other things that support your belief.”

“I know.”

“We can’t let anyone know about this.”

“I know; that’s why I’ve never told you.”

“Why are you telling me now?”

“Because all of our children are grown and have learned that listening to others thoughts without permission is beyond being impolite. I had to wait until they learned it and reflexively lived it. They will not invade your privacy.”

“I remember your expression that day. I saw something bothered you but you changed the subject.”

Chris smiled, “You’ve always been the one that sees things in me that others miss. I’m glad of that now.” Allison stared at him for a very long moment and then shook her head and looked back out at the ocean. “You can’t bring yourself to ask, can you?” Allison took a deep breath, blew it out slowly, and then shook her head. “I’ve thought about that question every day since then.”


“Audrey was not the one chosen for me.”

Allison lowered her head and closed her eyes, “You can’t be sure about that?”

“Oh I believe she and I were intended to have a son. But she had to die so I would attack the Goran so viciously. I also believe that you were nudged to stop it. Why did you do it?”

“I just saw that it would destroy you if you continued.”

Chris took her chin and stared into her eyes, “Where did that thought come from?”

Allison stared at him and he saw her struggling with the question, “I could see it happening to you in my mind.” She continued to stare at him and finally said, “I was nudged.”

“You were chosen to be with me. Audrey couldn’t have done the things you did after you were ordered aboard my ship. It was you that allowed us to survive and learn what we needed to know to defeat the Legends in M-87. Things just happened…”

Allison interrupted him, “That would have never happened without something operating to cause it.” Chris nodded. Both of them turned, looked back out at the ocean, and without making an agreement, they didn’t mention it again. After two hours, Allison said, “We can’t go back to Earth.” Chris nodded. “Averel will see it.”

Chris took her hand, “Not in me but you won’t be able to hide it. We’ll set up a residence here on Eden and convince our children to come see us here. We have to avoid the Goran.” Allison nodded and continued to stare at the waves.

Chapter Two

Michael walked through Fleet Operations carrying a box filled with items he took from his former office. This was the last box and he was glad to be done with moving. Luke asked him why he just didn’t order some junior officers to move his things. “Luke, there are some very valuable things that I’d never get over if they were damaged. Besides, I threw away more than I moved. I don’t mind doing it.” One thing that he didn’t know if he liked was the size of his new office. It was actually larger than Luke’s with a brace of huge wall monitors. Oh well.

He walked through the main communications center and Averel thought, “Michael.” He stopped and looked at her. “Admiral Greenwall has requested you contact her about the maneuver schedule.”

“Don’t you have the schedule, Averel?”

“I offered to send it but she insisted she would have some questions that only you could answer.”

“Have Audrey send it to her and answer any questions she might have.” Averel started laughing and Michael shook his head. “Averel.”

Averel straightened up and said, “Yes, First Commander.”

“Until further notice, you will do all you can to prevent my having to communicate directly with Admiral Greenwall. I am holding you responsible for making that happen. Do you understand?”

“She can’t be that bad, Michael?”

“Do you understand!?”

“I will do my absolute best, Sir, but she is absolutely the most diabolical human I’ve ever met at getting her way.”

“If she gets through you…”

“I know, I know.”

Michael turned and walked toward his office. Admiral Katy Greenwall! She had decided during the second year of their Advanced Studies that Michael was going to be hers and telling her no only made her more determined. She threatened and intimidated all the other girls in his class into avoiding any contact with him. He was shy at that age and thought they resented him because of who his father was. He learned to live with it. It took Audrey to tell him what was going on.

Audrey was several classes behind him but she was telepathic and had no problem listening to the thoughts of those around her. She was the most obstinate of Chris’ children about respecting other people’s privacy. She finally got the message when Josh started repeating out loud what she was thinking where everyone around her could hear. She was furious and Josh finally managed to get her to see that what she was doing was no different. However, she told Michael what Katy was doing. He broke a long-standing principle and listened to her one day. He confronted her and told her what he thought about her and told her she would never…ever…hold his interest.

He shook his head. If she had just been nice, she might have gotten him to notice her. She was really beautiful and had a steel-trap mind. Her scores rivaled his and she didn’t have the benefit of telepathy. But she was remorseless. He remembered her telling him that he would change his mind. He knew a human would fly like the Green Birds before that happened. She prevented him from having a relationship with a girl before he graduated and went to the Fleet Academy. Now he really wanted to thank her. He didn’t have the time, or the inclination, to be involved in a relationship; he had too much to do. But thanking her would lead to requests to allow her to come visit and he grew weary of dreaming up reasons why she couldn’t. One time he had told her that he no desire to be around her. She replied that if he would he’d want to do it more. He wasn’t looking at her thoughts but could actually see her winking in his mind. He broke the connection. Now, he would see if she could get through Averel.

He walked in his office and set the box down. He saw the light on his desk unit illuminate and he glanced at the identity of the caller and saw it was Admiral Greenwall. “AVEREL!!!”


Michael shook his head. After a moment, he thought, “Audrey.”

“Yeah, Michael.”

“One of your Admirals is going around the chain-of-command and calling me directly.”

“Katy at it again?”

“I don’t want to shut out all the others just to stop her. She reports to you, can you do anything?”

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