The screens fill with images of Squawkers zooming through the skies over the still-smoldering Infiernos. And then the statue of the Lady zooms into view. The Lady who’s been such a beacon of the hope and beauty of the old world to Cole and me ever since I discovered her picture in the Parish library.
There’s a series of blasts, echoing through the Parish, that may as well be bullets fired directly into my heart. Each missile blasts into the Lady, who remains defiant if just for a few seconds. Her stone eyes dominate the screen and I imagine I see sorrow there—and pity.
And then she’s toppling to the ground, her body and book disappearing in a billowing plume of black clouds.
One of the missiles impacts the only part of her still intact—her torch—and ignites it in a huge fireball. Then it, too, shatters into a million pieces. And then the Lady is no more. Just a crumpled pile of smoke and ash.
I feel sick with loss.
An extreme close-up of Cassius’s face now dominates every single jumbotron in the Parish. If I didn’t know firsthand how treacherous he could be, even I might believe him.
A fierce determination sears his eyes. “I urge you to trust in new leadership and join me to defeat our enemies—
starting with these traitors behind me, whose vile corruption has threatened the very core of our existence, but will do so no more.”
In a flash, he whips out a weapon, jams it against Talon’s head, and pulls the trigger. The sounds of the shot tears through the city, magnified by every loudspeaker and screen like a violent storm. Talon is thrown back in a bloody mist and her body collapses.
Then the squad of Imposers holding the cabinet members hostage begin firing, not stopping until every single member of the entourage has been assassinated ten times over.
Cassius turns back to the cameras, droplets of blood bleeding down his face. “I promise to end the plague of corruption polluting our country and restore a peaceful, prosperous society. Who is with me?” he shouts.
That’s when the chanting begins, low at first, then gaining in strength and momentum until it roars like a hurricane.
He’s holding up his hands now, a grin spread across his face, his eyes burning with triumph.
And that’s the moment when I know he’s won. He’s successfully pitted the Establishment against Sanctum and established himself as supreme authority, only having to sit back and pull the strings as everyone he’s manipulated wages his personal war. Every Imposer will be on his side now, carrying out his every order. This time not out of fear of reprisals against their loved ones, but bloodthirsty vengeance against those who’ve wronged them.
Random shots of the crowd fill me with dread. These citizens who have been oppressed, living in squalor and fear, seem to be embracing him, forgetting what they’ve been through, willing to trust a new order cut from the same cloth as its malignant predecessor, clinging to a false hope that even now is binding them in the links of heavier chains. They’re turning against the resistance, the only true chance they have at getting a decent life.
Everything’s lost.
Unless I stop Cassius now—finish what I started in Town Square on Ascension Day—before the seeds he’s so carefully sown have a chance to grow and mature into a poisonous harvest that’s more terrible than everything that’s come before.
“Beautiful view, isn’t it?” an all-too-familiar voice says behind me.
My hand grips the flare gun still hidden in my pocket and I spin to face Cassius.
The broadcast was on a time delay. He’s been waiting for me to come to him. Always one step ahead of me, from the beginning.
And I played right into his hands.
He looks calm and appears to be unarmed, which somehow makes me even more ill at ease.
“Congratulations,” I finally say. “Beautifully played.” I try to remain composed, even though I’m boiling over with hatred. My sweaty fingers brush against the flare gun, my eyes focused on Cassius’s chest.
All I need is one shot, right in his heart, and this madness will be over before it has a chance to unravel.
I pull out the gun and aim it at him. “You used me from the beginning. Baiting me by recording that footage of Digory taken alive. Manipulating things so I’d end up at Infiernos. And when Digory and I crashed in the ancient city, you seized the opportunity to get us to Sanctum. You let us find our way into that cryo chamber so we could leak intel about what was going on to the resistance. You didn’t have to get your hands dirty while everyone else did your work for you. You’ve betrayed Talon and Straton. All so that you could be the Parish’s savior.”
Cassius shakes his head as if he’s pitying me. He makes no move to defend himself. “No need for violence, Lucky. Yes, I’ve sown the seeds. But it was your skill, your drive , that was the impetus I didn’t have complete control over. Despite what you’re thinking, I still— you still mean a great deal to me. Why else do you think I had Valerian destroy the forensic evidence that tied you to the attack on the Pleasure Emporiums? And don’t you recall how I intervened at Infiernos when you were about to face the Culling? Or once again at Sanctum, when Straton wanted to cut open your brain? There’s always a place for you in the new regime—if you want it. Once again, you have a choice.”
“I choose to kill you before your squad of Imps arrives and kills me .” My finger applies pressure to the trigger.
Cassius shakes his head. “Who needs Imposers when I have something better ?”
I’m just about to pull the trigger and end this for good when movement catches my eye. I whip the gun in that direction as a figure emerges from the shadows.
It’s Cole.
He looks thinner than the last time I saw him, on the podium in Town Square. His eyes are swollen, either from tears or lack of sleep. But he’s alive. My heart leaps. The arm holding the gun drops to my side.
“Cole. You’re okay .”
I drop to my knees as he comes running into my arms. I squeeze him tight, then pull away, cupping his face in my palms. “Did they hurt you?”
He shakes his head.
“I’m sorry I didn’t come for you when I said I would,” I whisper, “but I’m going to get you out of here now.”
His eyes light up and he hugs me tight, pressing his face against my chest.
Just as I’m about to lift him into my arms, something sharp jabs into my side. It’s like a million shards of glass piercing my flesh. I can’t breathe… everything goes hazy…
Cole tears away from me, the cold steel of a knife blade glinting in his eyes. I stare at the weapon and it takes me a moment to register that the dark liquid dripping from it and spattering on the white marble is my own blood.
I’m too late. The Ultra Imposer indoctrination of my brother has already begun. He’ll eventually end up another lab rat like Digory, his mind and body subjected to countless experiments. But Digory was selected because he’d proven himself strong. With Cole being programmed so young, who knows what kind of monster he’ll be groomed to be?
I look back up at him. Then I stagger backwards, the flare gun clattering to the floor. And still Cole stares at me, eyes unblinking, as if I’m a total stranger.
Cassius walks up behind him.
“ Stay… away… from my… brother…” It’s more of a wheeze.
But Cassius rests his hands on Cole’s shoulders. My brother looks up at him, the way he always looked up at me whenever he wanted my approval.
Another wave of intense pain, accompanied by nausea, almost makes me pass out. My vision blurs…
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