Paul Longfellow - Can_t stop the sex

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Paul Longfellow

Can_t stop the sex

"We'll be making camp in about an hour or so."

"Oh? So early in the day?"

Gloria Cramer leaned forward on the driver's seat of the big wagon to catch her husband's words more clearly. He had clattered up beside her with the news, having just returned from a conference with Ben Magee, the leader of the four-wagon freight train.

"We'll be at the crossing tomorrow," Henry Cramer explained. "They don't want to camp too close to it tonight, just in case there are Indians about. Magee says there's a small creek up ahead where we can stop."

"That will be nice," Gloria said, looking about to make sure that no one else was within earshot. Seeing no rider or wagon closer than a hundred yards, she felt freer to speak openly. "Perhaps you'll accompany me upstream -I'd like to bathe in something besides a bucket for once!"

Her husband's eyes flashed darkly and a knowing smile creased his face. Gloria answered with a knowing look of her own. That was all they needed; although they had been married less than four weeks they already knew each other well enough to be able to form an accurate mental picture of how their sojourn up the creek, if it happened, would end. Henry lifted his big, sun-browned hand in an' affectionate salute and galloped away, off to take up his post on the right wing of the small caravan. Gloria slapped the reins across the rumps of the mules pulling their wagon and settled back for the last hour's drive.

"Yes, my darling husband, it will indeed be nice to be alone with you for even an hour," she said to herself as she watched him ride away. "Ahh. this blasted wagon train-what a place to spend a honeymoon! Thank God we had those few days alone before setting out on this trip! Yes, Henry, I'll take you up that creek with me and when we're out of sight of those others, then we'll see!"

She stirred uncomfortably on the wagon seat as her pussy began to come alive with feeling. The mere thought of being alone with her husband had a strange and compelling power, as she well knew, and she blushed slightly to find herself thinking exactly how they could spend their time together. Gloria had been a virgin when she had made her vows to Henry back in San Antonio, but she had gladly surrendered her hymeneal membrane, along with her freedom, to him on that memorable night when he had taught her things the existence of which she had never even suspected.

And ever since that night, whether during the week that they had had for a honeymoon or in stolen, furtive moments snatched from the cares of driving a wagon train west to Tombstone, in the Arizona Territory, he had continued to further her education in the sensual arts. The result of this relentless pursuit of knowledge, as it might be called, was that Gloria now had a fierce and definitely physical hunger for the length of muscle growing from the base of her husband's belly. She also had a heightened appreciation for the overwhelming power of the hair-fringed slit running between her own long, firm thighs, an appreciation which was a direct result of Henry's teaching.

Yes, my pussy, she thought, though even now she blushed even when saying the fascinating word to herself. Mmm, to get my pussy around that cock of yours, my darling Henry, and then to fuck until we're both delirious with happiness! Until your big balls are shooting that precious fluid so deep into my cunt I'll never be able to get it all out!

They had left San Antonio on May 28, 1872, bound for the Arizona Territory and Tombstone, where Henry's brother, Jed, was building up a freighting business. She calculated for a moment and realized that today was June 13; in eight days they would have been married exactly one month. For a time they had talked about going it alone with the wagonload of supplies Jed had ordered, but after hearing stories of the occasional band of marauding Indians they had seized the opportunity to throw their wagon in with a small train headed up by the more experienced Ben Magee.

"It won't be much of a treat for you," Henry had said when they were discussing the possibility of joining Magee's group, "but at least it'll be a lot safer. Which would you rather have? Privacy or safety?"

"Naturally I'd prefer both," she had said, giving him a look that had suggested a great deal, "but since I've grown so fond of you in the last few days I'll choose safety. But only because I want to enjoy so many more days -and nights!-with you, you understand!"

Thus she found herself alone with five other men on the barren, desolate Texas prairies less than a dozen miles from the Pecos River. For eleven days they had not seen another human being; for the past four they had had to camp beside foul-smelling creeks or waterholes barely deserving the name. The chance of seeing running water, water that might be able to be drunk without retching, had a strong appeal to her.

Even more appealing, however, was the prospect of being alone with her husband, alone and assured of enough privacy that she could give vent to her urge to cry out aloud when he pierced her with that incomparable spear rising out of his loins. At first she had been shocked and ashamed of herself for the scandalous way she had groaned and shrieked when he had thrust the bolt home, bringing shudders of joy to her big-boned body, but he had taught her to express herself freely and without any restraint whatever. This lesson, which she had found so contrary to all the rules of decorum and behavior she had learned from her mother and aunts, had now backfired: when he came to her in the night, under the wagon, she had not dared to utter even a groan, due to the four other men lying in their blankets only a few feet away.

"If it weren't so blessed good," she had said shortly after they had first made love under the wagon, "I wouldn't even bother with it! Oh, Henry, to feel you going into me and not being able to urge you on the way you've taught me to do, that's sheer torture! And as for not being able to hold up a lamp and look at that lovely cock of yours as I bring it to life, well!"

The truth was simple: though Gloria had been reared in the atmosphere of stifling propriety which characterized the mid-nineteenth century middle class in America, she had also been blessed with a highly responsive body and an open, inquiring mind. She had taken her wedding vows seriously and in fact had. willingly endowed Henry with all her worldly possessions, including her superbly fashioned body. A brunette and exceptionally tall, she carried herself with a proud, erect bearing which added even more to her overwhelming physical presence. She had naturally been reluctant to display her body to him after the ceremony but had given in to his repeated requests. Upon finding that the sight of her naked flesh had a dramatic effect on him, one which she greatly enjoyed creating, she lost most of her maidenly reserve and now openly searched for ways in which she might flaunt her abundant physical charms before him.

"Yes, we'll find ourselves a secluded spot and then I'll undress for you," she said to herself as the mules mechanically plodded ahead. "Yes, I'll take everything off! The sun will still be up and you'll be able to see all of me, my darling Henry; you'll be able to undress and I'll see all of you! Ahh, to have that cock of yours in my hand! To rub it over my thighs and belly, or over my nipples! To feel your eyes on my pussy, probing deep and looking into every part of me! Yes, Henry, we must definitely take this opportunity!"

Gloria occupied herself with these and similar thoughts for the rest of the day's drive. The result was that when they came to the small creek and Magee had signalled for them to pull the four wagons into the rough square they formed when making camp, she was thoroughly excited and could hardly bear to help unharness the mules.

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