Novel: Among Others by Jo Walton
Novella: “The Man Who Bridged the Mist” by Kij Johnson
Novelette: “What We Found” by Geoff Ryman
Short Story: “The Paper Menagerie” by Ken Liu
Ray Bradbury Award: Doctor Who : “The Doctor’s Wife” by Neil Gaiman (writer), Richard Clark (director)
Andre Norton Award: The Freedom Maze by Delia Sherman
Damon Knight Grand Master Award: Connie Willis
Solstice Award: Octavia Butler (posthumous) and John Clute
SFWA Service Award: Bud Webster
Novel: 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson
Novella: After the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall by Nancy Kress
Novelette: “Close Encounters” by Andy Duncan
Short Story: “Immersion” by Aliette de Bodard
Ray Bradbury Award: Beasts of the Southern Wild by Benh Zeitlin & Lucy Abilar (writers), Benh Zeitlin (director)
Andre Norton Award: Fair Coin by E. C. Myers
Novel: Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie
Novella: “The Weight of the Sunrise” by Vylar Kaftan
Novelette: “The Waiting Stars” by Aliette de Bodard
Short Story: “If You Were a Dinosaur, My Love” by Rachel Swirsky
Ray Bradbury Award: Gravity by Alfonso Cuarón, Jonás Cuarón (writers), Alfonso Cuarón (director)
Andre Norton Award: Sister Mine by Nalo Hopkinson
Damon Knight Grand Master Award: Samuel R. Delany
2013 Distinguished Guest: Frank M. Robinson
Kevin O’Donnell Jr. Service to SFWA Award: Michael Armstrong
Novel: Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer
Novella: Yesterday’s Kin by Nancy Kress
Novelette: “A Guide to the Fruits of Hawai’i” by Alaya Dawn Johnson
Short Story: “Jackalope Wives” by Ursula Vernon
Ray Bradbury Award: Guardians of the Galaxy by James Gunn and Nicole Perlman (writers)
Andre Norton Award: Love Is the Drug by Alaya Dawn Johnson
Damon Knight Grand Master Award: Larry Niven
Solstice Award: Joanna Russ (posthumous), Stanley Schmidt
Kevin O’Donnell Jr. Service to SFWA Award: Jeffry Dwight
Novel: Uprooted by Naomi Novik
Novella: Binti by Nnedi Okorafor
Novelette: “Our Lady of the Open Road” by Sarah Pinsker
Short Story: “Hungry Daughters of Starving Mothers” by Alyssa Wong
Ray Bradbury Award: Mad Max: Fury Road by George Miller, Brendan McCarthy, and Nick Lathouris
Andre Norton Award: Updraft by Fran Wilde
Damon Knight Grand Master Award: C.J. Cherryh
Kate Wilhelm Solstice Award: Sir Terry Pratchett (posthumous)
Kevin O’Donnell Jr. Service to SFWA Award: Dr. Lawrence M. Schoen
Novel: All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders
Novella: Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Novelette: “The Long Fall Up” by William Ledbetter
Short Story: “Seasons of Glass and Iron” by Amal El-Mohtar
Ray Bradbury Award: Arrival by Eric Heisserer
Andre Norton Award: Arabella of Mars by David D. Levine
Kate Wilhelm Solstice Award: Peggy Rae Sapienza, Toni Weisskopf
Kevin O’Donnell Jr. Service to SFWA Award: Jim Fiscus
Photo by Jason Stemple
Jane Yolen, often called “the Hans Christian Andersen of America,” is the author of over 366 books including ten books of poetry for adults, two cookbooks, and twelve music books. She has won an assortment of awards: two Nebulas, a World Fantasy Award, a Caldecott, three Mythopoeic awards, two Christopher Medals, a nomination for the National Book Award, the Jewish Book Award, the Kerlan Award, the Catholic Library’s Regina Medal, as well as six honorary doctorates—five of them from Massachusetts colleges and universities. Two years ago she was named one of the Massachusetts Unsung Heroines. And she was the first writer to win a New England Public Radio’s Arts & Humanities Award. She is a Grand Master of SFWA, SFPW, and the World Fantasy Association—the trifecta. One of her awards set her good coat on fire.
Galen Dara likes monsters, mystics, and dead things. She has created art for Escape Artists, Uncanny Magazine , 47North publishing, Skyscape Publishing, Fantasy Flight Games, Escape Artists, Tyche Books, Fireside Magazine , and Lightspeed Magazine. She has been nominated for the Hugo, the World Fantasy Award, and the Chesley Award. When Galen is not working on a project you can find her on the edge of the Sonoran Desert, climbing mountains and hanging out with a friendly conglomeration of human and animal companions.
The cover illustration was initially published in Strange Horizons in August, 2017, for “These Constellations Will Be Yours,” written by Elaine Cuyegkeng.
You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter @galendara, or find her at www.galendara.com.
Nebula Awards Showcase 2017
edited by Julie E. Czerneda
Nebula Awards Showcase 2016
edited by Mercedes Lackey
Nebula Awards Showcase 2015
edited by Greg Bear
Nebula Awards Showcase 2014
edited by Kij Johnson
Nebula Awards Showcase 2013
edited by Catherine Asaro
Nebula Awards Showcase 2012
edited by James Patrick Kelly and John Kessel
Published 2018 by Pyr®, an imprint of Prometheus Books
Nebula Awards Showcase 2018 . Copyright © 2018 by Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA, Inc.). All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, digital, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, or conveyed via the internet or a website without prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
This is a work of fiction. Any characters, organizations, products, locales, and events portrayed either are products of the authors’ imaginations or are used fictitiously.
Cover illustration © Galen Dara
Cover design by Nicole Sommer-Lecht
Cover © Prometheus Books
Inquiries should be addressed to
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ISBN 978–1–63388–504–2 (paperback)
ISBN 978-1-63388-505-9 (ebook)
ISSN 2473–277X
Printed in the United States of America
“Introduction” © 2018 by Jane Yolen.
“A Fist of Permutations in Lightning and Wildflowers” © 2016 by Alyssa Wong, first published on Tor.com , March 2016.
“Sabbath Wine” © 2016 by Barbara Krasnoff, first published in Clockwork Phoenix 5 , April 2016.
“Things with Beards” © 2016 by Sam J. Miller, first published in Clarkesworld , June 2016.
“Welcome to the Medical Clinic at the Interplanetary Relay Station | Hours Since the Last Patient Death: 0” © 2016 by Caroline M. Yoachim, first published in Lightspeed , March 2016.
“This Is Not a Wardrobe Door” © 2016 by A. Merc Rustad, first published in Fireside Fiction , January 2016.
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