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Unknown: An Animal Heat

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Wild impulses spread like firebrands through Kitty's desire-infused young body as she felt Janet's body turn over and her arm gently drawing her into a cuddling closeness. The older woman eased over toward her, placing her lush white breasts at a level with Kitty's face. Then Janet's other hand began a slow caress on the crown of her head, almost lovingly stroking her hair as she pressed Kitty's unresisting face into the sweet-smelling resilience of her warm, full breasts, their little hardened cherry-like ripened nipples ready to burst!

"You're a very beautiful woman, Kitty," Janet whispered. "Your hair is as soft as silk." The heat of her breath was like a torrid cloud floating down over Kitty's boldly nuzzling face. "You're a lovely woman, and I'm going to make you feel good. I'm going to make you feel so good…"

Kitty felt her own arm moving as if of its own volition, her hand creeping over the soft smooth flesh of Janet's slender waist and around back to clasp at the warm hollow of her spine. Excitedly, she embraced the older woman, prepared to give herself fully to this wonderful intoxication. She trailed her eager fingers over the warm vibrant flesh of Janet's satin-smooth skin, returning to trace the path of her rib cage upward, until she brushed over the softly yielding ripeness of Janet's milk-white breasts against her face.

Kitty heard her sister gasp at the sensitive contact, and she raised her face, their eyes meeting and searching, each looking to see if their feelings for each other were the same. Kitty stretched her long legs then, pressing her naked body tighter against the soft contours that molded so well to hers. Her hand slipped in a gentle cupping caress over Janet's firm, full breast, her own chest heavily rising and falling beneath as she pressed her belly softly against her sister's.

"I want to love you," Kitty said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to love you, and I want you to love me…"

Kitty was waiting for her older sister to answer with words, but instead, she felt Janet's hand move to the swelling mound of one breast and tenderly grasp it, sending a thrill of delight quaking over her waiting flesh. The sheet was brushed away, and the both of them lay totally exposed to the cool night air, while Janet's desire-giving fingers danced lightly over Kitty's tingling body. They caught one tiny nipple, then the other, rolling and squeezing them with skill and delicacy. The young girl's sensually aroused flesh began to respond to Janet's touch, and Janet herself was thrilling to the caressing of her younger sister's hands.

Suddenly, Kitty felt her passionate sister slipping downward in the bed. She popped her eyes open, raising her head to watch in excited anticipation as the older girl's voluptuous white curves slithered warmly downward on top of her, easing Kitty's own legs and thighs insistently apart with the wedging pressure of her supple, shapely body. With her hands, Janet spread the rounded fullness of Kitty's trembling thighs even wider open until her blonde curl-sprinkled loins and pouting vaginal lips were completely exposed to the sparkling brown eyes gleaming hungrily down from only inches above. And then Janet dropped her head, nestling her face into the soft, intimate hollow between the panting love-torn girl's widespread legs.

Instantly, the entrance of Kitty's cunt was swept up in a maze of erotic sensations which rippled through her belly as she felt searing kisses along the heated flesh of her inner thighs, felt the warm puffs of breath, and the wet, burning contact of Janet's tongue. Kitty's breath caught in her throat as Janet traced the inner softness of her cuntal slit again and again, licking in long, sweeping strokes from top to bottom…causing Kitty to reflexively raise her naked loins to each maddening stroke of the magic, up-lifting tongue.

Kitty felt her tiny clitoris quivering erect and knew that it was peering out from its hooded canopy, swelling with the first stab on intensive sensation as her sister's tongue grazed wetly over it. She expelled her breath with a ragged, hissing sound, slowly tossing her head when the lust-driven oral invader eased hotly in between the desire-flushed lips of her cunt, worming upward through the already wildly inflamed crevice toward the straining little bud of her clitoris.

The blonde girl's throat began to hum with unintelligible gurglings.

She held her breath, then exploded it sharply at the electrifying contact of the delightfully exploring female tongue with her tiny erotic nerve center. And then came new delights as she felt Janet's hands creep upward over the tensing muscles of her quivering belly, smoothing higher and higher to fondle and caress the nipple-hardened fullness of Kitty's firm white breasts, while her open mouth became ravenous below. Hot and wet, with flushed lips glued to the hairfringed flesh of her seething pussy, Kitty felt the stabbing wet heat of Janet's lashing tongue laving and whipping her swollen pleasure-bud.

Greedily the older woman began to possess the burning, fluid cunt beneath her, spearing and licking everywhere until it seemed to Kitty that her lust-inflamed vagina had been invaded by an entire legion of squirming, racing tongues. But no, it was just a single tongue racing up the hotly throbbing channel of her clutching cunt, worming into the tiny slit of her passage, returning to press against her aching clitoris with maddening precision, and then driving hard up into her sizzling cuntal channel again…over and over until she was gasping and writhing in mindless delight.

Ripples of lustful enchantment convulsed the naked flesh of the young girl's wildly pistoning body. Knowing hands taunted the heaving mounds of her palpitating breasts and tweaked their bursting nipples, while licking little flames of sensual fire tongued at the hot, fluid sanctuary of her offered cunt. Loud wet sucking sounds filled the woodpaneled bedroom and blended with Kitty's desperate moans as she rapidly drew back her legs, thrusting her loins salaciously upward to bring the wild pleasure-giving tongue tighter into the hungering core of her naked flesh.

Duke, who had followed Kitty into the bedroom, who had been lulled to sleep by the two girls' soft conversation, had been stirred when the two sisters undressed and went to bed. Now he was eagerly aware of their actions, his keen nostrils noting the familiar scent of feminine aroma. His own animal loins began to respond heavily to its savory excitement. His ears twitched at the whimpering sounds coming from the bed, and a whine of want and need escaped his throat. He moved closer to the bed, then hesitated, confused by the strange position of the two women, and knowing that he was not allowed to jump on the bed. And yet, the scent of the women's cuntal fluids was overwhelming, and his animal mind fought with his needs and his training. His super-sensitive ears could pick up the delicious moans of the women, and even though he could not understand what they meant, he found that the sheer sounds were almost as arousing at the smells permeating the room. "Oooooohhhhh …aaaaaaahhhh…Janet…aaaaaaaahhhh, that feels so good, oh darling…" Kitty was wailing in a high pitched voice, reaching down at the same time to clutch at the full, brunette hair of her sister's buried head. "Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh…it's beautiful…!" she gasped, not even hearing her own words, so lost in her lust was she. The times she had made love to other women were nothing like this. Those girls had been nothing but friends, and their act of love-making something that was sort of a game. This was an action of love, a deep expression of the love two sisters shared for each other…a love that could only be expressed in one way. It was total, and the delightful sensations were made even more delightful by the arousing effects of marijuana.

Kitty had wanted to feel as free as she could with her sister, and she pulled all stops, allowing herself to delight as much as she could in her sister's warm, wet cunt licking.

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Donny D05.04.2022, 14:18
Autor is Jon Reskind, Illustrated paperback publishing house, IPB-111