Toby Neighbors - Crying Havoc

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Finally, when he couldn’t wait any longer, he yawned dramatically.

“Whose idea is it for sick people to have to sleep on a wooden table?” he said in a lazy voice.

“You’re awake,” Quinn said. “Zollin healed your wounds.”

“Yeah, now I just need someone to work the kinks out of my back from sleeping on a wooden table all night.”

“You’re lucky to be breathing,” Mansel said. “If Quinn hadn’t wounded me in our fight, I would have chopped you into bits.”

“Speaking of which, I think it’s time the castle guard put you where you belong,” the commander said. “I’m sure a dungeon cell will make this place seem like the King’s own chambers in comparison.”

“There’s no need for that,” Quinn said. “He was under a witch’s spell when he attacked us. The spell has been broken.”

“Oh, okay,” Corlis said. “If he was under a spell from an evil witch, then everything’s fine. Oh, wait, this isn’t a children’s story. This is real life, and he attacked an officer. That’s a hanging offense, I believe.”

“You can’t be serious,” Quinn said.

“I can,” Commander Corlis said in an arrogant tone. “You both stay here.”

“Okay,” Quinn said.

Then he punched Corlis on the chin with a right hook that snapped the commander’s head to the side. His eyes rolled back as he collapsed in a heap on the floor.

“Help me get him up,” said Quinn. “We’ll put him on the table and lock the door from the outside.”

“And where are we going to go?” Mansel asked.

“Somewhere we can be of help if we’re needed.”

Chapter 35

Zollin hurried up to the King’s chambers, where he found the King eating with his generals and Commander Hausey. The King stood up when Zollin entered.

“Ah, Zollin. We’re just about to talk strategy,” the King said in a warm tone. “Someone get Zollin a plate of food. It’s going to be a long day, and we may not get the chance to eat again anytime soon. You need to eat to keep up your strength.”

Zollin nodded and took the plate of food he’d been given by a servant. He tried desperately to remember what had happened in Felson when he’d been drugged. He remembered eating and then being woken up hours later by Kelvich. The King was already talking to his generals, discussing plans for King Felix to ride out with Commander Hausey and General Grigg under a flag of truce to sue for peace.

Zollin walked among the men, pushing out thoughts of seeing him eat, but he didn’t touch the food. Instead he scraped bits and pieces off his plate, just letting them fall on the floor. He wasn’t sure what else to do with them. He hoped his portrayal of a drugged person would be convincing enough to fool the King and his generals.

“I think perhaps Zollin should ride out with us,” King Felix said. “It will give us a chance to catch up on what we’ve been planning.”

“Not to mention he might prove useful in dealing with this wizard from the Torr,” General Grigg added.

“That’s fine with me,” Zollin said casually, but he was looking at Commander Hausey when he spoke. The look in the soldier’s eye wasn’t lost on Zollin. It was obvious the King was planning something.

“Let’s go, then,” Felix said. “The sooner we break this siege the better.”

They walked down the stairs together and Zollin moved slower and slower. Commander Hausey took his arm once they were several paces behind everyone else.

“Why did you eat?” he hissed in Zollin’s ear.

Zollin looked at him and winked. Then he leaned on Hausey.

“Master Zollin,” Hausey said loudly. “Are you well?”

“Just tired,” he said, shaking his head as if to clear the cobwebs.

“The boy needs more sleep,” said King Felix in a patronizing tone.

“I’ll be fine, Sire,” he said.

“Yes, I’m sure you will. Let’s get mounted.”

“What can I do?” Hausey asked in a hushed tone.

“Just stay close and alert.”

Commander Hausey helped Zollin onto the horse that a servant was holding for him. They rode through the city just as the citizens of Orrock were starting their daily chores. Zollin made a show of sagging lower and lower in his saddle. When they arrived at the main gate, General Griggs raised a lance with a white banner. The other generals rode through the gate first, followed by King Felix, then Zollin and Commander Hausey.

“Sire, I believe there is something wrong with the wizard,” said General Griggs in a mocking tone.

Zollin was now slumped onto the neck of his horse. He pretended to be completely senseless.

“Sire,” Hausey said. “What’s happened to him?”

“I took your advice, Commander, a little lavintha and milk thistle.”

“But why?”

“We’re making a deal,” King Felix said, “the one you brokered last night. Don’t act so surprised; we all knew this was inevitable. The boy had his uses, but he is a liability. This way, we end the siege in one master stroke.”

“Stay with him, Commander,” said General Griggs. “Make sure he stays on his horse. We don’t want the prize spoiled.”

They rode out toward the enemy lines. Zollin tried his best to look senseless while taking in as much of the scene as he could. The sun was just high enough to shed light on the army surrounding the castle. They were already up and in formation, as if at the slightest command they could attack the city.

King Felix stopped less than fifty paces from the opposing army. They had to wait only a few moments before a similar delegation rode out from the enemy lines to meet them. Zollin didn’t have a good view, but Commander Hausey held up five fingers beside his leg, and Zollin guessed that meant that five riders were approaching.

“King Felix, thank you for coming,” said Offendorl.

“I have the boy,” the King said. “He is drugged and will offer no resistance.”

“Excellent thinking,” Offendorl said. “I will take him with me and leave the negotiations to you kings.”

“I thought I made myself clear,” said King Felix said. “Once you have the boy, you are to take your army and leave Yelsia.”

“Ah, but there is the matter of expense,” said King Belphan. “This venture to ensure the peace was costly, I’m afraid. Reparations must be made, both to Osla and Falxis.”

“Bring your demands before the council, King Belphan. I will not hear of your squabbling for coin while your army besieges Orrock.”

“I find that we are in the best bargaining position now,” said Belphan.

“Finish your negotiations without me,” Offendorl said. “The sound of your voices wearies me.”

“Give him the boy, Hausey.”

Commander Hausey hesitated, but Zollin gave a slight nod. Hausey led Zollin’s horse to Offendorl. The ancient wizard took the reins of Zollin’s mount and turned his own horse as if to lead them away. They had gone only ten paces or so when Zollin saw the old man nod, and a group of fully armed knights came charging forward.

“It’s a trap!” Hausey shouted.

King Belphan and King Zorlan turned their horses and raced away, while their knights came charging forward.

“Surround the King,” General Tolis shouted.

“We must retreat!” General Griggs shouted.

“There is no time,” Hausey cried.

Zollin waved a hand and a wall of invisible power slammed into the charging cavalry. The horses were knocked backwards, and their riders flew forward and crashed into the barrier.

Offendorl turned, throwing up a shield between himself and Zollin, but the young wizard was already attacking.

“Blast!” he screamed, thinking of his first attack on the wizards from the Torr in Tranaugh Shire. His attack then had surprised them, but it had not hurt them. Zollin expected no less from Offendorl, so he purposely let his attack go wide. Two thick beams of crackling energy shot from his hands. They bounced off the elder wizard’s defenses and then slammed into Offendorl’s wagon. The large wooden vehicle exploded and wooden shards flew into the air. The shockwave from the explosion rocked Offendorl forward as Zollin grabbed as many wooden shards as he could and sent them hurtling toward the master wizard.

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