Sam Stone - Turned on wife

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Sam Stone

Turned on wife


The bad dream ended with a loud whimper.

Kitten Hunter sat up in the badly rumpled bed as though jerked into position by an invisible string, and the soft baby pink blanket dropped to her lap, revealing her naked tits drenched with perspiration, their coral nipples hard and throbbing.

The diminutive midnight-haired girl knew instinctively that her own voice had awakened her, and momentarily her dainty hand groped timidly through the darkness that filled the again mouse quiet bedroom to see if it had done the same thing to her husband. Kitten's heart skipped a beat as her red-tipped fingers touched a cold sheet.

The place at her side was empty.

Kitten Hunter took a deep breath that rocked her full and pointed tits. A frown wrinkled her brow for a moment, and then she remembered why she no longer had a husband to share this bed with her: her sexual coldness had driven Dan away from her.


The memory of her first fuck-session with Dan brought a touch of bitterness to Kitten's lips. He had reached Starfish Island yesterday, late in the afternoon. He was still in uniform, but not for long. A drink, a few words about his year in Viet Nam, and then he had picked her up in his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

"Dan, wait!" she had protested as he lowered her to the bed and proceeded to attack the buttons on her blouse, tearing one off in his impatience to bare and feast his eyes on her naked tities. "Dan, wait! The window drapes are open!"

Dan's fingers kept clawing at her blouse buttons as he rasped, "Fuck the drapes, Katherine. Leaving a virgin bride behind after a few short days of marriage is one thing, but letting her stay in that condition after playing it by hand for a year is something else." He leered at her. "If anyone cares to shoot beaver with a telescope while I pluck your cherry, let them."

Kitten had been shocked by his words. And then angry. She pushed his horny hands away from her boobs and sat up. Dan had laughed and pinned her to the mattress once more. His fingers renewed their attack on her blouse buttons, and a moment later she felt his lips burning through the nylon cup that covered her left jug. Her cunt remained cold and dry, but she made no move to push his greedy mouth away from her now blossoming nipple.

She had wanted it to be a beautiful reunion, but Dan had spoiled it. There was no patience left in him. Only hunger. Woman-hunger. Cunt-hunger. Blind. Demanding. Never mind how she felt. She was his for the taking, and take her he did.

He stopped kissing her bra-covered tits and helped her all the way out of the blouse. She sat up to keep him from tearing the damn thing from her body, then dropped to her back again and watched him over the dancing peaks of her brassiered jugs.

Dan had put his back to her while undressing. She watched his smooth haunches pop into view, then stretch as he knifed forward to kick out of his pants. He straightened with a loud sigh, turned and showed her his petrified prick.

She remembered gasping at the enormity of it – and feeling a bit frightened at the thought of having that big cock tucked between the lips of her cunt. His knob. God, it was as huge as a Grade-A large egg!

Dan fisted his dick and shook it at her, and said, "Take a good look at my cherry-picker. Meat, Katherine. And it's all yours."

Her eyes had moved away from his big cock and she told herself: God, I don't think I can take that big prick of his inside my pussy.

Finished undressing, the bed creaked in protest as Dan sat down beside her. Sweat soaked his face. He licked his lips. He didn't speak.

She had lain in the maddening silence and shivered as his big hands found and manipulated her tits, then moved caressingly all over her body.

"Sweet mother of all hookers," Dan had croaked, "talk about table stuff! Damn, I'm almost tempted to drop my face between your legs and eat your tight little twat."

She had continued to tremble under his working hands. But not from desire.

"I am…"

He silenced her with a glance, then dipped his head. His hungry lips found the bra-covered area of her sleeping nipples and awakened them. A shiver sliced through her system. A moment later she felt the beginning of nausea. She squirmed and murmured, "Dan, please. Don't."

Dan was beyond hearing. Passion deafened him. His cock throbbed, ached with desire. He wanted to fuck her… and he intended to.

She was down to her bra and panties. Her shoes had been lost en route to the bedroom. Her bra went next. Dan had reached under her back, between her shoulder blades, and unfastened the scrap of cloth. Tits spilled into nakedness; her coral nipples stiffened all the way. Dan tossed the bra aside and she had turned her head on the pillow to watch it flutter to the terrazzo floor like a bird with a broken wing.

Her misty white panties were all that had kept Dan from seeing her cunt, and now he did something about it. He was breathing hard and his big hands trembled as they slid downward over her enticing young flesh.

She hadn't moved.

"Stop acting like a damn log, Katherine. Lift that dimpled ass of yours and help me."

She had responded automatically. Like a whore.

"No, Katherine. Higher." Like a whore.

"Higher, Katherine. Lift your ass higher."

She had no desire to obey, but she did. His fingers had found and hooked into the elastic waistband of her panties. She came up on her elbows and elevated her butt. She watched as he slowly tugged the bikini briefs down past her slender hips, and all the way free.

Now she was naked.

She continued to feel like a cheap whore.

Why not as a wife?

Dan had shifted his position on the rumpled bed. His stiff fuck-stick touched and scorched her hip. She felt his pre-cum oozing out of it, and became embarrassed. She wanted to protest but the words remained frozen in her throat, and then it was too late.

"Thaw out, Katherine," Dan had growled. "Goddamn it, melt a little so I can enjoy fucking you."

"I'm trying."

"Maybe I can turn you on. Maybe this'll build a fire in your pussy."

Dan's face had dipped towards her bouncing boobs. His damp tongue darted out from between his lips and did battle with her coral nipples.

Her hips twitched, and tits trembled in rhythm to her ragged breathing, but passion remained aloof. It didn't make sense. She should have wanted him to fuck her. She didn't. She knew why. His big cock terrified her.

Exploring hands caressed her tanned thighs and she reluctantly parted them.

"That's more like it, Katherine. Now ask me to fuck you."

She remained mute.

A hint of anger edged her husband's voice. "Ask me to fuck you, Katherine!"

She had tried to surrender. She flicked a finger against his pulsating prick and said with forced passion, "Fuck me." Her voice sounded strangled. She tried again. She rocked her hips and shrilled, "Do it, darling. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!"


"Yes, yes, fuck me hard!"

Tongue and lips teased and tickled her singing nipples as his weight pressed her deeper into the mattress. He paused. Then grinned at her and said, "Take my cock and put it where it belongs – inside your tight cunt."

She hesitated.

His eyes frosted; his voice flattened. "Do it, Katherine! Now, damn it, now!"

Her hand found and guided his dripping dick towards the pouting lips of her pussy. She nuzzled the wet knob against her jutting cunt for the space of a few heartbeats. Then she moved the tip of his tool to her virgin cunt-mouth and whispered fearfully, "Don't hurt me, Dan."

"I won't."

A gasp ripped past her teeth as he forced the egg-sized tip of his cock between the tense lips of her pussy. She begged him to stop. A waste of breath. She yelped again as he rammed his prick into her cunt-hole with one savage thrust.

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