D Abby - Loving step-parents

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D Abby

Loving step-parents


This all happened when to me when I was thirteen years old. I was a rather shy kid who had trouble making friends. One of the problems was that David Hemmer, that's me, did so well in school that the other kids were put off. They were a little afraid of my brain, I guess, and I didn't know how to communicate well enough to get them over it. As a result, I became sort of a recluse, I would hurry home from school each day and do things on my PC to keep busy.

My mother died when I was five and I just barely remembered her. My father was fairly indulgent and when it came to some things would make sure that I had only the very best. I had a good PC with a lot of software and extra hardware. I even had a modem so I could pick things up from bulletin boards and from other PC users too.

The people that I talked to through the modem didn't know my age, and I kept it a secret. That way they didn't treat me like a kid and talk down to me.

One day someone suggested that I down-load some graphics that he had. He told me they were real good graphics and that I would like them. I was shocked to find they were pictures of men and women doing things to each other. I'd never seen anything like that before, and even with no one around they made me blush.

I understood what I was seeing, even if I didn't know what some of the poses meant. I had an erection before I knew what was happening. I had been getting these erections rather frequently lately, and I knew that I could relieve the sexual tension by masturbating.

When my glands started working and my penis started to grow, Dad bought me books on sex and growing up. They said masturbation was natural, not bad or naughty. I had been masturbating since the previous September and my penis had grown from two inches to four and a half inches when it was hard.

I did get to talk with some of the kids at school so I knew that masturbation was called jerking off. When I saw these pictures, I couldn't help myself, I jerked off. It felt good and since I was sure it caused no damage I had no intention of stopping.

A lot of people I communicated with on the PC had pictures like that, and I became an avid collector of them and copied them into a hidden directory.

I spent a good deal of my time calling up those pictures and jerking off while I looked at them. It was one way of combating loneliness. It was fun too. I sometimes worried that I was jerking off too much, but it felt too good for me to stop doing it so often.

The only close friend I had was Ted. He was about a year older than me and was one grade ahead of me at school. He had the same sort of problems in his class as I did in mine. The kids were afraid of him because he knew more than they did.

He was a PC nut too but his PC wasn't nearly as good as mine. I owned a lot more games than he did and his PC had no modem so he usually came to my house and we used my PC when we worked together. One day when we were cleaning up the hard disk on my PC he saw that I had some hidden files. He wanted to know what they were. It embarrassed me and I tried to get out of it but he insisted so I had to show him the graphics.

Ted was impressed. I got a hard on while we were looking at them and I blushed. The front of Ted's pants were pushed out too. I wondered what his prick looked like when it was hard. It appeared his prick was bigger than mine, it pushed his pants farther out than mine did. I noticed that Ted was looking the crotch of my pants too and I blushed again.

Ted and I had never discussed sex except to comment on what we would like to do to some girl we saw. Neither of us was serious about it and both of us knew we were fantasizing. I didn't know how to handle this situation. Ted went through several more of the graphics. Each time he brought a new one up he would look at me, look back at the graphic, then rub his prick through his pants.

Ted unzipped his pants then pulled down his pants and underpants and started running his hand up and down his prick. I blushed again. I'd never watched anyone jerk off before. He looked at me and I knew that he could see that I my prick was hard. I tried to look away but I was fascinated by what he was doing. His prick was just a little longer than mine but thinner. He did have a lot more hair than I did.

"Don't you jerk off when you look at these? Gee, my balls would ache if I didn't."

Ted would know I was lying if I said I didn't so I blushed again. I'd listened to the boys talk at school but never joined in the conversation. A lot of what they said was stupid and I was sure that most of what they claimed they did wasn't true. This was the first time I'd ever talked to anybody except my father about sex.

I managed to answer Ted. "Yeh, I guess I do."

"Well, how can you look at those graphics and not jerk off now?"

"I never did that when anyone was watching."

"I never did it when anyone was watching either, but I'm not going to sit here and let my balls ache. Why don't you jerk off at the same time I'm doing it."

He was right about one thing, my balls were beginning to ache. Watching him jerk off was as exciting me as much as graphics were. It really got me horny watching him play with his prick.

Finally I couldn't take it any longer. What Ted said made sense. I pulled the zipper on my pants down, pulled out my prick, spit on my hand, and pumped it up and down my prick. Ted watched for a moment then turned back to the graphics. I kept watching him. I had seen the graphics before and watching him jerk off was more exciting. The graphic he was looking at showed a woman kneeling in front of a man and she had his prick in her mouth. Ted whistled and looked at me.

"Gee, I wonder what that would feel like. I'd like to have someone do that to me."

"I don't think nice people do things like that, but it doesn't matter, I'd like to have someone do it to me too."

Both of us pumped as fast as we could. Ted was pumping his prick through his fist and seemed ready to come. I was ready. Spurt, spurt, spurt; Ted's cum arched through the air; dribble, dribble, dribble; some more cum leaked out over his fingers. Spurt, spurt, spurt, dribble, dribble, dribble; my own cum jetted out then oozed over my hand. I found jerking off while you watched someone else jerk off felt better than jerking off by yourself.

After that Ted would come to my house once a week and we jerked off looking at the graphics together. I wondered what it would feel like if he jerk me off. I also speculated on how Ted's prick would feel. We talked about jerking each other off but decided that we weren't gay so we shouldn't do that kind of thing.

My father, Morris, was dating a divorcee and he brought her home to introduced her to me. Dad had dated since I could remember but this was the first time he brought a woman home to meet me.

The next day he told me that he and Janet were talking about getting married. I didn't particularly like the idea, it would be a major dislocation in my life. I thought Janet was a nice lady and I liked her but I didn't want any competition for my father's attention. We were very close and I liked things as they were.

Janet Levitt was a nice looking woman in her middle thirties, the same age as my father. I could see why Dad was interested in her. I was interested myself, when I thought about her it would give me a hard on and I would try to imagine what she and Dad did together. I jerked off thinking about it but I knew that was as far as it would go, I would never have a chance to do anything with her.

She had a daughter, Clair, who was three months older than me. After Dad and Janet got serious I met her; once when we went to the beach, and once when they came to visit. She was pretty, with long blond hair that she wore in a braid. Her bright blue eyes sparkled. Her breasts were developing and her hips filling out. She was the prettiest girl that I had ever seen. She started to take her mother's place when I jerked off.

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