Kent Collins - First Time For Sister

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Kent Collins First Time For Sister Chapter 1 Its nine oclock - фото 1

Kent Collins

First Time For Sister

Chapter 1

"It's nine o'clock; Billie-Ann!" Nora shouted from out back of the tumbledown shack. Billie opened her pale-blue eyes, stretched her long tanned legs in the bed and turned over with a sleepy groan. Not far from her room she heard her stepmother rattling a pail on the way out to feed the chickens. Feeding the chickens was Billie's job, but she got out of it about half the time by lazing the morning away in bed.

"Stir yourself a little, cain't ya?" Nora pleaded.

Billie-Ann pushed herself up and swung both feet to the floor. She always slept naked, because it was hot in July in that part of Missouri and because lately she'd grown to like the way it felt. Sometimes in the night she liked to touch one of her pubescent breasts or let her fingertips mingle in the sparse, fine down that had begun to cover her pubic mound. She never did much more than that… just touch… but it always gave her a warm, tingly feeling to drift back to sleep with.

Her room was an old storage closet with a blanket hung across the doorway to separate it from the rest of the house. Up against one wall was her narrow cot and nearby an ancient dresser with a cracked and mottled mirror. Billie-Ann had collected pieces of broken glass from colored bottles she'd found, and arranged them in her single small window to catch the morning sun. This morning they looked especially pretty, she thought as she brushed her hand through her sleep-tousled hair and watched the greens of patent cough-syrup bottles and the Milkof-Magnesia blues and the rich, red-brown of beer bottle bottoms crawl across her sheets.

Billie stretched again and her body felt firmer than ever and quiveringly fresh. Each day it was getting more and more that way and Billie couldn't keep from exploring the ever-changing places… massaging the soreness of her swelling titties and letting her palms trace the inward curve of her waist and then down to flare out ever so slightly where her hips had grown just a tiny bit wider.

Somewhere in the house a screen door clapped shut and Billie knew that Nora would be calling her again if she didn't get dressed and at least make a pretense of doing something. But there was time at least for her to bend over and watch the outline of her breasts enlarge as the flesh filled them. A little thrill went through her as she saw her pink nipples push out into firm little stalks. Tenderly she cupped one and felt the friction of her palm. At the same instant a tiny jolt of pleasure tickled inside the closed lips of her vulva.

"Gee, that's kinda funny," she whispered, tilting her head in puzzlement. She repeated the rubbing, then took one of the enlarged little breast buttons between thumb and finger… rolling it softly back and forth. Almost immediately she felt her crack go runny and hot and the beginnings of an itchy goodness made her shift her hips on the bed.

Her stepmother banged her bucket against the side of the house.

"Goddamn it, girl. If you don't get out here…"

"Coming, Nora… Coming!"

Billie let go of her nipple and let her hands lie soft and tan and pretty in her lap. She wished that Nora had told her more about sex. Of course, she would never ask the grumpy old woman. The only thing Billie-Ann had picked up for sure was that sex was trouble from the beginning. Girls were supposed to stay as far away from it as they could… and that meant staying away from boys and men.

Billie sighed and shifted her hips. The dainty place between her legs felt oilier than ever and she knew she just had to take a look.

With both slim feet flat on the floor, she parted her knees and bent over until her hair hung like a tawny curtain almost to the floor. Then she carefully placed a fingertip on each one of her pouty little labia and pulled. With a wet, sexy sound, they parted and a shiver of anticipation shook Billie's thin shoulders. It always did that to her to look at the glistening, delicate flesh of her secret place with its small inner lips and partly hooded clit button. The pretty cleft looked just too velvety wet to keep her hands off of.

Nora had always warned her about touching herself, but somehow the temptation this morning was far too great. Carefully holding herself open, she nudged one trembling fingertip into the mushy slickness. The heat of her juice felt nice, but there was nothing earthshaking about it.

Exploring further, she rubbed the finger up into the underside opening of the little clitoral hood, and the bottoms of her feet burned with a glow she'd never experienced in her life. Panting with delight from her new find, she pushed again… and again. Wonderful shivers went through her back and made her skinny toes spread against the worn hardwood floor.

"Wowee," she gasped, and kept rubbing, finding in a moment that the lighter touches made her thrill more than the rougher ones. No one had ever told her anything about this! Her girl parts had grown glossy with her juices now and every time she let her finger slip over the magic pinch of flesh she'd found, the luscious feeling grew more intense.

Billie-Ann tried to remember what her friend Loreen had told her about babies and fucking and how boys did it to girls, but it had been more than a year since she'd seen any of her old friends in town, and the information had never been very clear in the first place.

All she knew for sure was that stallions and bucks and bulls put their cocks inside mares and does and cows and left a little animal to grow.

She guessed that men did the same thing to girls they caught out at night. That's what Nora had told her… that men hid out at night so they could drag young girls under a bush and hurt them with their cocks.

Her clit lump seemed to be pulsing against her fingertip, and Billie's heart was thumping hard against her ribs. She was sure that this itchiness she'd caused with her finger had something to do with sex.

Her long-lashed eyelids fluttered and closed and she breathed a deep, delicious sigh. The itch was getting too hard to take and her finger had started to jerk and twitch against her seeping parts. She felt like lying down and rubbing against something or crying out some word… a word like fuck!

"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!" she said softly. Billie knew it must be a magic word, because it always made her feel better to say it. And it made the itch burn like a diamond between her tan legs.

"If you don't get your butt outta bed and slop these hogs, I'm gonna take a stick to ya!" Nora screamed from outside.

Billie sighed and lay back on the bed as she closed her slender thighs.

Then she pulled her hands up along her quavering tummy and felt the slick, damp streaks cool there against her skin.

"It's a good thing I quit," she said, pushing herself unsteadily to her feet. Billie swayed across the room to the old dresser and pulled a pair of clean nylon panties from amidst the clutter of paperback books, movie magazines and garish bottles of cheap perfume.

She pulled the skimpy things up over her coltish knees and smooth thighs. "That could give a person a heart attack." She knew, of course, that Nora would disapprove. When she'd been young enough to get bathed by her stepmother, the stern old woman had spanked Billie's wrists once when her curious child fingers strayed to that curious place between her thighs. Nora had told her that a girl just doesn't touch herself there, and had quickly dripped a few suds over the childish mound.

Billie turned in front of the mirror and let her long, light-brown hair flare out over her shoulders. It tickled her back deliciously and she raised both arms, feeling her thin shoulder blades move and stretch against the skin of her perfect little back. She wanted to touch her breasts again but put her hands on her hips instead and tried a pout or two until she was satisfied with the sensuality of the reflection.

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