Paul Conroy - Sex Sated Minister

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Paul Conroy Sex Sated Minister Chapter 1 Theyre fucking Huh I said - фото 1

Paul Conroy

Sex Sated Minister

Chapter 1

"They're fucking!"


"I said your father and stepmother are fucking. That's why they're always trying to be alone in their bedroom."

"Al, you don't know whatcher talkin' about."

"Yes I do," Al Lasten laughed. "I know all about these things."

Al Lasten was a mere sixteen years old, yet he was already the most licentious person living in town. He was short, just three inches over five feet, with a large hooked nose and long stringy hair. Pimples covered his face from forehead to throat, and in order to cover a massive inferiority complex (though many people swore it wasn't just a complex), he always acted like an aggressive slob who seemed to know everything. He had the largest collection of eight millimeter porno movies around. His room was filled with all kinds of nudie magazines, and he was constantly in trouble for attempted rape. It was rumored he'd actually managed to rape a few girls, but none of them was willing to come forward and testify against him.

Dave Frank was only thirteen, and he was feeling neglected. His mother had divorced his father more than a year ago, claiming mental and physical cruelty. She had married a religious fanatic and had gone away. Davey, and his sister Susan, who was fourteen, had elected to remain with their father because he wasn't always trying to make something righteous or evil out of every situation.

But three days earlier, Davey's father, Ira Frank, had re-married, and he had been neglecting both his children, spending every spare moment with his new wife, alone in their bedroom. Neither Davey nor Susan were able to understand why.

Both knew about the "birds and the bees." But their mother had impressed upon them the fact that men and women only did these sinful things when they wanted to multiply. Otherwise it was not only unnecessary, but evil. The two knew their father wasn't an evil man, and they had been certain Betty, his new wife, couldn't have been evil. Their father wouldn't have married her if she were evil… unless she had somehow or other wickedly contrived to seduce him and lure him into marriage.

Now Al Lasten, seeing Davey alone for the moment, had asked him what the problem was, and Davey, naive and young, had told him. So Lasten had explained the hard, cold facts of life.

It was a warm day in May, and both boys were wearing short-sleeved shirts. Each also wore light summer slacks. They were standing in front of the Frank home, a three bedroom frame house looking much like the thousand other houses in the development. The sun made the day warm, but Davey Frank was feeling a chill because of Al Lasten's words.

"Susan," he called to his sister as she came out the side door to dump a bag in the garbage can. "C'mere for a minute."

"What's the matter, Davey?" Susan Frank asked her brother, as she walked over to where he and Lasten were standing.

Susan was pretty. She was so pretty she made the flowers look pale by comparison. She had long brown hair and white skin. Her large, brown innocent-looking eyes could swallow up man and boy alike, radiating the pure innocence of her mind. Her body had only just begun to really fill out She had small breasts pushing against her simple blue cotton dress, but they seemed just right for her body. They gave an added look of innocence to Susan's otherwise shapely form. Her waist was already narrow, and it was plain her hips would shortly start to flare.

She wore no makeup of any kind. This also served to enhance her beauty. Looking at her, one could not help falling a little in love with her, instantly.

Al Lasten, being in love with himself, felt only lust when he looked at Susan. Hers was the kind of innocence calling for total degradation. And the teenaged boy secretly harbored the desire to be the defiler of her purity, in every way.

"Susan," Davey said to the sweet, wide-eyed girl. "Al claims pa is fornicating with Betty right n now.

Instantly the young girl's face reddened.

"How dare you even say such evil things," she whispered.

"What's the big deal?" Lasten asked. "Your father's fucking your stepmother, his wife. It's legal. They're married. Wake up, kid. Fucking is something people do because they like it."

"How dare you speak to us like that," Susan snapped. "You're a spawn of Satan," she bit at him. "You stay away from my brother and myself from now on."

"Hey look," Lasten said, smirking. "Since when is it evil to tell the truth? Your old man and his wife are fucking, and that's the simple fact."

"Come, Davey," Susan said, taking her brother by the hand. "We don't want to hear anymore of the vileness Mr. Lasten is spouting."

She tugged her brother along after her, listening to Lasten laugh as they went into the house. They went in through the side door, going directly into the laundry room. From there they walked up into the kitchen. It was a large kitchen with a dining area and lots of cabinets and countertop space.

"Why would Al say such things?" Davey wanted to know.

"He's a terrible person," Susan said. "You mustn't listen to him or anything he says. Remember what mother taught us. Fornication is an evil that must be suffered in order to procreate. You don't think father would allow himself to be lured into doing something evil. We know he doesn't want any additional children. In fact, Betty had an infection in her ovaries. They had to be removed. I heard her tell daddy as much one night."

"Well then, they can't be doing anything like what Al said."

"We could always find out," Susan said. "But I don't think it's right to spy on daddy."

"I think we should find out anyway, so we can set our minds at rest," Davey insisted.

"Maybe you're right," Susan nodded. "They only went into the bedroom a few minutes ago. The top of the bedroom door doesn't fit snugly into the doorway. There's more than an inch of space there. If we take two kitchen chairs and put them in the hallway near the door, we can stand on them and look into the room."

Each of the children took a kitchen chair and climbed the eight steps to the bedroom level. Quietly they set the chairs in front of the bedroom where their father and stepmother were together.

Inside the bedroom, Ira Frank was staring at the naked body of his new wife. Her hair was short and black, just like his, and she had a stunning face. Where Susan's brown eyes shone with wide innocence, Betty's eyes glistened with desire. Betty's nose was short and slightly upturned, and she had a full, ripe, sensuous pair of lips. Her body was smooth and without stretch marks, though there were red lines from her bra and panties. Her nipples were a soft brown, flat at the moment, like two nickels resting against circles of equally soft brown the size of silver dollars. Otherwise her breasts were two fields of white porcelain. Her body was free of any loose flesh as it tapered into a narrow waist, then widened into lush, rolling hips, long, pillarly thighs, and tapered calves.

Ira Frank had a firm torso for a man of forty-one. His stomach was starting to bulge a little, but otherwise he was exceptionally well-proportioned. And the part of him Betty liked most was his huge penis; more than seven and a half inches long, and a good two and a half inches in circumference. It had a nut-brown shaft, matching the color of his hanging scrotum, and it was capped by a large, violet, mushroom shaped head. The head had a tiny hole in its tip, arid the tip was leaking a bubble of colorless lubricant.

The huge double bed was against the left wall. Betty was standing on one side, while Ira stood on the other.

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