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John Davis: The Colony

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John Davis The Colony

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Lieutenant Jack Strong leads his team of elite marines to a distress beacon in the far reaches of colonization. Expecting faulty equipment, they instead find themselves in the first stages of war against a species similar to mythical demons. The Colony

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One of the worst things a soldier can feel, is forgotten. Which is how Wesley began to feel that very moment. Fighting for their lives on a military-ordered mission, only to have that same military seem bothered by a ship of its own soldiers.

“Tanilia Moon Colony. We were ordered here to recon a beacon and ran into…” Wesley began to say with aggravation.

“Please hold all traffic corporal.” the man’s voice replied, cutting the soldier off before he could bitch about his current situation.

You little bastard. If I could, I would reach through this com and ring you by your damned little chicken-neck! Wesley thought.

He could hear several children laughing in the background of his own ship, though faintly. A good sign that they were easing a bit and no longer fearing for their lives.

“You’re almost seventeen-clicks from the nearest safe zone corporal. We’ll dispatch a ship for you as soon as one becomes available, but with that much legwork in front of it, you’re looking to be there at least a couple more weeks.” the voice replied.

WEEKS? The corporal thought, his mental bitching beginning to get the best of him.

“We don’t have weeks,” he said loudly, his voice now barking into the ship’s com. “My entire crew is down. Either dead or injured and in serious need. We got a group of kids sheltered aboard our last remaining ship, but are low on supplies. We’ve found something here. Some type of alien life.” Wesley added.

“Let me guess. Demonic in appearance, winged and heavily-armed?” the voice asked over the com system.

“Um, yea,” the weary soldier asked, stunned by the question. “How the hell did you…”

“Because corporal, we’ve been at war for nearly forty-hours now. They’ve taken four of our planets and sacked Laylan Base.” the voice admitted.

Wesley knew the seriousness of that statement. Though the Sky Platform was the Earth Defense Marines strongest base, Laylan was on the short list. If it had indeed fallen, it meant they were not only at war, but getting their asses handed to them.

“War?” the stunned soldier asked.

“Affirmative. Looking over your logs it appears your unit was dispatched shortly before the Rynal began appearing across most of our colonies. Wasn’t long after that they began hitting us with a lot of military force.”

“God.” Wesley said.

“Roger that. We still don’t know a lot about them. But what we do know is there are hundreds of distress calls just like yours coming in. We’ll get to you, but you have to find a way to sit tight until we can. Copy?” the voice asked.

“Copy that.” Wesley replied, finding it hard to push those words from his lips.

“Earth Defense Command out.”

* * *

Normally Jack would have cursed such heavy rain. But given the circumstances, it provided him with additional cover. Which he welcomed with open arms.

The lieutenant had shoved as many supplies into a satchel as possible. Military MRE packs, rifle magazines and a small com radio, though its housing appeared damaged.

Zipping the satchel, Jack quickly placed it in the exact spot he’d pointed out to Renaldo. Forcing his body to stand as it fought against the weight of such rainfall.

He was alert enough to see the clawed-hand crashing down, rolling a bit to his left as the Rynal soldier missed. A motion that left him down on a single knee and looking into the eyes of the demonic-like foe.

It was the first time he’d come face to face with such a horror, and he found himself visually studying the beast.

It was taller in stature than Jack, though its frame looked to be just as fleshy. Its body seemed almost webbed together, as if bare hide was intertwined around its vital areas. Appearing to be nothing but tendons wrapped in skin.

And tendons could be severed, no matter the species.

“I think you’ll find that I’m a bit tougher to kill than innocent children.” Jack said firmly, standing to his feet slowly while unsheathing a combat blade from his leg holster.

The Rynal soldier replied. Uttering a string of language that was not understandable, nor repeatable by a human tongue. Still, Jack knew that the beast understood the events to follow. Its elongated fingers crunching down a bit to further expose claws.

The winged-demon was the first to strike, claws missing as it jumped down with tremendous force.

The monster looked up to him, its eyes of fiery-black concentrating on the seasoned soldier a bit. Studying him. Its eyes eventually shifting down to the knife hand of Jack, who strengthened his grip of the blade.

“See, where I’m from, a razor’s edge will cut flesh from bone. Don’t matter the species. And you can bet your ass,” the lieutenant said with a slight grin. “I’ve cut my fair share.”

The demon adjusted the angle of his head a bit, tilting it as the green of its eyes continued to watch the soldier.

Then, without a moment of warning, the Rynal soldier dashed in with extended claws, nearly digging into the marine’s stomach.

Had he been less-experienced, the thrust of claws would have caught him. Possibly even killed him. But Jack had seen his fair share.

The first Sky War. The second. He’d even rubbed shoulders with the Sky Elites while hunting down murderous war criminals after it had all been said and done.

And using his experience wisely, he created a deep slash across the demon’s ribcage as it dashed in for him. Dripping blood of neon-green which eventually began pouring.

“Be sure you get that wound looked at when you get to the gates of hell.” Lieutenant Strong commented, grinning a bit as the Rynal held its wound.

His grin quickly turned to a grimace of pain, however, as a second Rynal drug its clawed-hand down the marine’s back, crimson color immediately soaking the soldier’s back.

Jack had hit the ground, rolling in pain as he also realized a second demon had joined the fight. The odds no longer even.

Quick enough, he narrowly escaped a thrashing curb stomp-style kick meant to end him – responding with a solid kick of his own to one of the Rynal, its leg buckling a bit. Then a second, as Jack began to work his way back upright.

Even the smallest bones in his skull, however, jarred wildly as the second Rynal crushed him back to the ground with an authoritative backhand.

With his vision blurred and what had instantly become a near-crippling headache, Jack was reluctant to stand again, opting instead to defend himself from his back.

Pulling a rifle from its back, one of the Rynal uttered several harsh words, its language very cold and direct; as Jack remained crumpled to the ground awaiting his fate. Eventually closing his eyes.

The lieutenant shook as the burst of ammunition sounded loudly, though it took a moment to register. It was Earth Defense gunfire.

Quickly opening his eyes, Jack saw a Rynal falling victim to a single round, high-caliber. As the second turned with surprise, Ronaldo fired on it as well, though the monster evaded the shot. At least in terms of being fatal, the bullet merely clipping its side.

The demon screamed in pain however, as Jack dashed to his feet and plunged man-made steel into the lower spine of the creature; brutally dragging the blade upward as the Rynal’s screams turned to silence.

“Run!” Ronaldo yelled, nearing his brother in arms.

“Huh?” Jack asked, a ringing headache partially to blame.

“RUN!” the sniper yelled once more, sprinting past his military superior.

Oh Shit. Jack thought as the horizon was now filled with heavy rain and a small horde of Rynal, each of them closing in fast.

The pain of a headache is enough to put even the best to rest. Amazingly, however, the adrenaline of death at the gates seems to always push us to our limits. As it did with Lieutenant Jack Strong as he began sprinting as though his life depended on it.

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