“You wouldn’t live long enough,” she told him, “for that to come about. That’s the way with all you new ones. You underestimate the Kimonians. You think of them as people, as Earth people who know just a little more. They aren’t that, at all. They’re alien. They’re as alien as a spider-man despite their human form. They conform to keep contact with us.”
“But why do they want to keep contact with us? Why—”
“Buster,” she said. “That’s the question that we never ask. That’s the one that can drive you crazy.”
He had told them about the human custom of going out on picnics and the idea was one that they had never thought of, so they adopted it with childish delight.
They had picked a wild place, a tumbled mountain area filled with deep ravines, clothed in flowers and trees and with a mountain brook with water that was as clear as glass and as cold as ice.
They had played games and romped. They had swum and sunbathed and they had listened to his stories, sitting in a circle, needling him and interrupting him, picking arguments.
But he had laughed at them, not openly, but deep inside himself, for he knew now that they meant no harm, but merely sought amusement.
Weeks before he had been insulted and outraged and humiliated, but as the days went on he had adapted to it—had forced himself to adapt. If they wished a clown, then he would be a clown. If he were court fool, with bells and parti-colored garments, then he must wear the colors well and keep the bells ringing merrily.
There was occasional maliciousness in them, and some cruelty, but no lasting harm. And you could get along with them, he told himself, if you just knew how to do it.
When evening came they had built a fire and had sat around it and had talked and laughed and joked, for once leaving him alone. Elaine and Betty had been nervous. Jim had laughed at them for their nervousness.
“No animal will come near a fire,” he said.
“There are animals?” Bishop had asked.
“A few,” said Jim. “Not many of them left.”
He had lain there, staring at the fire, listening to their voices, glad that for once they were leaving him alone. Like a dog must feel, he thought. Like a pup hiding in a corner from a gang of rowdy children who are always mauling it.
He watched the fire and remembered other days—outings in the country and walking trips when they had built a fire and lain around it, staring at the sky, seeing the old, familiar skies of Earth.
And here again was another fire.
And here, again, a picnic.
The fire was Earth and so was the picnic—for the people of Kimon did not know of picnics. They did not know of picnics and there might be many other things of which they likewise did not know. Many other things, perhaps. Barbaric, folkish things.
Don’t look for the big things, Morley had said that night. Watch for the little things, for the little clues.
They liked Maxine’s paintings because they were primitives. Primitives, perhaps, but likewise not very good. Could it be that paintings also had been something the Kimonians had not known until the Earthmen came?
Were there, after all, chinks in the Kimonian armor? Little chinks like picnics and paintings and many other little things for which they valued the visitors from Earth?
Somewhere in those chinks might be the answer that he sought for Morley.
He lay and thought, forgetting to shield his mind, forgetting that he should not think because his thoughts lay open to them.
Their voices had faded away and there was a solemn night-time quiet. Soon, he thought, we’ll all be going back—they to their homes and I to the hotel. How far away, he wondered. Half a world or less? And yet they’d be there in the instant of a thought.
Someone, he thought, should put more wood on the fire.
He roused himself to do it, standing up.
And it was not until then that he saw he was alone.
He stood there, trying to quiet his terror.
They had gone away and left him.
They had forgotten him.
But that couldn’t be. They’d simply slipped off in the dark. Up to some prank, perhaps. Trying to scare him. Talking about the animals and then slipping out of sight while he lay dreaming at the fire. Waiting now, just outside the circle of the firelight, watching him, drinking in his thoughts, reveling in his terror.
He found wood and put it on the fire. It caught and blazed.
He sat down nonchalantly, but he found that his shoulders were hunched instinctively, that the terror of aloneness in an alien world still sat by the fire beside him.
Now, for the first time, he realized the alienness of Kimon. It had not seemed alien before except for those few minutes he had waited in the park after the gig had landed him, and even then it had not been as alien as an alien planet should be, because he knew that he was being met, that there would be someone along to take care of him.
That was it, he thought. Someone to take care of me. We’re taken care of—well and lavishly. We’re sheltered and guarded and pampered—that was it, pampered . And for what reason?
Any minute now they’d tire of their game and come back into the circle of the firelight.
Maybe, he told himself, I should give them their money’s worth. Maybe I should act scared, maybe I should shout out for them to come and get me, maybe I should glance around out into the darkness, as if I were afraid of those animals that they talked about. They hadn’t talked too much, of course. They were too clever for that, far too clever. Just a passing remark about existent animals, then on to something else. Not stressing it, not laying it on too thick. Not overdoing it. Just planting a suggestion that there were animals one could be afraid of.
He sat and waited, no as scared as he had been before, having rationalized away the fear that he first had felt. Like an Earth campfire, he thought. Except it isn’t Earth. Except it’s an alien planet.
There was a rustle in the bushes.
They’ll be coming now, he thought. They’ve figured out that it didn’t work. They’ll be coming back.
The bushes rustled again and there was the sound of a dislodged stone.
He did not stir.
They can’t scare me, he thought.
They can’t scare—
He felt the breath upon his neck and leaped into the air, spinning as he leaped, stumbling as he came down, almost falling in the fire, then on his feet and scurrying to put the fire between him and the thing that had breathed upon his neck.
He crouched across the fire from it and saw the teeth in the gaping jaws. It raised its head and slashed, as if in pantomime, and he could hear the clicking of the teeth as they came together and the little moaning rumble that came from the massive throat.
A wild thought came to him: It’s not an animal at all. This is just part of the gag. Something they dreamed up. If they can build a house like an English wood, use it for a day or two, then cause it to disappear as something for which they would have no further use, surely it would be a second’s work to dream up an animal.
The animal padded forward and he thought: Animals should be afraid of fire. All animals are afraid of fire. It won’t get me if I stay near the fire.
He stooped and grabbed a brand.
Animals are afraid of fire .
But this one wasn’t.
It padded round the fire. It stretched out its neck and sniffed.
It wasn’t in any hurry, for it was sure of him.
Sweat broke out on him and ran down his sides.
The animal came with a smooth rush, whipping around the fire.
He leaped, clearing the fire, to gain the other side of it. The animal checked itself, spun around to face him.
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