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Harry Kellogg III: The Red Sky: The Second Battle of Britain

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Harry Kellogg III The Red Sky: The Second Battle of Britain

The Red Sky: The Second Battle of Britain: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Warning do not read this unless you have read Book One Warning This second book is set in the World War Three 1946 universe. A universe where Stalin Learns of “Operation Unthinkable”, Churchill’s ill-conceived plan to invade the USSR. He strikes first and attacks the West when it is at its weakest point and the Red Army is at its strongest. In Book Two we continue to explore one of the greatest “what ifs” in history. Who would have prevailed the Red Army or the forces of the Free World in an all out war, after the defeat of the Axis powers? As Book One World War Three 1946 — The Red Tide — Stalin Strikes First ends, we find the Red Army has smash the feeble western armies in Germany and then France. America’s atomic scientists have been incapacitated by a dirty bomb containing polonium, smuggled in and detonated by a real NKVD spy George Koval. Who in our reality had access to the world’s only supply of the deadliest substance on earth, when he worked on producing the Mark III atomic bomb. Sometimes facts are stranger than fiction. The Allies have temporarily stopped Stalin on the border of Spain and France where the Pyrenees Mountains makes a formidable barrier. As the Soviet version of the Blitzkrieg grinds to a temporary halt, Britain is given a chance to see the error of its wicked, capitalistic ways and to join the workers of the world. When this offer is rejected the Red Air Force prepares for an all-out attack with odds approaching five to one. Will the many, once again owe so much to the few of the RAF? And where are the Americans? Have they abandoned their greatest ally? Have they scrapped too many of their planes and can they retool their economy, an economy that has switched almost totally to consumer products. Can they once again become the arsenal of democracy? Will they be in time to save the Royal Air Force? Using a combination of their own skills and well-designed late war planes like the Tu 2S, the Yak 3, Yak 9 and the Lag 7 along with their newest jet fighters the MiG 9 Fargo and Yak 15 Feather, the Soviets will battle the Spitfires, Typhoons, Lincolns and Meteors of the RAF in a second battle for the skies over the British Isles. Stalin is convinced that the next war, against the capitalist Amerikosi, will be in the air over Europe and the Soviet industrial machine starts to concentrate on air to air and surface to air missiles. These missiles are improved versions of the German Wasserfal and X4 missile. These Nazi wonder weapons were not developed in time to save the Thousand Year Reich. Brought to fruition by the Soviet industrial complex under the guidance of Sergo Peskov, the missiles wreak early havoc to the bomber streams of the RAF and USAAF. The era of massed attacks, by the manned strategic bomber, appears to be over. These books are not written in any traditional style. They are a combination of historical facts, oral histories, third person and first person fictional accounts. They read more like an oral history or an entertaining history book complete with footnotes. I was inspired by “The Good War”: An Oral History of World War Two by Studs Terkel (1985 Pulitzer Prize for General Fiction) and Cornelius Ryan’s wonderful books “The Longest Day” and “A Bridge too Far”. I was especially captivated by Bill Bryson’s A Short History of Nearly Everything. Where the author explores the history of everyday objects and tells stories that captivate and educate all of us on the history of… well everything. Hopefully I have used their techniques of storytelling competently enough to entertain you for a few days.

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I decided to start running for exercise and to keep in shape. People were looking at me like I was crazy so I tell them I’m training. I don’t say what for but I assume they are thinking boxing. It really helped to clear my mind. Brought back memories of running the 2 mile in college without the vomiting at the end.

We got together with the Brown Outs as usual. Once a month without fail we meet at one of the member’s houses. Last night it was the McKees. Fun, food and games is the order of the day. Maxine’s Mom baby sat. Nice having family only a few miles away. Great bunch of friends the Brown Outs. We got our name from meeting during the war. Since Wisconsin was far from the action we had brown outs instead of black outs. I suppose they’ll have to start that foolishness again even though the Soviets don’t have a navy like the Japs.

Diary of Burt Post Sept. 17th, 1946.

Sales increased again. People are buying paper like never before. Just read an article that the population in the US will reach 165 million by 1990 and then decline. Came from the census bureau. They must know if anyone. I wonder why it would decline?

You know the fighting in Europe sure doesn’t make the news as much as WWII. I guess we’re all tired of it. Bad attitude to take if you ask me. Those Reds are more of a threat than the German’s I think but then again maybe not. It could just be another way of running a government. I don’t suppose I could get a copy of that Marx guys writing in this day and age. They probably have censored all that kind of thinking. Capitalism has been good to me since there were some limits put on it by the unions and Teddy Roosevelt. No more Robber Barons for us. Those days are over. Thank God the unions are too strong for that to happen again. Some people call the unions communist. Well if that’s so then that kind of communism is what we need. I heard that deaths in the coal mines were down again this year and child labor laws are a god send.

Senator Taft and a congressman named Hartley are trying to pass a bill that would greatly curtail the unions. Sounds pretty draconian to me. I guess Truman is fighting against it and calls it a threat to freedom of speech. This will be a battle to watch.

Diary of Burt Post September 18th, 1946

Heard from Maxine’s brother… my brother in-law. I guess he’s coming to visit. Says he’s going to head out to Alaska and take up commercial fishing. Some place named Cordova. Right now he’s in Hurley as a logger. I wonder how he’s staying out of the army? The guy is pretty much of a jerk.

Gets drunk all the time and starts fights in the bars. I only went with him once and that was it. Reminds me of a John Wayne movie where Wayne goes into a bar and picks a fight and the two fighters become best friends after they beat the tar out of each other.

People don’t realize that a punch in the face from a 6’4” 200lb man is a devastating thing. Breaks a lot of stuff in the other guys face as well as your hand. The only time I hit a guy it really busted my hand up. Hurt like hell. The movies are far from accurate. Two big grown men throwing haymakers at each other is not funny.

Anyway he’s coming and I have to figure out a way to not go out drinking. I guess I have a good excuse with a new baby in the house. The guys a maniac when he gets drunk. He belongs in Alaska far from women and children. I wonder how that part will work out. The women seem to love him for some reason.

Evelyn Dick

Diary of Burt Post Sept. 22nd, 1946

Thank God they finally charged that women, Evelyn Dick, with murder. I know the Canucks are slow but jeepers. A bloody torso that is missing arms, head and legs is found in town by school kids. They find body parts partially burned in the furnace. We have a woman whose husband is missing, borrows a friend’s car, brings it back with blood all over it, there are bloody clothes in back, claims an “Italian hit man” came to the house, then claims her daughter bled all over the car, then claims that another man made her drive to a dump site with a large bag, has a body of a baby boy encased in concrete in her attic, another guy’s wife claims she saw the trunk when her husband yelled at her to get out of the garage where a bloody saw, bullet holes and bloody shoes are found. And they are just now getting around to charging her with murder! The torso was found by the kids in March for god’s sake!

I heard there’s a song the school kids sing as they jump rope.

You cut off his legs…
You cut off his arms…
You cut off his head…
How could you Mrs Dick?
How could you Mrs Dick?

How stupid can you get? Well at least she will not get away with it now. I understand that Canada still hangs people. I hope she gets the noose. What a strange story. I suppose someone will write a book or make a movie about it. Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. [9] The Torso Murder: The Untold Story of Evelyn Dick by Brian


Mark I

September 22nd, 1946

Bikini Atoll

South Pacific

07:23 hours

The fireball rose in the classic manner we all have come to fear and admire. The stem of the mushroom and blast of light and heat, followed by visible rings of concussion are a sight to behold on a movie screen. You do not want to experience them in person. A handful of army personnel did just that. The cap of the mushroom was reaching for the sky, pulsing with light and energy, visible energy reaching out to destroy all in its path. The trouble with this atomic explosion was that it was totally unexpected. It shocked the thousands of spectators and scientists floating at a safe distance out in the Pacific Ocean far from prying eyes but not far enough that the pens of hundreds of reporters could be stopped.

Months before the world’s supply of polonium 210 ended up in the lungs and organs of tens of thousands of American nuclear scientists, their friends, families and other innocent victims. Much of the polonium was buried six foot under along with the bodies of its victims in caskets lined with lead and covered in dirt, flowers and tears. The American nuclear scientific community was devastated and barely existed. New students were being taught by more experienced students but the professors, were for the most part, dead. They had died an excruciatingly painful death that they had designed for others. Much like the ones their work had visited on the citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Their students had cobbled together enough material for 6 more atomic bombs. There were enough parts left in the assembly rooms and nuclear storage areas to fashion even more atomic bombs. From these bits and pieces they had fashioned one Mark I atomic bomb which was on its way to be dropped on Bikini Atoll in the Pacific Ocean. In the target area were dozens of surplus ships. The test had been originally scheduled for July, 1946. Then the war broke out. The plan was code named Operation Crossroads.

The original operation was to prove or disprove theories about the survivability of naval vessels during an atomic attack. The ships were to be anchored and filled with live animals and supplies etc. that would be studied after the explosions to determine if naval personnel and their ships could function after being subjected to the power of atomic fission. Some saw it as a test for the very survival of the US Navy and its relevance in a world filled with atomic destruction.

The atoll’s inhabitants, some 167 Bikini islanders, were convinced using prophecies of the bible, to leave their island paradise and were moved out of harm’s way. The purpose of the tests had been altered and many of the ships and the preparations that would have occurred were hastily forgotten. Now the test was to be of the Mark I atomic bomb. The design was inherently dangerous and that is why the Mark III had been designed using polonium 210 as a major part of the weapon. The Mark III Fat Man was considered much safer the Mark I. [10] The Ultimate Weapon: The Race to Develop the Atomic Bomb by Edward T. Sullivan

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