Claire Castillo - The anal wife

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Claire Castillo The anal wife CHAPTER ONE GOODTIME CHARLEY I think its - фото 1

Claire Castillo

The anal wife



"I think it's something we have to try," said Charley Bunkers. "We've been married a while now and I think we could use a little experimenting."

Susan winced at the idea. She put down her cup of coffee and inspected her husband's face to see how serious he was. His broad shoulders and hairy chest caught her eye. She looked at his curly dark hair and his dark eyes. He was smiling.

"Charley," she said, brushing back her own blonde mane, "just because we've been together for a year or two doesn't mean we have to go and start experimenting like that. I really don't see the purpose." She pulled her blue terry cloth robe close around her big tanned titties. Only the creamy tops remained in view. "Seriously," she continued, still put off by the thought, "I don't think it would be good." She was worried about her little hole, but she also wondered what it would feel like. Her husband's big prong, she figured, would probably destroy her if he used it in the manner he was suggesting. "And besides," she said, "there are health reasons, too."

"Nonsense," said Charley, "we can take care of that. Doc told me all about it. No problem at all."

She blushed at the thought of her husband having asked another man, even the family physician, about such intimate and sexual details. "You know," she said, "I don't think it's right, your going around and asking people like that." Her blue eyes flashed at him.

"Don't be silly," said Charley, scratching his arm and not really looking at Susan. "Doc wouldn't tell a soul." He stood up. "I'm gonna shower and get ready for Dave and Gloria." He came over to Susan's side of the table and leaned over her. "Gimmee a feel," he said, reaching into her robe and palming her two big titties. "What a pair of knockers," he whispered. "I love em."

"Don't call em knockers," she moaned, pulling away. "It's not nice, Charley."

"Hey," said Charley, "I just had an idea. We can ask Dave and Gloria about it. Maybe they'll know something we don't."

"Charley!" she exclaimed, "You wouldn't dare!" She knew he was joking, but she didn't want to take any chances.

"Just kidding," he said. "I better get moving, or they're gonna get here and see me in the buff."

Susan glanced down at her husband's crotch. His muscle was large and thick. "I bet Gloria would be happy to see that thing of yours," she whispered. She reached out and palmed Charley's joint. "Oh, my," she said, "I could never get something like this anywhere near being inside me like that."

"You'd be surprised what you can do," said Charley, "if you put your mind to work on it." He smiled and gave Susan a kiss on the mouth. Then he went on his way to the bathroom.

She heard the shower go on and mused over her coffee. She wondered where Charley had gotten the idea, what had started him thinking about it. She'd never heard anyone talking about such a thing, and she herself, though she knew people did it, had never spoken with anyone who had. Actually, if she told the truth, she was curious about whether or not it was possible,, and what it might feel like. Just the thought of it made her nipples start to rise. She even felt a small battalion of chills start to climb her smooth tanned thighs. "Oh, God," she muttered into her coffee, "what would Mother say?"

An hour later she sat with Gloria in the living-room. Dave and Charley were out in the backyard. "Frankly," said Gloria, "I think it would be good for you. It's not like it's evil or something, you know." She was twenty-one, a year older than Susan, and she'd been married about a year longer. She adjusted her short skirt and continued. "When Dave first suggested it to me, I had the same feelings you do. I was scared about what it would do to me. I thought it was dirty and all, and I couldn't stand thinking about it. Now, well, now…"

Out in the back yard, Charley broached the subject with Dave. "The thing is," said Dave, "you got to work her into it. Start out with your finger or something. You know, something small. Always keep her wet though. If she's not good and wet, it'll be tough going. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah," said Charley, "sure. Sure I know what you mean. But she always gives me so much shit, you know? I feel like slapping her around or something just to get her back in order. It pisses me off, you know? I mean there it is, perfect little brown hole and she gets all upset just because I happen to look at it or something. It's a bummer, man. I don't know what to do about it." He tossed a rock against the fence at the back of the yard.

"Well," said Dave, "don't let her give you any shit next time. Just grease her up and stuff it. Once she gets going, she won't be able to stop. You'll see. That's how it was with Gloria." He smiled and winked at Charley. "Besides, you're a lot bigger and stronger than she is anyhow. So what can she say?"

"Fuck shit piss cunt… you dirty fucking bastard!" is what she said, screaming her lungs out and flailing like a fish out of water, finally flipping onto her belly. "Charley," she moaned, "you said you were just gonna try it a little." She reached down and grabbed her butt. They'd climbed into bed that night with the thought of having a little normal intercourse, and slowly but surely Charley had worked his hands, and his wife's temperament, toward the anal sex. But when he finally pushed his finger into the tube, she went wild, screaming and hollering obscenities at him, complaining about the pain. "Jesus," she grunted, "how could you!"

"You talk about it as if I was fucking raping you," he said, lighting a cigarette. But then he suddenly put the cigarette out. "I'm not taking this kind of shit from you," he said in an angry voice. "Roll fucking over."

She stared at him with fright in her eyes.


"You heard me," he said "Roll the fuck over." He pushed her over on her belly.

"Charley!" she protested, trying to wiggle free. "Please… no… come on and no…" He was on her back with her hands pinned up above her body. He took both of her small wrists and tied them together with one strong hand of his own. He reached back with his other hand and started fingering the crack between her buns "I don't care how much you wanna wail, Susan. We're going to do this." He reached his finger down into her cunt, approaching from the rear, and then came back up with plenty of natural grease. He coated the slot and rubbed up and down, back and forth between the smooth firm cheeks. She had a natural tan and the only place where her body was white, creamy white, was on her ass, on her cheeks. He stuffed his finger into the iris hole and jammed down deep.

"Ooooh, fuck!" she cringed. "It's killing me, Charley. Come on. Please. No more. That's enough for tonight. Please." She tried to squirm free, but since he sat on the small of her back, held her hands captive with one hand, she had no way to get free. His finger continued to plunge and twist in her anus. "It's too big," she said, "please!" She begged him, but no matter how much she moaned, he would not let her go. He wanted to make sure that the next night her anus was significantly stretched out and ready. Finally, he took his digit out, of her asshole and lay off to the side. She stopped crying out at him.

"See?" he said. "Now that wasn't so bad, was it?" He patted the smooth white globes of ass flesh. "There, there," he said. "Isn't that nice?" He ran his finger up and down between the cheeks without penetrating the hole. He caressed the groove. "You have a nice little anal vagina there, Susan, and it's kind of like you're a virgin today. This was the first finger-fucking for your asshole, and tomorrow we'll get going with it again and in a few days, you'll be an anal fuck that we'll both enjoy."

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