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David Wells: Linkershim

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“Here. I counted twelve ships, four flying the flag of Baden, seven flying the flag of Lorraine and one flying the flag of Tyr. I suspect that one’s the command ship, since this whole thing has been orchestrated by Tyr.

“So how do we get through?”

“We’ll slip through at night,” Alexander said. “How long until we get close enough for them to see us?”

“Two days, depending on the winds.”

“Time it so we arrive in the dark,” Alexander said. “That should give your men time to rest. We’ll need all their strength when we make our move.”

“Understood, Lord Reishi.”


They reached the blockade two days later, arriving well after dark. Throughout the night, Alexander scouted the waters ahead, plotting a course through the dangerous channel and guiding the captain through the enemy ships, slipping in and out of the firmament as needed to ensure safe and silent passage.

His strategy worked perfectly. They slipped through the enemy lines without even being noticed. Alexander breathed a sigh of relief once they were well into the open ocean and sailing north toward Ruatha.

He woke with a start the following morning. Sunlight streamed through the porthole, cutting the dusty air with a shaft of pure white light. He lay still, listening. Another shout of alarm filtered through the deck boards to his stateroom. He sat up and pulled on his boots.

The day was clear but far from calm. A northeasterly wind was driving them across rough waters and the ship was rocking to and fro as it struggled to cut through the waves. Alexander found Kalderson and Jack on the foredeck.

“I don’t know how they found us, Lord Reishi,” Kalderson said, fighting to keep the wheel steady.

“How many?” Alexander asked.

“Twenty or thirty in a blockade ahead and a dozen behind,” Jack said.

“Well, I guess we don’t have much choice then,” Alexander said. “I’m going to look for a soft spot in their line.”

“You mean to run the blockade?” Kalderson asked.

Alexander shrugged. “We’re cornered. The only option left is attack.”

Several minutes later he saw just how bad it was. They were surrounded and the enemy was closing in. Running their line would just delay the inevitable. Eventually, Kalderson’s men would become exhausted and the enemy would board the ship.

After looking at the enemy, Alexander appeared in General Talia’s study. The fastidious general officer was reading a history of some battle fought long ago. He looked up, then stood with a smile. “Lord Reishi, I trust you’re well,” he said.

“I’m afraid not,” Alexander said. “I need your help. We’re sailing up the east coast of Baden trying to get to Ruatha, but there’s a fleet of warships in our way.”

“I see,” Talia said. “I have eight Sky Knights at my disposal and I can spare a dozen fast-attack boats without diminishing the security of Ruatha’s southern coast. Will that be sufficient?”

“It’ll have to be,” Alexander said. “We can’t afford to let Andalia put any more Lancers on Ruathan soil.”

“Understood, Lord Reishi. Help is on the way.”

“Thank you, General,” Alexander said before vanishing.


“How can that ship be moving against the wind?” Kalderson asked, shaking his head.

“That’s Tyr’s flagship,” Alexander said. “The wizard on board is pushing them with his magic. Turn toward it and ready the fore ballista.”

“I can’t,” Kalderson said. “The wind isn’t with us and the oars won’t give us enough speed to stay ahead of the dozen ships behind us.”

“Then turn both ballistae toward them and prepare to fire,” Alexander said.

“That won’t solve the bigger problem,” Kalderson said. “They’re driving us into the Andalian coast. With this wind, we’ll never make it around the horn without slowing down so much that the entire enemy fleet will catch up with us.”

“One problem at a time, Captain,” Alexander said. “Kill that ship first, then we’ll worry about the rest of them. Maybe if they see their flagship sink, they’ll lose interest. After all, most of the ships out there are bought and paid for by Tyr.”

A warning went up from the crow’s nest, drawing all eyes toward the shredder bolt descending on them. It ripped through the mainsail, tearing a gaping hole and slowing the ship significantly.

“Return fire,” Alexander ordered.

Both ballistae fired in unison, sending clay firepots toward the enemy vessel. One went wide, but the second shattered against the mainmast, showering the aft deck with fire and igniting the rear sail.

Another shredder lifted off the deck of the enemy ship, arcing through the clear sky. It tore the mainsail nearly in half, slowing Kalderson’s ship even further.

Even with the damaged sail, they were able to gain some distance on the single enemy ship within weapons’ range, but the dozen ships behind them were closing fast. They would be in weapons’ range within minutes.

Kalderson’s crew started cutting the mainsail down, preparing to raise the spare, but the damage was done. They were slowing, the gap was closing, and the only possibility of escape was the looming coastline of Andalia-a prospect that Alexander didn’t relish.

“Lend me your eyes, Little One.”

Chloe buzzed into existence in a ball of light and Alexander sent her his mind, looking at the danger surrounding him through her eyes. The ships behind, driven by the strong wind, were fanning out so each could bring their weapons to bear. The blockade to the north remained in place with the exception of the burning flagship and two ships that were moving to assist. The rocky coast of Andalia filled the eastern horizon.

A whistler arrow shrieked in the distance and a dozen shredders lifted from the fleet behind them, arcing gracefully and silently through the air, crashing into the deck with ruinous effect, tearing holes in the fore and aft sails and killing a number of crewmen where they stood.

“Captain, head for the coast and prepare to abandon ship,” Alexander said.

Kalderson looked like he wanted to protest, but couldn’t find an argument worthy of putting into words. With grim resignation, he nodded to his first mate manning the wheel and the ship turned east toward the shore while the crew began to make the longboats ready.

“What’s happening?”

Alexander’s heart skipped a beat. He whirled to find Anja standing next to a hatch on the ship’s deck.

“What are you doing here?” he demanded, dumbfounded and chagrined at the same time. She’d made it clear that she wanted to come with him but he hadn’t expected her to stow away. Another mistake based on a false assumption.

“I wanted to be with you,” Anja said.

“You can’t be here,” Alexander said to the child-dragon, taking her by the shoulders. “You’re not safe here, Anja. You need to change into your true form and fly home right now.”

“No,” she said, facing him squarely, her chin held high. “I’m staying with you.”

Before he could say another word, the sensation of danger flooded his mind. Instinctively, he stretched out with his all around sight and saw the threat descending toward him-another volley of shredders. He grabbed Anja and spun her out of the way as a multi-tined ballista bolt slammed into the deck where they’d just been standing. He pulled her behind the wheelhouse and pressed her against the wall.

“It’s not safe here. You have to go home. Please, Anja, do as I ask.”

“No, I belong with you.”

“Don’t be so stubborn, child. We’re under attack and we’re about to abandon ship in hostile territory. I don’t know if I can protect you, and trying to could easily put everything else in jeopardy.”

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